03-20-14 Envision Connection Project Executive Board Minutes MINUTES
Envision Connection Project Executive Board
March 20, 2014
7:30 pm
City Hall Council Conference Room
Directors Present: Lynn Gitelis (chair), Mike Berger, Helene Johnson, Philip Lund, Dean Penk,
Wendy Rubinyi, Mike Schleif, Blair Tremere
Directors Absent: Sharon Glover, Jim Heidelberg, Cindy Inselmann, Marshall Tanick
Other: Cheryl Weiler(Staff Liaison)
1. Call to Order
Chair Gitelis called the meeting to order at 7:43 pm with a quorum.
2. Approval of Agenda
Schleif moved the approval of the agenda and Lund seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Approval of February 25, 2014 Minutes
Tremere asked who was going to handle the Ice Cream Social, as it was a small spark. The group
agreed the minutes should be amended to say the City will plan and run the event. Lund pointed
out a typo in the minutes under"Miscellaneous." Johnson moved approval of the minutes, Berger
seconded, motion carried with Tremere abstaining.
4. Work Plan and Budget
The group asked Weiler to provide a monthly report on expenditures.
5. Projects and Council Updates
Bridqe Builders
Lund reported on the March 8 quarterly Bridge Builders event, which 20 people attended, and
wondered how to get more people to attend. Several in the group suggested doing personal
phone call reminders as they did in the past. Lund also reported on the purchasing process, and
the group discussed pre-shopping and paying with a City check versus buying materials and
turning in a reimbursement form later. At the event, Lund said there was a lack of parking at Wirth
Chalet because of another event at the facility, causing people to arrive late and the event to start
late. The group decided to advertise a 9:45 am check-in and 10 am start time for future events.
Lund also suggested issuing a quarterly meeting report, including sending proper thanks to
speakers and hosts as well as following up with participants of small group sessions. Rubinyi
reported on her small group session covering Golden Valley Greenways. The group thought the
next logical step would be to contact participants about how to grow the idea and connect
interested folks to others. The group also agreed the ideas should be presented in the quarterly
report by the person who led the group session. In addition, group session leaders would contact
participants personally to thank them. Rubinyi said group leaders could outline how Bridge
Builders can help, as a way to keep momentum going. Gitelis asked Lund to draw up a process for
Bridge Builders to follow. Lund asked to defer it to a later date, and the group continued
discussion. Schleif said that aside from sending thank you messages and recording numbers of
participants, the important thing is to follow through and generate interest. He gave the example of
his meetings with local convention and visitors bureaus, like St Louis Park's, which could focus on
how to market Golden Valley as a whole and get people to come here and live here. Johnson
suggested using CommonPlace to report and follow up, and maybe using the City website and
Facebook. Schleif asked Weiler about getting a generic Envision email so Envision members
wouldn't have to publish their personal email addresses. Weiler will look into it. Lund suggested
that the small group coach could follow up with the idea people, summarize the discussion at the
end of the meeting, and generate a report. Penk thought it would be better to follow up with a
phone call. Lund reported on the arts council idea that is starting up as well as the LIVE concept
as events to connect with. Rubinyi liked that LIVE has meeting dates set up for a year, published
on postcards, and she advocated for Bridge Builders to do the same thing, The group then
discussed publishing the group reports in CityNews. Lund suggested dividing up scheduling for
the rest of the year.
Discussion then moved on to the next quarterly event. Lund pointed out iYs a lot of work to set up
the events and suggested reviewing the list of potential venues. Schleif suggested targeting some
dates, with the next one being in June. Penk thought the dates should be somewhat flexible.
Gitelis suggested the group assign people to call venues, so Tanick will contact Kare 11 for the
next event, Tremere will contact General Mills for the third event, and Gitelis will contact Allianz for
the fourth event. Lund suggested having the General Mills event before Valley Days because of
the food focus.
Global Golden Vallev
Johnson reported there were three very engaged presenters from three different continents for a
great program, but they were disappointed in the turn-out. Cable 12 covered the event. The group
discussed packaging the event and presenting it in schools. Johnson said the lack of a PA system
in the Golden Valley library made it difficult for some people to hear. Gitelis suggested Davanni's
for small group events because it has a sound system. Rubinyi wondered why the City didn't have
a sound system available for citizens to check out. Gitelis reported the Park and Recreation
Department has to be in control of the City's portable sound system and doesn't check it out.
6. New Business
Communitv Center Task Force
Weiler outlined the concept and mission of the Community Center Task Force, which is asking for
a member from each City Commission. Penk and Rubinyi indicated interest; Rubinyi withdrew.
Tremere moved to appoint Penk to the Task Force, Schleif seconded, motion passed.
7. Upcoming Meetings
The group discussed upcoming meeting dates members were unable to attend and said members
should keep Weiler notified of intended absences.
8. Adjournment
Moved by Johnson and seconded by Lund. Motion carried unanj.mously. The me ing adjourned
at 9:52 pm. �"'`
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Lynn Git i Chair
Ch I eile , `Staff iaison