1-13-14Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes January 13, 2014 Present: Amy Clements, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heilicher, Alan Ingber, Carolyn Kaehr, Connie Sandler, Peggy Watkins and Andrew Wold. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Craig McDaniels, Toots Vodovoz. Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: Addition to the agenda: Race Timing Company. November 11 minutes: Heilicher moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from November 11. The motion passed unanimously. Run the Valley: T -Shirt Design: Members reviewed the designs from eight people. Carol Pashke's design was chosen with the members asking to add "20th Annual" somewhere in the design. Fackler will contact Pashke with this request and notify the other participants of the design selection. Solicitation for Funding: Members were asked to sign up to contact potential sponsors to verify information before the sponsor letter is sent and then follow-up with the business to answer any questions and ask for the businesses support of the event. The letter should be sent next week. Volunteers: Sandy Werts, the Volunteer Coordinator, will be working with the GVHSF to find volunteers for this event. The sign-up sheet for GVHSF members will be at the February meeting. Marketing/Publicity: Fackler reported that the race information is on active.com, zapevent.com, raceberryjam. com, and the MDRA website. A blast e-mail was sent to last year's participants. Information will also be sent to the SunPost, Channel 12, LIVE events, Golden Valley City newsletter and the Park and Recreation brochure. Posters will be taken to area businesses. Race Timing Company: Fackler has requests from two companies interested in supplying the timing for the event. After discussion, it was decided to contract with Wareham Timing. Fackler will talk to Wareham and finalize the contract. Kid's Fun Run Route: After meeting with Public Safety and Public Works, staff felt starting at the Driving Range parking lot and going towards the Brookview parking lot on Field Drive was the safest route. The route, .2K in length, will be evaluated after the event. Calendar Review: The 2014 Calendar of meeting dates was given to members. Members approved the dates as listed. April 12th has been set for Run the Valley. The Golf Classic date will be set in March. TCGMC. Sandler reported that The TCGMC has decided it cannot perform on the March 14th date as requested. Members discussed other possible fundraising events: Symphony/musical concert, Taste event, Golden Valley has Talent, Art Exhibition, Hall of Fame luncheon, Gala. Sandler asked members to come to the February meeting with ideas and also of venue possibilities. Other Business: December 3 Council meeting: Sandler attended the December 3 Council meeting. At the meeting, Sandler gave an overview of the 2013 year and presented the 2014 funding recommendations for Council approval. Sandler stated that Council members approved the recommendations and thanked the GVHSF for their hard work and dedication to the commission and their events. Solicitation Letter: A letter was sent to residents using the water bill addresses. Approximately 6,500 letters were sent. As of today, $9,674 has been received. Discussion centered on the confusion between the letter sent by the GVHSF and the letter sent by the GVCF. Sandler gave the history of the GVCF and how it was decided to pursue our solicitation letter. Roster: The roster was distributed to members. Fackler asked if there were any corrections to the roster to notify her. Allianz Support: Allianz has sent a letter informing the GVHSF that they will no longer fund organizations that have pass- through funding (organizations that allocate funds to other organizations). The implication could greatly affect the golf classic. Allianz employees will no longer receive Allianz dollars to participate in the golf classic. Fackler is meeting with the golf course to discuss other options for the tournament. Sandler reminded the members that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 10. Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Wold seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Sandler, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison