Invasive Species Memo_Brochurecity of
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Date: February 24, 2014
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Public Works Department
763-593-8030 / 763-593-3988 (fax)
To: Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission
From: Al Lundstrom, Park Maintenance Supervisor and City Forester
Subject: Golden Valley's Invasive Specie Concerns
Please find attached a guide to Minnesota's most common forest invasive species. However, staff
has developed a list below of the invasive species concerns in Golden Valley:
Insects effecting plants
1. Emerald Ash Borer
2. Dutch Elm Disease
3. Oak Wilt
4. Japanese Beetle
5. Gypsy Moth
1. Reed canary grass
2. Garlic mustard
3. Leafy spurge
4. Spotted knapweed
5. Purple loosestrife
6. Canada thistle
Aquatic Species (Not found in Golden Valley to date)
1. Eurasian water milfoil
2. Zebra muscles
Urban Wildlife (Concerns)
1. Deer
2. Turkey
3. Coyote
Shrubs (Woody plants)
1. European buckthorn
2. Honeysuckle
C:\Users\eeckman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\1QU58CL6\Open Space Memo.dou
minnesota s forest
A Guide to Invasive Species
The Minnesota Sustainable Forestry Initiative° (SFI) Implementation Committee
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Responsible Forest Management
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative®
(SFI) program is based on the premise
that responsible environmental
behavior and sound business decisions
can co -exist.
SFI program participants practice
responsible forestry on all the lands
they manage. They also influence
millions of additional acres through the
training of loggers and foresters in best
management practices and landowner
outreach programs.
This unique commitment to
responsible forestry recognizes that all
forest landowners, not just SFI program
participants, playa critical role in
ensuring the long-term health and
sustainability of our forests.
Look For Our Logo
The SFI Standard requires participants
to employ an auditable system to
characterize the forest practices on
the lands where they procure raw
material. This is done by auditing
the on -the -ground practices for a
portion of the wood that is supplied
to their processing facilities. The
program emphasizes reforestation,
the utilization of best management
practices and enhancing the
professional capacity of wood
production operations.
The SFI labeling program also
recognizes landowners certified under
the American Tree Farm System® and
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
programs, who supply raw materials
to SFI program participants as a source
equivalent to forests certified under
the SFI program for fiber sourcing
labels. In addition to the procurement
system, the SFI Standard requires
participants to support various training
and education programs, all of which
is designed to assist landowners in
improving their capacity to practice
responsible forestry on all types of
forest lands,
Invaders In our
Plants and animals that are not native to
an ecosystem and are likely to cause eco-
nomic or environmental harm are con-
sidered invasive species. These invaders
are significant threats to healthy forests
in Minnesota and throughout the nation.
Prevention, as well as early detection
and rapid response, are the first line of
defense against new introductions. Once
an invasive species becomes established,
controlling it and restoring native vegeta-
tion is often a slow and costly process.
Invasive species arrive in Minnesota for-
ests by various means—hitch-hiking on
vehicles and equipment, stowed away in
firewood and wood packing material, or
creeping, crawling, and blowing with the
wind. Once established in the forest, the
invaders crowd out and prey upon native
species, altering habitat and disrupting
natural ecosystems.
Some invasive species destroy desir-
able trees and forest vegetation. Since
its discovery in Michigan in 2002, the
emerald ash borer has killed over 20 mil-
lion trees in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio.
Although not yet found in Minnesota,
forestry officials say this Asian pest poses
a serious threat to the state's ash trees.
Other invaders, such as buckthorn, are
established in Minnesota forests and are
difficult to control and eradicate.
As a private forest landowner, you can
help prevent the spread of invasive spe-
cies. Use this guide to identify invasive
plants growing on your property and take
immediate steps to control and manage
them. Early detection of invasive insects
and plants is key to effective control. If
you suspect these or other invasive spe-
cies are present on your land, contact the
Minnesota Department of Agriculture, a
local state forestry office or your county
extension agent. They can identify the
pest and recommend control measures.
You may also refer to the websites listed
on the back page of this publication.
Vigilance and a rapid response to the
discovery of invasive species are the best
ways to protect your forest investment.
The goal of the Sustainable Forestry
Initiative (SFI) is to ensure future genera-
tions enjoy the same opportunities pro-
vided by the abundant forests we enjoy
today. Meeting the challenges of invasive
species prevention, control, and manage-
ment are necessary to achieve that goal.
This manual gives you an overview of
some invasive species threatening Min-
nesota forests and introduces responsible
forest practices you can use to manage
invasive species on your land. A healthy,
sustainable forest provides the greatest
benefits and opportunities to you, the
Originating in Asia, the Amur maples
was first introduced to the U.S. in the
mid 1800s. Planted as an ornamental,
it is common in suburban landscapes.
Seeds from Amur maples may take
hold as invasives, spreading into areas
where it displaces trees and shrubs
in the forest understory or becomes
established in open savannas.
average height of 20 feet, the Amur
maple is a deciduous tree that grows
best in full sun with well -drained soil,
but can tolerate shade and poor soils.
The four -inch leaves have three lobes
(maple -shaped), with deeply toothed
edges. The bark and twigs are smooth
and light-colored. Clusters of fragrant
white flowers appear in May and June,
followed by two -winged fruit (seeds)
that ripen in late summer. The prolific
seeds can scatter widely when they drop from the tree
becomes bright red in the fall.
. The foliage
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Once established, Amur maple is not easily
removed. The tree resprouts from stumps and may survive a pre-
scribed burn. The best removal method is to pull up the root system.
You can apply herbicides to cut stumps or the bark at the base of the
Garlic mustard is a European plant that
spreads from gardens to the woods,
where it may quickly take over the
forest floor. Overwhelming native plant
- species, garlic mustard alters habitat
for insects utilized as food by birds and
small mammals. The tiny seeds are eas-
ily spread by birds or through human
vectors such as logging equipment or
recreational vehicles. Garlic mustard is
classified as a prohibited noxious weed
in Minnesota.
IDENTIFICATION Thriving in areas of
forest disturbance, garlic mustard pre-
fers moist, shaded deciduous woods or
floodplain forests. It is a biennial plant
that blooms with white, four -petal
flowers in May of its second year. In
the first year, dark green, leaves form
rosettes. In the second year, the leaves
are on alternate stems. When crushed,
stems and leaves smell like garlic.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you find just a few garlic mustard plants,
you can pull them up, remove them from the site, and dispose of
them. A larger patch may be treated with prescribed burning. Spring
or fall herbicide treatments can be used, too. The seeds remain viable
for several years, so your boots and mechanical equipment must be
— washed thoroughly after being used where garlic mustard is found.
Two species of buckthorn were intro-
duced to Minnesota by the nursery
trade. Once popular for hedges and as
ornamentals, common (European) and
glossy (alder) buckthorn invade forests
and wetlands, out compete native
plants, and degrade wildlife habitat.
The buckthorns are listed as noxious
plants and are illegal to import, sell, or
transport in Minnesota.
buckthorn is a tall shrub, often with
multiple stems at the base. Dark,
glossy leaves are egg-shaped with
fine-toothed edges and pointed tips.
The leaves stay green late into the fall.
Clusters of black, berrylike fruit ripen
in August and September. The twigs
have stout thorns.
Glossy buckthorn also is a tall under -
story shrub. Dark, glossy leaves are
oval-shaped with smooth edges. Berry -like fruit clusters ripen from
red -brown to dark purple in the fall.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Remove buckthorn by cutting stems at ground
level or pulling them up. Cut stems must be treated with an herbicide
or covered with black plastic to prevent resprouting. Removing estab-
lished buckthorn requires ongoing treatments to destroy new sprouts.
Three species of exotic honeysuckle,
Tartarian, Morrow's and Bell's, are
considered invasives in Minnesota.
Honeysuckles are popular ornamental
shrubs readily available from nurser-
ies. Birds feed upon honeysuckle
berries and may transfer the shrub
into the wild. Honeysuckles may
become established in disturbed areas,
abandoned fields, open woodlands, or
other forest habitat, preferring drier
shrubs are five to 15 feet high. They
have multiple stems and may form
dense thickets. Older stems have
shaggy bark and a pithy interior.
The simple leaves may be smooth or
downy, depending upon the species.
The shrubs are easily identified during
the summer by their distinctive paired
berries, which are red or yellow in color. Small, paired flowers bloom
in May or June and are usually pink, but may be white or red.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Honeysuckle can be pulled up, but pulling
will expose the seedbed so it may resprout. Prescribed burning will
kill seedlings and the living tops of mature plants, but repeated burns
are necessary. You can apply herbicide to the foliage in the spring or
treat cut stumps.
Native to Europe and Asia, leafy spurge
is distributed across the northern U.S.,
especially in grasslands and savannas.
This perennial plant has a deep and
extensive root system and may quickly
displace native vegetation. Leafy
spurge is often found in disturbed
sites such as roadsides, though it may
invade grasslands and forest openings.
It prospers in dry soils, where it has
less competition from native plants,
but will grow in a range of soil and
shade conditions. It is classified as a
prohibited noxious weed in Minnesota.
IDENTIFICATION Leafy spurge is a
perennial with smooth stems branch-
ing from a deep root. The stems,
leaves, and flowers ooze milky white
sap when broken. The plant is two to
three feet in height and has clusters of
yellow flowers that bloom from May to
September. The seeds are expelled from a seed capsule and may travel
up to 15 feet. They remain viable for years.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? It takes aggressive, repeated treatments to
remove leafy spurge. The most effective control methods are herbicide
applications and biological control using root mining flea beetles.
Prescribed burns can be useful when done in conjunction with herbi-
cides or biological controls.
In summer, colorful purple loosestrife
is easily detected when it is growing in
wetlands and ditches. Unfortunately,
this Eurasian native forms dense
stands that have little or no value as
wildlife habitat. The plant is wide-
spread in Minnesota. Infestations are
monitored and controlled through an
ongoing state management program.
IDENTIFICATION Purple loosestrife
has a wand of pink -purple flowers with
yellow centers. You'll find it growing in
marshes or along the water's edge. Op-
posing leaves are downy with smooth
edges. The stalks may reach heights of
six feet. Stands of purple loosestrife
form dense root mats in the soil. The
plants begin producing seeds in late
July or August.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? If you have a
small infestation of purple loosestrife,
you can pull up the plants by hand, preferably before the seeds ripen
Report infestations to the nearest DNR office or the county exten-
sion agent. They may provide you with control assistance. For large
infestations, insects that eat purple loosestrife have proven effective.
Although the insects don't eliminate purple loosestrife, they greatly
reduce its abundance. Herbicide treatments must be repeated,
because new plants sprout from remaining seeds.
A native of Asia, multiflora rose is well
established in the eastern U.S. and is
beginning to spread into Minnesota.
Once planted as an ornamental shrub
or for wildlife cover, multiflora rose
became a prolific and tenacious inva-
sive that overwhelms other vegetation,
especially in hilly terrain. If multi-
flora rose takes hold in Minnesota, it
may damage pastures, prevent tree
regeneration at forest harvest sites, or
impede recreational activities.
IDENTIFICATION Multiflora rose
forms dense thickets comprised of
prickly stems that may reach heights
of 15 feet. It commonly grows in
disturbed or edge areas, such as
roadsides, forest edges, and stream
banks. Clusters of fragrant, white flow-
ers bloom in May and June. The stems
are covered with curved and flattened
thorns. You can distinguish multiflora rose from other wild roses,
because it has a feather -like fringed bract at the base of each leaf.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Once established, multiflora rose is difficult
to eradicate. Repeated cutting or mowing will slowly set it back, but
it may take two to four years. Herbicide treatments kill the plants,
but must be repeated over a period of years as seedlings continue to
Japanese knotweed is an ornamental
plant also used for erosion control. In
the wild, Japanese knotweed may colo-
nize and take over stream banks and
lake shores, choking out native vegeta-
tion. It primarily spreads through its
root system forming new plants or by
seeds. The plant is capable of tolerat-
ing a range of growing conditions.
thickets, this shrub -like plant may grow
10 feet high. Large, oval leaves are six
inches long and three to four inches
wide. Greenish -white flowers bloom in
late summer. Stems are reddish -brown,
hollow, and swollen where the leaf
meets the stem. Tiny seeds are triangu-
lar shaped. In the soil, the plant sends
out horizontal stems called rhizomes,
which form roots and produce new
WHAT CAN YOU DO? You can dig up or pull out small patches of
Japanese knotweed. Use appropriate herbicides if the infestation is
along the bank of a lake or stream. You can apply herbicide to cut stems
or spray the foliage of large stands.
Common in Minnesota wetlands and
low lying areas, reed canary grass
forms a mat of vegetation that elimi-
nates other plants and has minimal
wildlife value. It has been widely
planted for forage and erosion control.
Reed canary grass may become estab-
lished following wetland disturbances
such as ditching, stream channeling or
IDENTIFICATION Reed canary grass
is among the first to green up in the
spring. Growing two to six feet high
on erect, hairless stems, reed canary
grass has long, tapering leaves up to H
inches in length and up to a half-inch
in width. Blooming in May and June,
the densely clustered florets go from
green to purple and become beige as
summer progresses. Horizontal stems,
called rhizomes, grow beneath the soil
and sprout to form new plants.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Reed canary grass is difficult to control.
Prescribed burns may give native species a better advantage. Mowing
in mid June and October reduces seed production. In some situations,
reed canary grass can be plowed up and reseeded with favorable spe-
cies. Herbicide applications are most effective in the fall.
This Eurasian immigrant is thought to
have invaded North America via contami-
nated alfalfa in the 1890s. It is a serious
problem for rangeland in western states
and is spreading in Minnesota. The seeds
may hitch a ride in loads of hay or in the
undercarriage of vehicles or mechanical
equipment. It prefers dry sandy soils and
may take hold in disturbed or undisturbed
areas. Spotted knapweed is phytotoxic,
which means it is poisonous to neighbor-
ing plants. In Minnesota, it is classified as
a secondary noxious weed.
IDENTIFICATION Look for thistle -like
pink to purple flowers at the tips of wiry
stems two to three feet in height. Blooms
appear from July through September. The
plant is a biennial or short-lived perennial
that reproduces with brown seeds topped
with a tuft of bristles.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Be sure to wear long sleeves and gloves
when working with spotted knapweed, because it is a skin irritant for
some people. You may pull up individual plants or mow them often
to prevent seed production. Very hot, prescribed burns are necessary
to kill spotted knapweed. Early summer herbicide treatment may
be effective. Biological controls are used in Minnesota with some
Commonly used in hedges and as
an ornamental, the Siberian pea
shrub may become established along
woodland edges, in savannahs, or in
disturbed areas. This native of Siberia
and Manchuria out competes native
shrubs and stubbornly resists removal.
It is sold in nurseries for landscaping,
as well as for shelterbelts and wildlife
IDENTIFICATION The bean -like seed
pods, up to 2 inches long, are a distinc-
tive identifying trait. Compound leaves
contain eight to 12 pairs of elliptic leaf-
lets. Yellow flowers bloom in May and
June. The plant has narrow branches
with gray bark or yellowish green bark
on new shoots. Siberian pea shrub may
grow to about 20 feet in height.
prescribed burns will set back Siberian
pea shrub, though it may continue to resprout. You may pull up
individual shrubs. Treat cut stumps or spray around the stem with
Common tansy was once cultivated for
medicinal purposes and is still planted by
gardeners. In the wild, it primarily grows
along roadsides or in similar disturbed
areas where it crowds out other vegeta-
tion. Widely established across northern
Minnesota, common tansy is classified as
a secondary noxious weed in the state.
Most grazing animals avoid common
IDENTIFICATION Common tansy is
a perennial typically growing in dense
patches. From July through September,
you can identify common tansy by the
clusters of bright yellow, button -like flow-
ers topping stiff, three foot high stalks.
Compound leaves projecting from the
stalk are fern -like in appearance. When
crushed, the leaves are strongly aromatic.
After the foliage dies back for the season, stiff, brittle stalks remain.
Numerous, tufted seeds are dispersed from the flower heads by wind
and water. The plant also spreads from the roots and may grow from
small root pieces
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Common tansy can be spot -sprayed with
herbicide. Repeated treatments may be needed to eliminate infesta-
tions. You can pull up individual plants, but they may resprout from
remaining roots.
Several non native thistles are found in
Minnesota, including Canada, musk,
bull, sow, and plumeless. They may be
difficult to tell apart unless they are
in bloom. Thistles generally become
established in disturbed areas. Prickly
leaves and stems make them unsuit-
able for grazing and uncomfortable
for human contact. Some thistles are
classified as prohibited noxious weeds
in Minnesota.
IDENTIFICATION Thistles are easy to
identify. A rosette -shaped plant with a
deep tap root forms, then tall, flower-
ing stems grow two to five feet. Small,
purplish flowers bloom throughout
the summer, creating clusters of tufted
seeds distributed by winds and birds.
Thistle seeds remain viable for many
years. The plants can spread from
shoots on the root system.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Thistles are persistent and difficult to remove.
You can try to pull them up, but they will resprout from pieces of roots
remaining in the ground. Spring prescribed burning will set thistles
back, but may trigger the plants to produce more seeds. You can fol-
low up with spot -spraying with herbicides, preferably during the bud
stage . Thistle -eating weevils are available, but have been known to eat
native thistles, too.
The Asian longhorned beetle hasn't
been found in Minnesota, but has
infested trees in New York City and
Chicago. The beetle, native to China
and Korea, was transported to the
U.S. in wood shipping crates. Aggres-
sively attacking living trees, the beetle
prefers maples but may infest other
deciduous trees. Federal regulations
requiring solid wood packing material
from China to be treated to kill insects
hopefully will prevent more introduc-
tions of this pest.
longhorned beetles are 3/4 to 1'/4 inch
in length. The adults are black with
white markings and have long anten-
nae. They chew holes into tree bark,
especially maples, to lay eggs. Look
for round and oval holes 3/8 inch in
diameter. You may find coarse sawdust
around infested trees.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Early detection of this pest is essential to the
eradication of a beetle infestation. Trees attacked by the beetle must
be removed. Any discovery of Asian longhorned beetle should be im-
mediately reported to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture,
a local state forestry office or your county extension agent.
Primarily found in southeastern
Minnesota, wild parsnip becomes
established in disturbed prairies and
oak openings. A native of Europe and
Asia, this is the same parsnip garden-
ers plant as a root crop. The sap from
wild parsnip may cause skin rashes,
irritation, and blistering.
IDENTIFICATION A perennial, wild
parsnip may spend more than one year
in the rosette stage. Blooming under
favorable conditions from June to late
summer, the plants produce flowerings
up to four feet in height. Clusters of
yellow flowers two to six inches wide
appear at the top of the stem. After
blooming, the plant dies. Small, straw-
colored seeds remain viable up to four
years. Although it slowly moves into
new habitat, wild parsnip may spread
rapidly once it becomes established.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Whenever you are handling wild parsnip,
wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as gloves to avoid skin
contact. You can pull up plants or cut them off below the root crown.
Prescribed fire can be followed up with spot applications of herbicide,
because wild parsnip is one of the first plants to green up after a burn.
In undisturbed habitat, try leaving wild parsnip alone, because it may
not out compete native vegetation.
The common pine shoot beetle is a
Eurasian immigrant first discovered in
Ohio in 1992. It has since been found
in other states, including Minnesota in
the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The
beetle prefers Scotch pine, but may
infest eastern white pine, red pine, and
jack pine. Feeding on new shoots, the
beetles may inhibit tree growth.
IDENTIFICATION Adult beetles are
'/a inch long, cylinder -shaped, and
range in coloration from reddish brown
to black. Larvae are the same length
with legless, white bodies and a brown
head. Eggs are laid in pine stumps and
logs, with larvae emerging as adults
in June. The beetles fly to living pine
trees to feed on new and one-year old
shoots, which are destroyed. In fall,
the beetles burrow into thick bark at
the base of the host tree to over winter.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Minnesota is under a USDA quarantine for
pine trees (including Christmas trees) and pine products with the
bark attached. Pines and pine products being moved to a no quaran-
tine area must be inspected and certified free from pine shoot beetles.
Look for the beetles in dead or dying pine shoots. Chip or burn pine
slash and downed logs. When harvesting pine, cut the stumps as close
as possible to the ground.
The emerald ash borer was discovered
near Detroit, Michigan in 2002. Since
then, this Asian insect has killed
millions of ash trees in Michigan,
Ohio, and Indiana. It has not been
found in Minnesota, but nevertheless
poses a great risk to the state. Where
it presently occurs in other states, the
emerald ash borer has been found in
nurseries, shade trees, and forests.
It infests and kills all species of ash.
Government agencies have quarantined
areas where the insect is known to
occur and restricted the transport of
firewood by campers and others.
ash borer is a small green beetle. As
an adult, it feeds on ash foliage, but
doesn't cause lasting damage. In the
larval stage, it burrows into the inner
bark of ash trees and disrupts the trans -
port of water and nutrients. Since the insect hasn't been discovered in
Minnesota, be on the watch for dead or dying ash trees.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Examine any dead or declining ash trees for
evidence of the emerald ash borer. Report suspicious damage to the
Minnesota Department of Agriculture, a local state forestry office or
your county extension agent. Do not transport firewood or wood with
the bark on from one location to another, especially from out of state.
The Japanese beetle was first found
in New Jersey in 1916 and has since
become widespread in the eastern
United States, including Minnesota.
They feed on an array of leafy and flow-
ering vegetation, including shrubs and
shade trees. The larvae burrow in the
soil and feed on the roots of grasses,
vegetables, and herbaceous fruits.
beetles are green with copper wing
casings and about 1/2 inch long. They
have tufts of white hair along both
sides of the abdomen. The larvae have
grayish white bodies and brown heads.
They may be up to one inch in length.
Beetle activity peaks on warm summer
days. The beetles eat green tissue, leav-
ing a skeletal web of leaf veins. They
also consume flowers and fruit.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? The Minnesota
Department of Agriculture monitors Japanese beetles. If you suspect
you've found beetles or have extensive damage to vegetation that may
be caused by them, report it to the agency. You can also cooperate
with the monitoring program by allowing technicians to place insect
traps on your property. Do not import soil, plants rooted in soil, or
sod from eastern states unless it is certified by state officials or treated
to eliminate Japanese beetles.
The gypsy moth originated in Europe
and appeared in the eastern U.S. in
1869. Gypsy moth caterpillars feed on
newly developed leaves and can defoli-
ate deciduous trees across broad areas.
In Minnesota, aspen, oak, and sugar
maples are the preferred food trees.
If a gypsy moth infestation lasts for
more than one year, many trees may
die. Gypsy moths have few natural
IDENTIFICATION Caterpillars hatch
from egg masses found on trees, fire-
wood, other objects in spring and early
summer. After feeding on the foliage
of host trees, the caterpillars pupate
in midsummer, forming a reddish
brown hard shell. Moths emerge in late
summer and early fall. Male moths are
smaller than females and brownish -
colored. Female moths yellowish -white
with a series of dark dots across the bottoms of their wings.
cannot fly. Males, which do fly, have up to a 1 '/cinch wings)
females have a 2'/z -inch wingspan.
)an. The
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Report suspected gypsy moth egg masses to
the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, a local state forestry office
or your county extension agent. When camping or going to your cabin,
use local firewood.
The sirex wood wasp has not been
found in Minnesota. A native of
Europe, Asia, and north Africa, this
insect has been discovered in solid
wood packing material entering the
United States. In other countries where
it has been accidentally introduced,
it has done extensive damage to sev-
eral species of pines, including North
American varieties.
wasp is difficult to distinguish from
native wood wasps. They are one to 1'/z
inches long. Adult wood wasps have
blue -black bodies with middle seg-
ments of orange. They have reddish-yel-
low legs with black feet. Wood wasps
have a spear -shaped plate at the tail
end and also are known as horntails.
The larvae are creamy white and have a
distinctive dark spine at the tail end.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Sirex wood wasps attack living pines. The
females lay eggs in the outer sapwood in combination with a mucous
and symbiotic fungus that kills the tree to create a suitable environment
for the larvae. The larvae tunnel through the sapwood and eventually
emerge through holes in the bark as adults. If you have dead or dying
pine trees exhibiting this damage, contact the Minnesota Department of
Agriculture, a local state forestry office or your county extension agent.
All photosages.orq��
'histle, Chris, Evans o River CWMA
oth, Scott Bn A Agricultural Research Service
and Webnivers b, Self-employed horticulurist
knotty esliel.Mehrhoff,I'yofConnectiart
o ife, Linda Wilson, Universa o
le, The Dow Gardens Archive
le, Leslie 1. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticutuckthorn, Jan Samanek, State Phytosanitary AdmmIsTta .
uckthorn, Chris Evans, River to River CWMA
tard, David Cappaert, Michigan State University
mustard, Chris Evans, River to River CWMA
an honeysuckle, Richard Webb, Self-employed horticulurist
honeysuckle, Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut
le 4
spurge, Norman E. Rees, USDA A rvice
spurge, Chris Evans, River t
Flora rose, James H. Mi est Service
Flora rose, Chris Ev wer CWMA
e loosest, e, Li UmversiI
e loosestrife, e We L e, Ohio State University
leseknotw aman PhvtosanitarvAdministration
ami n, University of Alaska
slon e
C ans,RivertoRiverCWMA
b, Nielsen, University of Alaska
n ervice
Powell, USDA Forest Servi e
n Cardina, Ohio State Univ rsity
hael Shephard, USDA Fore Service
anek, State Phytosanitary dministration
common to
len (Mel) Harte
Burrows in a log made by common pineshoot beetle larvae.
histle, Lo irginia Polytechnic Institute and University
Can histle, Le hoff, University of Connecticut, Bug
For LInformationWild
p, Chris to River CWMA
Wild pa LindaH Forest Service
• • • - - • • - -species
Asian long ed beet R, Law, USDA APHIS PPQ
- present on • • contact the Minnesota
Asian long It beetle, her, USDA Forest Service
Department•Agriculture,• •
Common pines eetle, Hungary Forest earchlnst.
Common pine sho tle, Gy ungary For Research Inst.
• - • • • . • _
Minnesota SFI
Page 7
1 Emerald ash borer, Pennsy Depa rvation an Natural
Implementation Committee
Resources Forestry Archive
Superior - 1
• Emerald ash borer, Pennsylvania tmen tion and Natur
r t
Duluth,: 1
Resources - Forestry Archive
Japanese beetle, Clemson University - Coop ide
Japanese beetle, Clemson University - U pera es
On the www• vasives ndeX. trrt
Sirex woodwasp, David R. Lance, USDA APH
Sirex Paula Klasmer, Instituto Had Tec
Back Cover
Common pine shoot beetle, Stanislaw Kinelski, Bugwo
Burrows in a log made by common pineshoot beetle larvae.