10-22-14 Bottineau LRT Planning Advisory Committee Minutes city of
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Bottineau LRT Planning Advisory Committee
October 22, 2014
6:00 pm
Golden Valley City Hall
Cauncil Conference Room
Committee Members Present: Chair Rich Baker, Vice Chair Sean Fahey, Tonia Golanska,
Erv Heim, Alison Pence, Gillian Rosenquist, Dan Steinberg,
Cathy Waldhauser, Debra Yahle
Commissioners Present: Planning Commissioner Ron Blum
City Staff Present: Planning Manager Jason Zimmerman, Associate Planner
Emily Goellner, Public Works Specialist Eric Eckman
I. Approval of Meeting Minutes from April 10, 2014
Chair Rich Baker called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm and the minutes of the April, 2014,
meeting were approved unanimously.
II. Update from Staff
Planning Manager lason Zimmerman provided updates regarding the Bottineau project,
including the November 12 open house, the release of the draft of the Theodore Wirth Master
Plan, and the entry of the LRT line into the two year Project Development phase. In response to
a request from the group, he agreed to provide regular summaries of the progress of the
project in areas beyond station area planning.
III. Committee "Check-in" Regarding Planning Process
Baker gave the group an overview of the process for the evening and suggested they use the
Mission and Responsibilities of the Committee as assigned by the City Council and assess each
1. Identify all impacts of the Bottineau LRT on roads, sidewalks, and trails.
Cathy Waldhauser stated that she believed the station area planning had had a good focus and
attentian on sidewalks and trails. Gillian Rosenquist suggested that all future plans be
integrated into the station area plan and pointed to the future Three Rivers plan. She
encouraged a holistic view.
2. Identify effects on the existing transit system in Golden Valley.
Dan Steinberg thought that the process had been weak so far regarding the integration with
bus route planning. Baker pointed out that buses are not allowed to run on the Parkway and
wondered if this should be revisited. Rosenquist suggested the larger transit planning should
involve the companies in Golden Valley, as many of their employees would use the light rail.
The concept of a business circulator was discussed.
3. Identify station parking issues, availability and opportunities.
Baker indicated parking concerns still needed to be addressed. Rosenquist wondered if
providing parking would solve the issue of congestion at the station or make in worse.
Zimmerman told the group that Hennepin County would be attending the December
Council/Manager work session to discuss parking with the Council. Eric Eckman pointed out
that station area land use decisions could potentially help by providing parking in combination
with other uses.
4. Meet with key property owners and other stakeholders near both proposed station locations
to understand long-term plans for the area.
Waldhauser stated that group needed to do a better job of ineeting with others. Rosenquist
encouraged everyone to forward information about the open house to people or groups that
they knew. Baker wondered how to figure out who isn't currently being reached via City efforts.
5. Identify impacts to natural resources and plans for mitigation of the impacts.
Sean Fahey indicated he believed this was the weakest topic in the station area planning; others
agreed. Rosenquist stated that the DEIS response covered a lot, but the concerns are not being
addressed at the station areas. Heim suggested that the topic keep being brought up at the
Community Working Group sessions. Baker wondered if the subject was getting lost in the
discussion because Minneapolis didn't share the same concerns.
6. Establish long-term land use goals for areas adjacent to both of the proposed station
Steinberg asked if rezoning was going to be a result of the station area process. Baker indicated
that the group needed to be forward-looking and help shape the process. Waldhauser stated
that activity would likely be necessary to support the stations. Rosenquist agreed, but thought
that connections to the rest of Golden Valley were also important. Baker stated that long term,
the station area plans would be rolled into the Comprehensive Plan. Fahey wondered about the
fate of the fire station. Rosenquist posed that with increased population around the light rail
station, it might be more important to keep the fire station in its current location.
7. Work with Hennepin County to ensure that there is an adequate method of communication to
Golden Valley property owners.
Fahey wondered if a mailing would be the most effective, even though it would be expensive.
Rosenquist stated that she thought the City communication had been good. Zimmerman
indicated that an update would be included in the November/December City newsletter and
that a reminder about the January open house could be included in the January/February
8. Meet with residents living near the Bottineau LRT corridor and identify issues and concerns.
9. Review and offer commenrs on starion area planning analysis, results and recommendations.
10. Review and offer comments to land use plans for areas adjacent to the station locations.
Baker wondered if it made sense to have some meetings separate from Minneapolis to focus on
Golden Valley issues. Rosenquist stated that more involvement from Minneapolis was needed
at the Golden Valley Road station with respect to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Baker summarized the main points from the evening and Zimmerman agreed pass them along
to Hennepin County and to the station area consultants. Baker suggested meeting again in
February after the next open house.
Eckman summarized the number of studies that were underway or recently completed that
related to the station areas or the light rail line in general and indicated the timing was good for
the coordination of planning for many issues.
IV. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.