05-12-14Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes May 12, 2014 Present: Kathryn Frommer, Alan Ingber, Carolyn Kaehr, Craig McDaniels, Connie Sandler, Peggy Watkins, Toots Vodovoz and Andrew Wold. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Hilmer Erickson, Elissa Heilicher, Call to Order: Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: No additions or changes to the agenda. April 7 minutes: Vodovoz moved and Kaehr seconded the motion to approve the minutes from April 7. The motion passed unanimously. Election of Chair/Vice-Chair: Sandler made the motion to elect Andrew Wold as Chair and Kathryn Frommer as Vice Chair by acclamation. Motion passed unanimously. Run the Valley: Fackler reported that 455 runners and walkers participated in Run the Valley. To date $15,320 has been raised. Expenses were $4,533. Net is $10,786. Commission members thought the event was successful despite the cool weather and short training season. Kid's Fun Run had 24 participants. Members liked the packets of t-shirts/race numbers and felt it sped up the race day pick-up process. Sandler thanked the Commission members for their work on the event. The 2015 date was discussed. Passover is April 4-11 and Easter is April 5. The date was set for Saturday, April 11. Fackler will inform city staff and the timing company. Upcoming Events July 11th — Golf Classic. Letters to last year's sponsors are ready to be sent. Sandler encouraged members to talk up the tournament since Allianz will not be a sponsor this year. Wold will ask Clements if LIVE will promote the event. Other Business: Solicitation Letter: As of today, $10,154 has been received. Board and Commission Dinner: The annual Board and Commission Dinner is scheduled for Thursday, June 12 at Brookview. Invitations are being mailed to current and retiring members. Application packet: The application packet was distributed to members. Sandler asked the members to review the packet and bring suggestions/changes to the next meeting. Sandler reminded the members that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 9 Adjournment: Ingber moved to adjourn the meeting, Vodovoz seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Sandler, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison