01-16-14 Envision Connection Project Executive Board Minutes MINUTES Envision Connection Project Executove Board January 16, 2014 7:30 pm City Hall Council Conference Room Directors Present: Lynn Gitelis, Sharon Glover, Jim Heidelberg, Cindy Inselmann, Helene Johnson, Philip Lund, Dean Penk, Wendy Rubinyi, Marshall Tanick, Blair Tremere Directors Absent: Mike Berger, Mike Schleif Other: Cheryl Weiler (Staff Liaison) 1. Call to Order Chair Gitelis called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm with a quorum. 2. Approval of Agenda Johnson added Vista Volunteers under New Business. Penk moved the approval of the agenda and Lund seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Approval of December 19, 2013 Minutes Johnson moved approval of the minutes, Penk seconded, motion carried. 4. Work Plan and Budget Envision Commission 2013 Year End Report Chair Gitelis asked if there were changes or corrections. Johnson added item #10. "Global Golden Valley successfully hosted a Naturalization Ceremony at City Hall July 4 and a program featuring Robbinsdale Armstrong High School students who had traveled to Japan." Gitelis commented that in 2014 it must be clear that the Envision Board is here to connect, not vet ideas, and to be facilitators. Tremere said he has the draft document he and Lund worked on to use the Envision Board as a speaker's bureau to help connect people. He suggested it be added to the 2014 Work Plan. 2014 Work Plan Board members reviewed the revised 2014 work plan. Lund asked about the Marketing Advisory Group, and Gitelis explained that Schleif had mentioned at the December meeting that the mayor had formed a Marketing Advisory Group, which came out of the mayor's think tank. Heidelberg asked for clarity about item #8 Communications/Marketing, and Johnson said item #3 Volunteer Facilitation seemed vague. Heidelberg said the 2014 work plan would define it. Modification of ProiecUPlan Proposal Form The group asked about the purpose of the form. Gitelis explaining the Connection Form was to track incoming ideas, and that the group needed to tweak it until it works. Heidelberg questioned the function of the form. The group discussed ways to use it, who fills it out, and suggested the following changes: rename it Golden Valley Great Ideas and add a note explaining the purpose of the form (`Please fill out this form so we can help you connect."), remove all general information except name and date and ask people how they'd like to be contacted, remove project information section, change the description area to "Describe Your Great Idea and Goals," and add section asking "How will you know you've achieved your goals?" The Tennyson warning will also be added to let people know the information on the form is public. Rubinyi suggested creating a separate interest form for what people want to participate in and discussed the need for getting the word out. The group talked about ways to steer people to the volunteer form already on the City website. Gitelis steered the discussion back to the Great Ideas form and pointed out that the point of Envision is to start new things. Heidelberg pointed out the function of the form is to collect new ideas. Gitelis said new ideas could be sent to the City's volunteer coordinator so she could connect people who want to get involved. Gitelis added the form needs to be able to help with ideas like Global Golden Valley, or Market in the Valley. Weiler recorded the modifications and will bring them to the group at the February meeting. Rubinyi suggested bringing the form into schools to generate ideas—sixth grade classrooms, for instance—as a way to educate and generate grass roots participation. Budqet Manaqement Gitelis distributed the Budget Request Form for group discussion. After many questions about the purpose of the form and the need for it, Gitelis explained it was needed to track spending and donations. Weiler explained all expenditures and donations need to be reported to the City Council. It was also explained that all purchases need to be approved by the Board before money is spent, and all donations need to be tracked and formally accepted by the City. The group decided the form should be renamed "Purchase and Donation Tracking Form." Penk suggested an area be added to the form regarding the reimbursement process. Weiler will ask Finance Director Sue Virnig for clarification of the process. Rubinyi suggested the group consider a way to value partial donations or at-cost or in-kind donations. Weiler will check City policy with Virnig. 5. Projects and Council Updates Bridqe Builders Lund reported he secured the Wirth Chalet for the next quarterly Bridge Builders event, which will be Saturday, March 8, 10 am to noon. He worked with Andrea Webber to get David Smith, the historian who works with the Minneapolis Park Board, as a guest speaker. Smith will give a presentation on the history of the Wirth Chalet, and Lund will give the tour. VISI Award Tremere will contact Linda Loomis to coordinate with VISI nominee Don Brown for a presentation date before the City Council. Tremere then added that Tanick has contacted the old Hall of Fame Committee to see if any of them have any concerns moving forward with the Hall of Fame process. Gitelis reminded the group of subcommittee rules. For example, the Bridge Builders event must be publicly noticed. Heidelberg moved to create a permanent Hall of Fame Subcommittee of Tanick, Penk, and Tremere. Inselmann seconded. Motion passes. Tanick will tell Weiler meeting dates, locations, and times and will take notes at the meetings. 6. New Business Vista Volunteers Johnson presented a notice from the League of Minnesota Cities about an upcoming program regarding volunteers and getting a free volunteer coordinator to help build a program. Lund moved that the Envision Board supports the idea of a Vista Volunteer and that Johnson send the email to Gitelis to forward to the mayor asking that special action be taken. Seconded by Gitelis. Motion passes. Tanick, Gitelis, and Heidelberg will meet with the City Parks and Recreation staff to discuss the Ice Cream Social. 7. Upcoming Meetings Weiler indicated that the February 20 meeting needed to be changed to a different date due to staff conflicts. The group agreed upon February 25. 8. Adjournment Moved by Tremere and seconded by Tanick. Motion carried unan' ly. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. � Lynn Gitelis, air AT T: Ch ryl Weiler, taff Liaison