03-25-14 BZA Agenda Board of Zoning Appeals
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
7 pm
7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Chambers
I. Approval of Minutes — January 28, 2014 and February 25, 2014 Regular Meetings
II. The Petition(s) are:
130 Edgewood Avenue South
Warren Kapsner, Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(1) Front Yard Setback Requirements
• 6.4 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 28.6 ft. at its closest point to
the front yard (east) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a new addition.
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(3)(A) Side Yard Setback Requirements
• 3 ft. off of the required 15 ft. to a distance of 12 ft. at its closest point to the
side yard (north) property line.
III. Other Business
IV. Adjournment
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Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday,
January 28, 2014 at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair
Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Those present were Members Johnson, Maxwell, Nelson and Planning Cornm��sion
Representatives Boudreau-Landis and McCarty. Also present were City Planner Jason
Zimmerman and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman.
I. Approval of Minutes — December 19, 2013, Regular Meeti�g
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanir'nously ta �pprove the
December 19, 2013, minutes as submitted.
I1. The Petition(s) are: f ' '
1800 Mendelssohn Ave. N.
Danette & Marlin Henrikson, Appl�Cants (Cantinued,ltem)
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(3)(c) Side Yard Setba�ck Requi�rements
• 3 ft. off of the requi,red.12:ft. tQ a distance of 9 ft. at its closest point to the
side yard (south) proper�y lir�e,
Purpose: To allow for.the construction of a deck/lift addition on the south side of
the existing hame.
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
19 Paved Ar+�a Requirements
��� �, .
• 1 ft.off o�the�required 3 ft. to a distance of 2 ft. at its closest point to the side
y�r� (south) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a new driveway along the side yard
(south} property line.
Zimmerman reminded the Board that this request was tabled at their December
meeting. Since then, the applicant has submitted revised plans and is now requesting a
variance for 3 ft. off the required 12 ft. to a distance of 9 ft. at its closest point to the
south property line rather than 5 ft. off the required 12 ft. to a distance of 7 ft. for the
proposed deck/wheelchair lift. Also, the variance request for the construction of a new
driveway is now 1 ft. off the required 3 ft. to a distance of 2 ft. at its closest point to
south property line rather than 3 ft. off the required 3 ft. to 0 ft. as proposed last month.
Minutes of the Golden Valiey Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 2
Zimmerman referred to the site plans and noted that the applicant is proposing to move
an existing shed 3 ft. away from the north side yard property line. He explained that if
the shed is moved to this location it would need to be 5 ft. away from the property line.
Marlin Henrikson, Applicant, stated that the shed will either be removed from the
property or it will stay in its current location. It will not be moved to the location shown
on the plans.
Maxwell noted that the Board's suggested changes from last month have:b�en made.
Zimmerman agreed and added that the proposed new plans allow more� distance fr.om
the proposed new deck/lift to the neighboring property to the south. �Ie alsQ noted that
the proposed amount of impervious surface has been reduced sinee the Board last" '
reviewed this proposal.
Maxwell stated that the reason the proposed construction has tct be an the south side of
the house is because the main entrance is on that side of the house. He added that the
applicant didn't build the house originally and did not,choose th�,lo�ation of the main
Maxwell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no on�e wishing to comment,
Maxwell closed the public hearing. ; , '
Boudreau-Landis questioned the need for the 7-foo# wide paved area shown on the
plans. Henrikson stated that he needs that width for access. He added that he also
wants the edge of the driveway to go all the way to the retaining wall so there isn't an
area of gravel between the edge of the driveway and the retaining wall. Maxwell added
that the Veterans Administration also has certain requirements that have to be met.
Johnson stated that it,looks like this proposal addresses what was discussed last month
and looks to be the best:option. Nelson agreed and added that the proposal fits with the
criteria that the Board uses: it �s in harmony with the purposes and intent of the
ordinance, it is cansistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the request is reasonable, the
property is.unique'b�cau�e of the grade and the proposal will not alter the essential
character of the Ia�ality: Boudreau-Landis added that the Veteran Administration
requirements are unique to this case as well.
McCarty asked the applicant if they had given any more consideration to moving the
elevatar to the east side of the house. He said the new design is nice, but it is very
close the n�i�hboring property and he still thinks there is a way the design can work on
the east side of the house.
Johnson noted that the stairs and a landing area can be built within the setback area
without a variance so really there is only 1 ft. of the proposed structure that will be
located in the setback area. McCarty stated #hat what is being proposed is much more
substantial than just stairs and a landing. Nelson agreed it is more substantial, but it is
not as close to the neighbor as it was is the previous proposal they reviewed. McCarty
said he understands that the variance amount has been lessened but he still thinks the
Minutes of the Golden Valiey Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 3
elevator could be moved to the east side of the house. Henrikson added that moving
the structure to the east would add another $24,000 to the project.
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried unanimously to approve
the following variance requests:
• 3 ft. off of the required 12 ft. to a distance of 9 ft. at its closest point to the side yard
(south) property line to allow for the construction of a deck/lift addition on,,.the south
side of the existing house. � �;���
• 1 ft. off of the required 3 ft. to a distance of 2 ft. at its closest poir�t #o the side yard
(south) property line to allow for the construction of a new drivevVay along��he s�uth
property line.
245 Kentucky Avenue North
Scott Newland, Newland Architecture, Inc., AppliCant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(1) FrontYard Setback Requiremenfs
• 1.19 ft. off of the required 35 ft, to a distanceaof 33.81 ft. at its closest point to
the front yard (north) property li�e, � �r �
Purpose: To allow for the construction c�f an addition to the front of the house.
Zimmerman explained the applic�nt's proposal to expand a second floor bedroom and add
an interior elevator. He ref�rred to the applicant's plans and noted that the proposed
expansion would not protrud�,,out firom the"fiouse any further than the existing eaves of the
Maxwell asked ifi the foundation of f'he house is changing. Zimmerman said no and explained
that if the proposed addition was a bay window it would be allowed without the need for a
variance. It is when the flaor area expands that an addition is required to meet setback
Maxwell asked why the proposed "bump out" area is necessary.
Scott Newland, Architect for the project, discussed the required clearances in order to make
the interior space wheelchair accessible and functional. He added that they also need to
provide space for physical therapy. He reiterated that the proposed addition would go no
further than the extent of the existing roof.
Maxwell asked what other options were considered. Newland stated that they considered
remodeling the entire house but it is not functional or feasible with the cost and the existing
layout of the upstairs space.
Minutes of the Golden Vailey Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 4
Maxwell asked if there are any unique features to the property. Newland stated that the
uniqueness in this case is not so much the site, it is more of how the inside of the house is
configured, the location of the stairs, corridors, bathrooms, etc.
Nelson noted that the house was built right at the front setback line, which the applicant did
not do.
Maxwell opened the public hearing, seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment, Maxwell
closed the public hearing. � �'�
McCarty said this proposal seems reasonable to him and that the ad�iition:will be no more
intrusive than the proposed bay window will be. Nelson agreed anti added fhat it meets the
criteria the Board considers. Johnson also agreed and added that;the proposed addition will
make the home more in tune with the homes in the neighborhood.
MOVED by McCarty, seconded by Johnson and motion �arried u'nanim�Us�y to approve
a variance request for 1.19 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a dist�nce of 33.81 ft. at its
closest point to the front yard (north) property line to allow for the'ec�t�struction of an
addition to the front of the house.
641 Westwood Drive South
Curtis and Javne Olson, Applicants
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21,Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
12(A)(3) Side Yard Setback Requirements
• 5 ft. off of the required 5°ft. to a distance of 0 ft. at its closest point to the side
yard (north) propetty lin�'.
Purpose: To ai�ow for the r�construction of an existing deck in the same
Zimmerman stated that this property has a deteriorating retaining wall located under the
existing deck. The applicant wants to remove the deck, replace the retaining wall and
reconstruct the deck. He stated that the north corner of the deck is located too close to the
side yard property line and explained that plans from 1985 were located in the City's files
that show the deck in its current configuration. Also, in 1991 the property received a
variance for a new garage and breezeway addition. The deck was shown on the survey at
that time but there was no mention of the deck in the meeting minutes. He stated that he
is not sure why a variance for the deck was never obtained, but guessed that staff might
have considered the setbacks for the deck the same way the concrete pool surround was
Nelson asked if the concrete pool surround was allowed to go right up to the property line
at the time it was constructed. Zimmerman said yes. He showed the Board an illustration
and explained that if the proposed new deck were angled in order to meet the setback
Minutes of the Goiden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 5
requirements it would still be approximately 10 ft. wide. Nelson noted that this home has
been sold a couple of times since 1991.
Maxwell asked if the deck in its current location would have always required a variance.
Zimmerman said yes and added that it also should have received a permit.
Nelson asked if the setback issue regarding the deck was discovered when the applicant
decided to replace the retaining wall. Zimmerman said yes.
( 4
Ma�vell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing ,ip comm�'r��,
Maxwell closed the public hearing.
� �
Zimmerman noted that the applicant was not in attendance. '
Maxwell asked the Board if they would like to consider tabling this itern since #he applicant
was not present. The consensus of the Board was that th� request did not need to be
McCarty said he didn't think it would be a hardship;to the appl,icant to build the deck in a
conforming location because they would be lasing such a sma:ll fraction of the deck space.
Nelson stated that it is an unfortunate si�uation because the applicant is making the effort
to replace the retaining wall properly and ffien discovered they need a variance for the
Johnson said he thinks this situation i� unique because there is a pool. The applicants are
not just asking for a variance because they want a bigger deck. He added that the deck
won't have an impact on any neighboring property owners.
Nelson stated that the situation wasn't caused by the current homeowners; they were just
trying to fix something that Ma� been there for a long time.
McCarty st��ed that if the deck was built in a conforming location the new deck would still
be 10 ft. wid�which is an a�erage deck width.
Boudreau-�andis said he is supportive of the applicant's request. He said he would feel
differently if tli�,deck had not been there for such a long time and if the neighboring house
to the north we��e closer.
Maxwell added that no one has ever questioned the location of the existing deck, the need
for a variance came as a surprise to the homeowner and the homeowner wants a uniform-
sized deck around their pool.
McCarty said he doesn't think the fact that the deck has been there a long time should be
considered a hardship, especially when the applicant is proposing to replace the
nonconforming section of the deck.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 6
Nelson noted that the application states that if the deck were built in conformance with
setback requirements it would only be 2 ft. wide. Zimmerman stated that is incorrect, the
deck would be approximately 10 to 12 ft. wide on the north corner if it were angled to meet
the requirements.
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Johnson and motion carried 4 to 1 to approve the
variance request for 5 ft. off of the required 5 ft. to a distance of 0 ft. at its closest point
to the side yard (north) property line to allow for the reconstruction of an existing deck in
the same location.
6005 Golden Valley Road
Vladimir Sivriver dba EDS, Inc., Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.35, Light Industrial�Zoning Distr�c#, Subd.
6(C)(4) Yard Requirements
� �
• 10 ft. off of the required 10 ft. to a distance af 0 ft. at its closest point to the
rear yard (south) property line.
Purpose: To bring the recently constru�ted driveway into conformance with
Zoning Code requirements.
.� .:
Zimmerman stated that the Light Industr.ial zon'r'ng district requires one half (10 feet) of the
side and rear yard setback areas to be used aS;a landscaped buffer. He stated that the
applicant recently constructed a n�w parl�ing lot which ended up being 0 ft. at its closest
point to the rear yard (south�;property line. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance
to allow the newly constructed parking lot to remain as built.
Zimmerman explained that in August 2013 the City issued a Stop Work Order for parking lot
construction without a Storm Water Management Permit. In October 2013, the City issued a
Storm Water Management Permit based on plans submitted by the applicant which showed
a 10-foot setback for the parking'lot. In November 2013, a violation letter was issued upon
inspection of the parking lo#.
McCarty asked where the edge of the previous parking lot ended. Zimmerman said he didn't
know the exact dis�ance but he doesn't think there was a well-defined edge on the former
parl�ing lot. Ho�ever, there was some distance between the edge of the parking lot and the
property line.
Boudreau-Landis asked about the setback area for the building to the south. Zimmerman
said it appears that the building to the south is approximately 20 ft. away from the property
Maxwell asked if the applicant received a Storm Water Management Permit. Zimmerman
said yes, the applicant did receive a Storm Water Management Permit based on plans that
showed a 10 ft. setback.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 7
Boudreau-Landis asked if the applicant submitted plans for the new parking lot. Zimmerman
said he didn't think plans were required because at the time the applicant was proposing to
do a mill and overlay of the parking lot, not a reconstruction.
Vladimir Sivriver, EDS Inc., Applicant, referred to topography he completed in 2006 which
showed that the original intent was to accommodate flow to a culvert. He stated that in 2012
he completed plans for a proposed building addition and that the plans complied with the
requirements. However, last year the property owner decided not to move forward with the
building addition, only the repairs to the parking lot. He stated that when canstruction started
on the parking lot they realized there was a high water table so they hacf to excavate more
material. At that time they also realized that the existing culvert was,,filled with silt an� dirt, so
the flow would come back into this parking lot and the outlet was.finro feet higher than the
existing culvert. He said construction of a culvert was stopped by the n�ighborir�g property
owner so they proposed a new culvert and at that time they obtainet� permits and continued
working on the property. He said there was a lot of misunderstanding�nd canfusion. He
stated that they were just repairing the parking lot and that the majority of the parking lot had
a 0 ft. setback from the property line and they had ta:r�move existing curb and install new
curb and gutter so there was confusion about that as well: He discussed an existing concrete
swale along the edge of the parking lot and stated that a grassy area would create more flow
and worsen the conditions.
Boudreau-Landis asked for clarification ort whether the edge of the previous parking lot went
all the way to the property line. Sivriver said yes: Johrts�n said the photos show that it did
not. Sivriver said that only a small pc�rtion,along.the edge of the parking lot was grass.
McCarty asked Sivriver if he removed��the'bituminous. Sivriver said they didn't have access
to the existing culvert so repairing the parking lot would have been for nothing.
Nelson asked how long the current owner has owned the property. Barry Rothman, Vice
President of Operations for Bellboy, stated that the current owner has owned the property
since 2005.
Maxwell referred to the ap�lication and asked for further clarification about the maneuvering
of tr�cks. Sivriver �tated tfi�t their new trucks are 75 feet long and that it would be impossible
for the trucks ta back up without destroying a 10 foot grassy area. Sivriver referred to a photo
and noted that tfie edge of the concrete swale was right on the property line. Johnson said
he is not familiar wi�h 75 foot long trucks. Rothman stated that they need more room to pull
in and'back up,
Maxwell asked when the concrete swale was installed. Sivriver said it was installed in 2007
or 2008. Maxwell asked if it was installed because of water run-off issues. Sivriver said it was
installed for the trucks to be able to back up and for the water issues. Maxwell asked if the
concrete swale was there when the property was purchased. Rothman said he didn't recall.
Maxwell asked if the property to the south would not let the applicant use the existing culvert.
Sivriver said that was his recollection.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 8
Johnson asked how the water table issue was discovered. Sivriver said that water came up
during their excavation. McCarty asked if it was the high water table or the run-off that
required them to build the concrete swale. Sivriver said he didn't know the history. He
referred to the culvert situation and stated that they had to redesign the grade.
Boudreau-Landis said he hasn't heard how the situation got to this point. Sivriver reiterated
that the majority of the parking lot was always right on the property line. Boudreau-Landis
asked Sivriver if the parking lot was removed. Sivriver said yes, because the,water table had
to be fixed. He said the project was treated as a repair and if it were a new p�rking lot it
would have required new curb and gutter. Boudreau-Landis stated that�tlie plan far a 10 foot
setback along the south property line wasn't followed.
McCarty said he is hearing that the applicant was going to repair the parking lof and then
found out there was a high water table. He asked the applicant when he found out a permit
was needed, when a new design was done, when he received a per�mit and when
construction started. Sivriver said his plans show a zera setback: McCarty:Stated that the
plans Sivriver used should be the plans that were ap,p�oved by#he City, there should be just
one set of plans. Sivriver said they did some modif�cations. McCarty asked if they were just
going to do an overlay of the parking lot, then discovered the water table and started tearing
out the parking lot instead. Sivriver said he obtaine�l,permits from the City and from the
Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission.; McCarty asked if the plans were
redone to show the required 10 foot setback. Sivriver said the 10 foot setback was shown on
the 2012 plans when they were proposing an addition to the building, but there was a
misunderstanding because the plans he has from when he obtained his building permit
clearly shows a 0 foot setback. He reiterated tha#the edge of the parking lot was at a 0 foot
setback along a majority of the property Iine.
Johnson stated that the Bo�rd is not going to be able to solve the timeline issue and
suggested that they instead loo,k at the criteria they use to make their decisions. McCarty
said he thinks the Bo�rd's�decision does depend on the timeline because he doesn't know
what drawing was used,to issue the permit. Nelson said the drawings show a 10 foot setback
area and the applicant is here after the fact. McCarty asked what prompted the permit.
Boudreau-l�andis said his understanding is that the initial plan was to overlay the parking lot,
but then th� applicant r�n into problems which led to work stoppage, then they had to get a
Storm Wat�r permit based on plans that showed a 10 foot setback. Sivriver said he did the
designs terr times.e He noted that the silt fence goes along the property line to the existing
concrete curb that h!as a 0 setback. Boudreau-Landis asked if the Watershed gave approval
based.�n the 1 Q foot setback. Sivriver stated that the Watershed doesn't look at setback
requiremer�ts they look at the existing parking lot and the new parking lot.
Maxwell asked if there are unique features with the property other than the length of the
trucks and the high water table. Sivriver said there is a large amount of roof drainage and
there was no outlet created which leads to a large amount of water in the parking lot.
Maxwell asked if that is a reoccurring issue. Rothman said yes. Sivriver reiterated that his
understanding is that the permit allowed a 0 foot setback because the majority of the edge of
the driveway was located on the property line.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 9
Maxwell opened the public hearing.
Mike Abrams, 1109 Zane Avenue North, said there was never an overlay planned and that
this has been a planned assault from the beginning including the applicant digging on his
property without permission. He said when he saw them digging he went to the City to look
at the plans and was asked "what plans?" Then the City issued a stop work order. He said
there was a 10 foot buffer between the edge of the applicant's parking lot and the property
line and that it did not go right up to the property line.
Nelson asked Abrams if the grassy area shown in the photos was on his property.'Abrams
said yes. He added that as far as trucks and trailers maneuvering, there is room for them to
turn around without having to build the parking lot all the way to the property line. N�Ison
asked if the concrete swale was built right to the property line. Abrams s�id he couldn't tell
by the photo. He stated that the applicant has done lots of things irtcluding using his property
as a holding pond for their water. He said he's heard enough of"it's complicated" and "it's a
Maxwell asked if this issue is in litigation now. Abr�ms said it is not�in, litigation yet, but it will
McCarty asked Abrams if the applicant literally dwg a holding pond on his property and how
long it was before he noticed. Abrams said yes, �nd added`'that it took a couple of weeks
before he noticed because his building has been empty for a while.
Nelson asked Abrams how long he:,has oi'+vned �iis3property. Abrams said he's owned it since
1991. �� � �_�,� ,
���'� '�
Bill Skolnick, Skolnick & Shiff, P.A:, repres�nting Mr. Abrams, stated that Abrams didn't know
about the parking lot reconstrucfion until he saw them digging the hole. He said there is no
question that work began without a permit. There are letters from the City showing that the
applicant needed to have a '10 foot'setback and the City has plans from the applicant that
show a 10 foot setback for a new'parking lot. He introduced R. Eric Zimmerman, R.E.
Zimmerman Consulting, LLC. Dr. Zimmerman said the question is where the original parking
lot was locat�d before any work was done. He stated that based on aerial photos there was
40 feet betwe�n the north edge of Mr. Abrams building and the south edge of the paved
parking lot or 20 feet of property on each side of the common property line. He referred to
the��qncrete�siNale�a�nd said that was put in as a stop gap.
Skolnick �t�ted that the applicant's parking lot was expanded. The applicant has been asking
for forgiveness rather than permission and has disregarded the City's letters. He referred to
a letter from City staff saying that there needs to be a signed agreement with Mr. Abrams.
The applicant has never asked for a letter from Mr. Abrams and has never given Mr. Abrams
any consideration or tried negotiating.
Maxwell asked Sivriver when they knew they needed a variance. He said he knew when he
received a letter from the City. Rothman added that the culvert has never been cleaned or
maintained and that an extraordinary amount of water comes out of the drains on the back of
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 28, 2014
Page 10
the neighbor's building and erodes their parking lot. Sivriver said the purpose of this meeting
is the 0 foot setback issue and it is his opinion that the majority of the parking lot was
setback 0 feet from the property line.
Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment, Maxwell closed the public hearing.
Maxwell said the Board needs to focus on the criteria used when considering variance
requests. Nelson agreed that the Board has been asked to consider a variance to allow a
parking lot to be located 0 ft. from a property line and she doesn't think the crite�ia have
been met in order to grant a variance in this case.
McCarty said that the need for the variance was caused by the landowner. We;,added'that he
doesn't know which plan was issued with the City permit. Nelson noted that th� applicant
received a letter from the City stating that there needed to be � 10 f�ot setback from the
edge of the parking lot to the property line.
Maxwell asked about the water table issue. McCarty said the water table should have been
discovered earlier in the process. He said it appears that fhe applic��t did the work, got
caught doing the work then asked for a variance. H,e noted however, that the Board of
Zoning Appeals has granted variances in the past when errors have been made.
Nelson said she doesn't think the variance request meets enough of the criteria used when
granting variances. Johnson referred tp the �riteria and stated that he thinks the proposal
meets two of the criteria, it is a reasonable u5�,and it doesn't alter the essential character of
the locality however, there are no,unique circums�ances not caused by the landowner, and
the variance is not in harmony with°t�e,purpose and intent of the ordinances.
MOVED by Johnson, secanded by''Nelsan and motion carried unanimously to deny the
variance request for 10 ft. off af tlie required 10 ft. to a distance of 0 ft. at its closest
point to the rear yard (south) property line to bring the recently constructed driveway
into conformance with Zoning Code requirements.
III. Other Business
No other busin�ss was ctiscussed.
IV. Adjour�nmen`t
The meeti�g was adjourned at 8:59 pm.
George Maxwell, Chair Lisa Wittman, Administrative Assistant
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
February 25, 2014
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday,
February 25, 2014 at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. City
Planner Jason Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.
Those present were Planning Commission Representatives Boudreau-L,�r�dis, McCarty,
Segelbaum and Waldhauser. Also present were City Planner Jason Zimmerman, Pl�nning
Intern Nick Olson and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. Board Members Johnson,
Maxwell and Nelson were absent.
Since the Chair and Vice Chair were absent Segelbaum nominated McCarty to be
Chairperson Pro Tem. McCarty accepted and chaired the meeting.
I. Approval of Minutes — January 28, 2014, Reguiar Meeting ,
The Board decided to put the approval of the January 28, 2014, minutes on the next
regular agenda since many of them did not attend the January 28 meeting.
11. The Petition(s) are:
1343 Orkla Drive
Lake West Development (Cpvins�ton, LLC)
Request: Waiver fr�m Section 'I 9,;,21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(1) FrontYard ��#ba�k Requirements
• 7.1 ft. off of t�e req�ired'��� ft. to a distance of 27.9 ft. at its closest point to the
front y�rd (north} property line.
Purpose; To aflaw for the construction of a new home.
Requ�sti: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District (R-1),
Subd. �11(A����)(b) Side Yard Setback Requirements
• City �ode requires an increase in side yard setback area for houses over 15
feet in height. The applicant is asking for a variance from this requirement.
Olson referred to a survey of the property and stated that it consists of two lots. He explained
the applicant's proposal to un-combine the lots and build two new houses. The variances
requested relate to the proposed new home on lot to the north. He added that the proposed
new home would line up with the existing homes along Knoll Street, several of which have
received variances from the front yard setback requirements and are located closer than the
required 35 feet from Knoll Street.
Minutes of the Golden Valtey Board of Zoning Appeals
February 25, 2014
Page 2
Waldhauser asked if the City has recommended to the applicant that he re-plat the property
so that two homes could fit without the need for variances. Olson stated no, and explained
that because the two lots already exist the City wouldn't require re-platting.
Segelbaum asked about the un-combining process. Olson explained that the property
consists of two existing platted lots of record that were combined at some point for tax
purposes. Only one house with one address has been located on the property, but it is really
two lots.
Segelbaum asked how big of a side yard variance is being requested. Olson stated that the
applicant is proposing to build up to the required 12.5 foot setback. The request is'to not
have to increase that setback amount as the house gets taller. In this case, #he height of the
proposed house would require there to be a 15.5 foot side yard setback. .
Segelbaum referred to a map showing the locations of other houses �long Knoll Street and
asked which ones received variances. Olson pointed ou�the on�s where h�3 found evidence
that a front yard variance had been granted. .
Boudreau-Landis referred to the survey of the property and' noted that the property line along
the east seems closer to the street than the property line along the north. Zimmerman stated
that the amount of right-of-way is different along each front.
McCarty referred to the survey and asked:if the south side yard setback was measured from
the foundation or the cantilevered wall c��,th�,propose'd �iew house. Zimmerman said it was
measured to the cantilevered walla,� becau�e the floor will cantilever. If it were a bay window
and not the floor, the measurement would' be taken from the foundation.
Segelbaum asked if the sauth elevation would be in violation of the articulation requirements
if the wall did not cantilever. Zimmerman said yes. Segelbaum asked about the distance
between the house and the south property line without the cantilevered wall. Olson stated
that it would be approximate,ly two feet further away from the property line, but the applicant
would still need a variance of one foot.
Ben Wikstrom, Lake West Development, Applicant, said he would be willing to shift the
house three'fagt fa the nqrth and ask for a larger front yard variance in order to meet the
side yard setback,requirements. He referred to a survey of the property and noted that Knoll
Street, along't�e north of the property, isn't centered within the right-of-way so there is more
open space alang the north side of the property. He stated that the houses he is proposing
to build'" are reasonably sized homes. He referred to the comment made about redrawing the
property line!between the two lots and explained that they considered that option, however
they would like to keep the south lot larger in size. He stated that if they don't receive
variances, they would still construct two new homes, but the north home just wouldn't be as
functional. He added that he feels a precedent has been set with the other homes in the
area that were constructed closer than 35 feet to the front yard property line.
McCarty asked Wikstrom to discuss the un-combining of the lots and asked what would
prevent him from making this proposal work without variances. Wikstrom reiterated that this
property is legally platted as two lots which, by statute, he can build on.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
February 25, 2014
Page 3
He stated that if he shifted the existing property line between the two lots to make the
houses conform, both houses would be similar in size and there would be two homes that
look the same right next to each other.
Waldhauser asked if the side yard setback would have to increase if a two-story home is
built on the south lot. Wikstrom said yes.
Segelbaum asked Wikstrom to identify the practical difficulties that would help justify the
granting of variances. Wikstrom stated that the buildable area on the north fot is small and
added that the setback requirements and house styles were different wh�n the pr�perty was
originally platted. He stated that he is not implying that there are financial difficulties;but the
lots are already platted this way and were not created by him. He added that;a home that is
25 feet wide and 100 feet long would not be in character with this neighborhood. :
McCarty opened the public hearing.
Cathy Zettervall, 1336 Wisconsin Avenue North, said she daesn't want variances granted for
this property because she doesn't want to see hou�es that are bigger than every other house
in the neighborhood. She added that she thinks it is a weak argument by the applicant to
state that he doesn't want two houses that would like alike next to each other.
Larry Zettervall, 1336 Wisconsin Avenue North, �sketf if the Board has to consider the height
of other houses in the area as well. Waldhauser explained that the increased side yard
setback area according to the height of a ,house is a recent requirement. Segelbaum added
that the 35-foot front yard setback has been ir� place for long time. Zettervall asked about the
reasons for the setback requirements. W�Idhauser stated that front yard setbacks were
established to keep consistent lines'of uiew up and down a street and the increased side
yard setbacks were established to cut down on the amount of light that is blocked and to
protect existing neighbors.� �
� �: `
Seeing and hearing nt�,one else wishing to comment, McCarty closed the public hearing.
Waldhauser stated that the front yard setback proposed is not out of character and won't
look out of place. She referred to the side yard setback request and stated that when the
two-foot deep cantilevered portion of the wall is taken into account the distance is really one
foot visually and she doesn't feel it would be necessary to re-draw the property lines for such
a small dista�ce. Segelbaum asked Waldhauser if she would rather see the house pushed
further to the n�rth so that a side yard setback variance would not be needed. Waldhauser
said no`, she vy�iuld not like to see the house built closer to Knoll Street.
Boudreau-Landis agreed with Waldhauser and said the proposal is reasonable and that it is
really a small infraction on the south, side yard setback requirements. He also stated that he
is comfortable with the front yard variance request since the right-of-way area along the north
is quite a bit larger than normal. Segelbaum also agreed and stated that the side yard
setback request is minimal and that the Board has historically been very conscious of front
yard setback requirements. He said he would be supportive of both of the proposed
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
February 25, 2014
Page 4
McCarty added that the topography also breaks up the visual plane on the block. He said he
thinks this is a reasonable proposal but he is not convinced that the difficulties are unique to
the property and although the issues were not caused by this landowner, they were caused
by a past landowner. He said he would be curious to see other ways to plat this property.
Zimmerman stated that he is not sure that two lots, with enough width, could be created if
the center property line was shifted. McCarty suggested the lot line between the two
properties could be platted from north to south instead of east to west.
, �:
Waldhauser stated that the elevations for the sides of the house look boring because there
are no windows proposed. Wikstrom said he would be willing to add windows on both sides
of the house.
Segelbaum stated that he hopes the applicant won't need to ask for variances to build a
house on the south lot and questioned if that could be added as,a condition ta this proposal.
McCarty said he doesn't think the Board has that authority.
MOVED by Segelbaum, seconded by Boudreau-Lartdis �nd motion carried unanimously to
approve the following variance requests:
• 7.1 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 27.9 ft. at its closest point to the front
yard (north) property line to allow for the construction of a''new home.
• The side yard setback along the:south prQperty line'is allowed to remain at 12.5 feet
without increasing even thougf� the house i's over 15 feet in height.
Waldhauser added a cond�ti�n tli�t w�n�ows be added on the north and south side
elevations. The Board agr�:ed withi°the added condition.
III. Other Business:
No other busines� was discussed.
IV. Adj�urnm��t °
The meetirtg wa�,�djourned at 7:50 pm.
George Maxwell, Chair Lisa Wittman, Administrative Assistant
4��L� 1J/ � a;t�;
�,7 '4
�� Plannin De artment
�T�.�.. ��� - - � p
763 593 8095/763-593-8109(fax)
Date: March 25, 2014
To: Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
From: Nick Olson, Planning Intern
Subject: 130 Edgewood Avenue South
Warren Kapsner, Applicant
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Warren Kapsner is seeking two variances from the City Code for the construction of a new
addition to his home which would be used as a master suite.
The project requires a variance from the front yard setback on Edgewood Avenue South of 35
feet to a distance of 28.6 feet. It also requires a variance from the minimum side yard setback of
15 feet to a distance of 12 feet.
The Applicant received a front yard variance of 8 feet in July of 1998 to construct a new front
entry within 26.6 feet of the front lot line. He would now like to match the appearance on the far
side of the house as part of his addition, which would require him to construct within the front
yard setback. Mr. Kapsner has indicated that without the articulation this variance would allow,
he would be in violation of the section of the zoning code that limits unarticulated walls to 32
feet in length as his wall would be approximately 44 feet long.
The addition on the north end of the house would extend towards the rear yard (to the west).
Because the north side lot line angles slightly towards the existing home, the westernmost
portion of the addition, as proposed, would fall within the north side yard setback. Mr. Kapsner is
asking for a variance of 3 feet off the side yard setback to allow the addition to be constructed.
The proposal requires variances from the following sections of City Code:
• Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. 11(A)(1) Front Yard Setback
The required minimum front setback shall be 35 feet from any front property line along a
street right-of-way line. In the case of a corner lot, both yards along the street right-of-way
shall be deemed front yards and must meet the 35 foot minimum setback. The Applicant is
requesting a variance of 6.4 feet off of the 35 feet to a distance of 28.6 feet from the east
property line.
• Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. 11(A)(3)(a) Side Yard Setback
The minimum side yard setback for this property is 15 feet. The Applicant is requesting a
variance of 3 feet off of the required 15 feet to a distance of 12 feet at the closest point to the
side yard property line to the north.
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Zoning Code Variance Application
1. Street address: /�D �� G-� G-(�(�D � f� ✓ ��
2. Applicant Information:
Name: ��f� 4a Ul�J' � /� i-� r`��� � �"�
Address: /�9'� pr � �r �/�U � � �� U "
Email Address: /C�'t►'V� �� ��2 /,��1� d�Gt' �`/'V` � �P,/Y`��t-�•��� .�°� �
Phone Number: ����,.,4' f�P� �� �.�/ G�,�
3. Provide a detailed description of the variance(s) being requested:
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4. Provide a detailed description of need for a variance from the Zoning Code, including:
• Description of building(s)
• Description of proposed addition(s)
• Description of proposed alteration(s)to property �
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5. Minnesota State Statute 462.357 requires that a property exhibit "practical difficulties" in order for
a variance to be considered. Practical Difficulties:
• result in a use that is reasonable.
• are based on a problem that is unique to the property.
• are not caused by the landowner.
• do not alter the essential character of the locality.
To demonstrate how your request will comply with Minnesota State Statute 462.357, please
respond to the following questions:
Explain the need for your variance request and how it will result in a reasonable use of the
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What is unique about your property and how do you feel that it necessitates a variance?
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Explain how the need for a variance is based on circumstances that are not a result of a
landowner�tion��/ , . `� �
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Explain how, if granted, the proposed variance will not alter the essential character of your
neighborhood and Golden Valley as a whole.
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6. The City requests that you consider all available project options that are permitted by the Zoning
Code prior to requesting a variance. The Board of Zoning Appeals will discuss alternative options
to seeking variance with you at the public hearing. Please describe alternate ways to do your
project that do not require variances to the Zoning Code.
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7. Please submit a current survey of your property. You must indicate the proposed addition,
including new proposed building and structure setbacks, on the survey. A copy of Golden Valley's
survey requirements is available upon request. Please note that this application is considered
incomplete without the submittal of a current property survey.
8. Please submit at least one current color photograph of the area affected by the proposed
variance. You may attach a printed photograph to this application, or you may email a digital
image to plannin�@�oldenvallevmn.�ov. You may submit additional photographs as needed.
To the best of my knowledge the statements found in this application are true and correct. I
also understand that unless construction of the action applicable to this variance request, if
granted, is not taken within one year, the variance expires.
I have considered all options afforded to me through the City's Zoning Code, and feel that there
is no alternate way to achieve my objective except to seek a variance to zoning rules and
I give permission for Golden Valley staff, as well as members of the Board of Zoning Appeals,to
enter my property prior to the public hearing to inspect the area affected by this request.
�,�t�v �.�
Signature of Applicant "
_ � ►
If the applicant is not the owner of all property involved in this application, please name the
owner of this property:
Print Name of owner Signature of owner
$200 Application Fee Attached (for Single Family Residential)
$300 Application Fee Attached (for all other Zoning Districts)
Please note: The City of Golden Valley will send notice of your variance request to all adjoining
property owners as well as owners of properties directly across streets or alleys. Your neighbors
have the right to address the eoard of Zoning Appeals at your public hearing. You are advised to
personally contact your neighbors and explain your project to them prior to the public hearing.
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NEl^l ADDI710N
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Kevin J. Anderson
A r c h i t e c t Kapsner Residence
320-632-9582 GOIdAfI V811Ay, Minnesota
70 First Avenue NE Conoept Drawing
Little Falls, Minnesota 56345 FetNUary 20,2014
1 of 2
V Minutes of the �olden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
July 28, 1998 :
Page 3
ir Sell read the requested variances. Ms. Brubaket was in attendance. Sta n
eviewed the request noting that the proposed deck, to the front of: se,
woui at area along the garage and to the front of the house. the deck
would be a 'mateiy 1-1/2 feet aff the ground.
Member L.ang said no problem with the reque at the deck would be three
feet from the front of the
Member Swedberg asked the app i the dimensions of the deck were amved at.
Brubaker cornmented that origi e ked at a 10' x 18' deck, but the additional
two feet added mQre cost e wanted. rg said that an eight-foot wide deck is
not very wide and wo willing to grant a varian a 10-foot wide deck. Se8 said
that he would ap of such a motion.
MOVED- olachek, seconded by Swedberg and motion carrie ' ously to approve
the ested variances from Section 11.21, Subd. 7(A) of 5.33 feet to nce of 29.67
for the proposed deck and 7(C)(2) as noted above. ,
130 Edgewood Avenue South (Map 18) (98-7-22)
Warren Kapsner
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Subd. 7(A) Front Yard Setback for 8 feet off the
required 35 feet to a distance of 26.6 feet of the proposed entry anto the
frant of the house. (Note a previous front yard variance was granted for.4
Purpose� To allow for the construction of an entry onto the front of the house facing
Edgewood Avenue South.
� �
Chair Sell read the requested variance. Warren Kapsner was in attendance. Staff Liaison
Grimes reviewed the proposal for a front entrance facing Edgewood Avenue South.
Kapsner reviewed the architecture of the existing house and the problem with water
d�aining from the existing front steps into the basement because the water well was placed
in this spot under the steps. He said because of the moisture in the basement at this area,
there is heat loss which causes the steps to become very slippery in winter. Sell noted that
the east side of any structure receives less sun, therefore little snow and ice melt due to
lack of sun on this side of the house.
Swedberg asked #he app(icant to explain why he was requesting eight feet instead of a
five-foot entrance. Kapsner sa�.t�iat the proposed entrance would be approximately five
feet in width and the sxtra foatage is for the proposed columns to the front of the entrance.
He said he believes that the columns will give the propased entrance a more dramatic Iook.
Swedberg commented that it seems that a house is govemed by the use of our cars and
how much we use the front entrance. Kapsner said that he and his wife do not use the
front entrance that much, but that his guests would be using this entrance.
� � y
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
July 28, 1998
Page 4
Shaffer asked if the entryway would be a vestibule. Kapsner said the inside existing door
going inta the house would be eliminated and replaced with an archway. He said he had
not decided whether the new entrance would be one or two doors.
Swedberg commented that the proposed drawing shows a limited amount of shrubbery
around the entrance. Kapsner reviewed his survey noting where existing pines and bushes
are now located and talked about what would be replaced. Kapsner said that he still has
not decided on whether to constn.u:t a cascading waterfaN over rocks.
Shaffer brought to the attention of staff that the proposed vverhang would be 36 inches
instead of#he allowed 30 inches. Kapsner that that he could pull the roof back 6 inches
and still maintain the peek as found on other parts of the house.
Shaffer said that he usually does not like seeing construction in the front se#back but in this
case he does not believe there would be any affect on the neighborhood and the entrance
could enhance the area. He said he was concemed with the roof line and the extra 6
inches and agreed with the applicant that it should be cut back to 30 inches.
Swedberg asked for some assurance that the proposed entry is the minimum amount
possible, but still practical. He continusd saying lhat due to tfie topography of the land, the
rec}uest can be justified. Kapsner said that he could reduce the size, but the entry would
become very cramped. He believes the pillars would make the addition more attractive and
be an asset to the neighborhood. Kapsner said he made every atternpt to design an entry
that woutd have the least impact on the front setback and the neighborhood.
Shaffer asked if the side walls of the entry would be glass. Kapsner said yes.
MOVED by Shaffer, seconded by Swedberg and motion carried unanimously to approve
the requested variance from Section 11.21, Subd. 7(A)with the understanding that the`
eaves wo�d rrot be any longer than 30 inches.
4224 Golden Valley Road (Map 5) (98-7-23)
enise and Rob Kin
Requ Waiver of Section 11.21, Subd. 7(B) Rear Yard Setback for 5.5 f �e
uired 25 feet to a distance of 19.5 feet for a proposed , s ory
b at its closest point to the rear property lin �
Waiver of 11.21, Subd. 7(C� ard Setback of 2.2 feet off the
required 13.20 distan feet for the existing deck, at its
closest point to fhe ea �� y line.
Purpose: To allaw for nstruction of a� , ' balcony off the rear of the house.
Sell read the re d var'rances. Ms:King was in atten'� Sell pointed out to staff
that the rea setback was amended in 1964 from 42 feet to et; therefore the
varianc uld be for 5.5 instead of the 22.3 feet as noted on the a Staff took note.
Gri commented thaf the file did not indicate why the house was plac o far back on
ot. He told the commission that the subject deck was replaced in 1994 and the
Inspections Department proba6ly did not require a variance at that time because the