1-27-14city of goldveni!,�-l Y GOLDEN VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AND OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION Joint Meeting Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road Council Conference Room, Monday, January 27, 2014 7:00 PM JOINT MEETING Approval of Joint Meeting Minutes - November 25, 2013 2. Natural Resource Management Plan 3. Adjourn to individual commission meetings OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call Roger Bergman John Cornelius Kelly Kuebelbeck Bob Mattison, Chair Gillian Rosenquist Anne Saffert Jerry Sandler Dawn Speltz Dan Steinberg 3. Approval of Minutes - November 25, 2013 4. Map of Youth Locations and Ages in Golden Valley 5. Lions Park Play Structure Proposals and Neighborhood Meeting 6. Meeting with SEA School/Wildwood Park Process and Schedule 7. New Summer Playground Hours for 2014 8. Updates a) Chair b) Commissioners c) Staff 9. Adjournment Items for Future Agendas - Actual storm damage cost to city - Specific Park and Recreation survey results - Dan Friedman, Three Rivers Park Board Member update - Invasive species presentation - Update on Hennepin County trails and MOCA - Youth Athletic Association's annual updates - 2014/2015 outdoor ice rinks - Park resources for residents in area north of 394 and west of 100, including residents of new developments in the area Joint Meeting of the Golden Valley Environmental Commission, and Open Space and Recreation Commission November 25, 2013 A joint meeting of the Environmental Commission and Open Space and Recreation Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, November 25, 2013. Chair Jim Stremel called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Those present were, Environmental Commissioners Anderson, Galonska, Gitelis, Hill, Stremel and Yahle; Open Space and Recreation Commissioners Bergman, Mattison, Rosenquist, Saffert, Sandler, Speltz and Steinberg; City Council Member Clausen,. Also present was Director of Parks & Recreation Rick Birno, Director of Public Works Jeannine Clancy, Public Works Specialist Eric Eckman, Park Maintenance Supervisor Al Lundstrom, Administrative Assistant Lisa Nesbitt, Administrative Assistant Sheila Van Sloan, and Deric Deuschle from Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) and Andrea Weber from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 1. Approval of Joint Meeting Minutes — October 28, 2013 MOVED by Hill, seconded by Sandier. Gitelis requested that a sentence be added to #2 that indicates the coordination of other projects along Golden Valley Road. The motion pass to approve the minutes as amended. 2. Wirth Park Presentation Andrea Weber, with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, gave a presentation on the Wirth Park Master Plan and other projects in the park. A full version of the master plan will be open for public comment prior to adoption. A full copy of her presentation is on -file. 3. Natural Resource Management Plan Deuschle gave the commissioners a map showing the changes in invasive species (copy on - file). Discussions continued on the framework for the Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP). Commissioners were given a memo from Deuschle (on -file) illustrating a typical plan layout. The plan will be a chapter in the City's Comprehensive Plan therefore the physical layout will be consistent with the Comp. Plan. Discussions regarding additional plan components (page 2 of the memo) included changing #8 from Natural Disasters (e.g. large weather events) and making sure that incorporating the City's participation in the Mayor's Climate Protection Plan. Plans and/or studies that are already in place (e.g. Surface Water Management Plan, TMDL) will be mentioned as a reference but not duplicated in the NRMP. Clancy encouraged the commissioners to look at the Surface Water Management Plan which is on the city website. Any questions regarding that plan should go to Eckman. 4. Adjourn MOVED by Steinberg, seconded by Bergman, and the motion carried to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. Lisa Nesbitt Administrative Assistant city of go ldval, Y Public Works Department 763-S93-8030 / 763-S93-3988 (fax) . . a.I"r, §w ,, :,��"..;"3iv,. . N!h'°� �Vn s: Date: January 17, 2014 To: Golden Valley Environmental Commission From: Eric Eckman, Public Works Specialist Subject: Natural Resource Management Plan ' #� �-"` s a tri..-� arm_ �ry v13 "_..�-a ui ',., <i W',�.,iM1 At the November 25, 2013 Joint Commission meeting, Deric Deuschle of SEH discussed the elements of a typical natural resource management plan. The typical plan includes basic topics such as background information, goals, and prioritization. A more comprehensive plan may include additional topics and details that the community feels is important. The commissioners seemed to favor including all the elements discussed at the November 25 meeting. Following is the outline of the plan presented at the meeting, including the minor modifications to #8 and #9 as mentioned in the meeting: Minimum topics 1. Executive summary a. Brief overview of plan and priorities 2. Introduction a. History of plan b. Plan purpose and approach c. Visions and goals 3. Inventory Results a. Process, results, summarize findings b. Expect to reference 2003 Inventory, and update as needed. 4. Natural Resource Strategies a. Priorities. Focus on primary, secondary, and other considerations. BIG topics I. Corridors, green spaces, water resources, invasive species, wildlife management, preservation/restoration, private/public properties, land acquisition b. Recommendations L Big picture management strategies, geographic focus vs widespread action, open space management, woodland management. c. Individual Recommendations—Actions to betaken on priorities. I. Specific properties, specific topics, invasive species control techniques. 1. This can be highly detailed, or generic. G:\Environmental Commission\Memos\EC_memo_NatResMgmt 12714.docx Additional topics 5. Monitoring and success criteria a. What is success? Establish timeline and practicable means to measure. Percent cover of invasive species, number and diversity of trees, acres of restored woods, number of wildlife encounters, etc. b. Provide adaptive management strategies to allow seamless changes 6. Education a. Identify community benefits b. Extent of community involvement —websites, print media, workshops, cost sharing, wildlife management, urban forestry, dedicated staff 7. Implementation Plan and Funding a. Identify partnerships b. Grant opportunities c. Capital Improvement Pian L Set realistic expectations ii. Timelines 8. Discussion of Climate Change (Refer to City's participation in Mayor's Climate Protection Plan) a. Role of City in addressing climate change, and flexibility within plan should change occur. 9. Review of Existing City Plans/Ordinances (Reference City's Surface Water Management Plan and TMD% Implementation Plans) a. Consolidate plans, include by reference, summarize, etc b. Zoning requirements c. Storm water requirements d. Redevelopment 10. Public Hearings/Open House a. Comments and Input 11. GIS Database a. How will data be gathered and managed. Who is responsible? 12. Plan Updates a. What the frequency that the plan will require revisions? The objective of the joint meeting January 27, 2013 will be to further define the desired content, and provide examples of how the ideas generated in October can be placed into the plan. Following the January 27 meeting, a more detailed plan outline will be completed and sent to commissioners for review and comment. The detailed plan outline will become the framework for the natural resource management plan and will assist In developing a request for proposals. G:\Environmental Commission\Memos\EC_memo NatResMgmt 12714.docx GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes November 25, 2013 1. Call to Order Mattison called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. 2. Roll Call Present: Roger Bergman, John Cornelius, Bob Mattison, Gillian Rosenquist, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler, Dawn Speltz, Dan Steinberg, Joanie Clausen, Council Member; Rick Birno, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant. Absent: Kelly Kuebelbeck. 3. Approval of Minutes — October 28, 2013 Rosenquist made a correction under Election of New Vice -Chair: Motion made and seconded to elect Rosenquist as Vice -Chair. MOTION: Moved by Rosenquist and seconded by Sandler to approve the amended October 28 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Bottineau Plannina Advisory Committee Update Rosenquist gave an update on the committee, which recently walked the railroad corridor from Sochacki Park in Robbinsdale to the Wirth Park Chalet to get a feel for the proposed possible trail route. Rosenquist shared committee discussion about the proposed route. Rosenquist reiterated the importance of resident engagement to keep people informed on the entire project and planning process. 5. Lawn Bowlina Green at Brookview Golf Course Proposal Birno said he presented the plan to the City Council and the project was approved to move forward. He said the parking lot at Brookview is currently being removed. He said all the current work is being done in house. Birno said he will meet with Cheryl Weiler next week to come up with a marketing plan. 6. Play Structure Desian/Acte Levels Birno said he will be putting together RFP's (Request for Proposal) in December for new play structures at Gearty, Glenview Terrace, Lions and Wildwood parks. Birno said he did a park inventory of play structures in Golden Valley. He noticed each parks play areas have separate structures for ages 2-5 and 5-12. Birno asked for feedback on the option of eliminating the 2-5 structures at some park locations to allow for a more dynamic 5-12 structure. He said if both age level structures are desired, and with the funds available, it will minimize the features possible for each structure. Minutes of the Open Space and Recreation Commission November 25, 2013 Page 2 Cornelius said he doesn't want to see the 2-5 level structures completely eliminated in our parks. Birno highly agreed. Sandler expressed concern about resident needs not being met within their own city, therefore causing them to travel to surrounding communities for a park that fits their needs. Birno said it is possible to request specific structure features and characteristics in the RFP's that are submitted. Cornelius said it's a good time to take an inventory to accommodate the demand. After discussion, the OSRC said they would prefer both age level structures at Lions, Wildwood and Glenview Terrace Parks, and a 2-12 level structure with low level play options at Gearty Park. Birno said neighborhood meetings will be held in early 2014 to present the submitted plans and have residents submit their vote for a structure. 7. Outdoor Skatina Rink Consolidation Winter Research Birno said the Park and Recreation Department will be looking closely at rink attendance numbers for the 2013-2014 skating season. He wants to collect the data and have a discussion with the commission about keeping all the locations open. Birno said there are currently seven staffed skating rinks in Golden Valley. Sandler expressed concern about closing rinks. He said people come from other communities just for our rinks. He feels our rinks separate us from other communities. He suggested looking at the Park Master Plan goals when discussing this type of decision. Some brief discussion took place regarding warming house hours. 8. Next Meeting The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Environmental Commission at City Hall on Monday, December 16 at 7:00 PM. 9. Adjournment MOTION: MOVED by Sandler and seconded by Steinberg to adjourn at 9:45 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Bob Mattison, Chair ATTEST: Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant