10-30-14 Community Center Task Force minutes Archltesture � �ngineering � Piannlny M e e t i n g M i n u t e s PROJN CT: C'Jolden Valley Community Center f�G<1 Commission Number 2065-004-00 t�RC�M: Jcssica Horstkotte vvxi'1'�?�t's v1tt1�:C1'v[�v.�tz-�5s-4zz� DATE: October 31, 2014 MEETING Purpose: Task Force Meeting#6 Date: October 30, 2014 Time: 5:30pm- 7:30pm I_.ocation: Brookview Community Center INVITEI�S: Task Force Members Facilitation Team John Cornelius City of Golden Valley Pat Dale Carrie Anderson I.ynn Gitelis Kick Birno Brad Kadue Ben Disch J ohn Ifluchka Eric Eckman Kelly Kuebelbeck Brian Exickson Dcan Penk ,Jeanne Fackler Karla Rose Greg Spencer Merton Suckerman Cheryl Weilex Jason Iimmerman HGA Nancy Blankfard )essica Horstkotte Victor Pechaty Glenn Waguespack COPIES: Those Not Present Item Task Force Meeting#6 was the sixth of seven meetings scheduled fox the Golden Valley C�mmuniry Ccnter Task Force to review and provide communiry input £or the Feasibility Study and Predesign for a new Community Center. Meeting#6 included a review of the OctobeY 14 Ciry Council workshop presentation; an overview of sustainable building strategies for the project; and an activity and discussion around the prioritization of program elements for the project. h{;�,r�z7�iel, C,rei:r� ,aair! Abr,�tia!ns�r4, �lnr. q2(7 5th Street NOrtlS • Suite 1Qp • Mlrnnea�0liS, Minrtesota USA SS4Q1 233F3 HGf1 A.cf�itects �rid M:ngirrkt�,rs� L.L.0 H6A Architects anci Eny3necrs, l G.P 7��lephor�e G12.758.4Up0 Facsiinil� b12.7,5�.4]99 � HGA Architectisre and En9ineerinq, ('C . t�GA Mfrl-Atl�ntic, tnr:, Visit our 4Vebsife: YFe�a.e�n� Uolden Valley Communiry Center October 31, 2014 Page 2 Item I. Overview of City Council Workshop Rick Birno provided an overview of the October 1�, 2014 Ciry Council workshop. A. Of the 5 options presented, Options 02 and 03 were identified for potential furthcx development. B. City Council asked the Task Force to develop a recommendation for an option somewhere in between Option 02—Replace Existing Program at Current Brookview Site (�9.5N� and Option 03—New ProgYam at Current Brookview Site (�$38Iv� II. Sustainability Review A. HGA provided an overview of sustainable building and project strategies as well as the LEED CerrificaCion pxocess and cost implications. � 1. Sustainabiliry strategies can include a focus on stoxmwater management, site � design, on-site energy generarion, energy efficiency, and/or matErials. 2. LEED certification ranges from LEED certified to I,F.F,D Platinum. F:ach level � has an increased emphasis on sustainable strategies as well as an increased cost premium. Addirionally, the certificarion pxocess has a separate cost. a. HUA's best pxacrices generally meet LEED Silver qualifications.This is assumed in the initial cost estimates. B. The Task Force discussed some of thc options presented. The following questions � and opinions were expressed by the�roup. 1. Investing in energy reducing strategies will result in operating cost savings. 2. What is the payback for some of thc sustainable strategies� � 3. Golden Valley is ineerested in developing a sustainability plan. '1'his building � should support that initiative. � C. Recommendation 1. The Task Force has idenri�ied a commitment to employing sustainable strategies. 2. The group is interested in pursuing LEED Gold as a sustainabiliry standard fox the Golden Valley Community Center project. The group does not feel the additional cost of obtaining the certification is necessary. The cost estimate will include a line item that indicates the premium for achieving this status. 3. In addition to the LEED Gold standard, the Task Force would like to investigate additional innovative energy conservation solutions with reasonable a payback as a means of reducing operating costs. III. Program Discussion "I'he Task F'orce engaged in c�iscussion and a participatory exercise to prioritize the project � elements in c�rder to develc�p a recommendation between C)ption 02 and Qprion 03. "I'he discussion and rec�inmendauons that resulted ��rc capCurcd as foll�ws. � � r�. HGA reviewed the differences in size and cost between Options 02 and 03. Progxam types were grouped together and reflected gross impact,including parking, of increasing from existing to desired program. B. The group was in agreement that the impxovements to the golf program and parks Goldcn Valley Community Center October 31, 2014 Page 3 Item and rec admin were necessary to better support the primary functions of the project. Those specific items include Parks &Rec Admin, Golf Program, On site Cart Storage,Driving Range improvements, and I'utting Green improvements. C. The ranking exercise illustrated the range of prioriries of the Task Force. The specific outcome of the exexcise,including number of votes and written comments, are enclosed. D. Reflecting on the exercise�enerated discussion among the gxoup and led rhem to articulate the following priorities. 1. Potential for cross programming and cfficiency c�f spaces. a. Is it possible to cross progYam certain spaces to aecommodaCe the meeting and gathering needs? b. It is important ro be mindful that cross ptogramming of rcvcnue and non- revenue generating programs can lead to a loss in revenue. Dedicated space for each would allow this to be minimized. c. A white box theater would be a cultural icon that should not be subsumed inro another generalized meering space. Important to keep the quality of Che Yoom but it could be used for other functions. d. A white box theater is a cultural statement. 2. Revenue generating programs are impartant. a. 'I'hese programs include I3anquet,�3istro, Mini-golf, and Kids Play. 3. C:utting program whole sale vs. shrinking program a. There is a difference between cuCring programs whole sale and shrinking each program to get to a boiled down version of the groups original vision. �4. To be responsible to the people the task force represents the task force believes it would not be prudent to present an option less than Option 03. a. 'I'o cut anything from Oprion 03 detracts from the goal of Che project creating a destination. b. '1'he group went through an exercise to prioririze elements of the project. � Certain prioritization and cuts had already been made to develop Option 03, '1"here may be room for maximizing efficiency�within Option 03, but � the"I'ask Force is not interested in recommending a middle option. c. Whole salc reductions are not being made at this point because it would bc out of context without the full value of the investment (vision, operaung costs,public/ private partnerships, etc) 5. Important to understand the full value an all-inclusive community center brings to Golden Valley and not just focus on initial cost. a. Many of the program offer opportunities for revenue generation. b. Option 03 promotes the vision for Golden Valley as a destination. c. Option 03 will give Golden Valley a personality and is a talking point and attractox for people moving to the communiry. d. Enetgy efficient building strategies as well and energy generating �� Golden Valley Community Centcr October 31, 2014 Page 4 Item technologies will reduce opexating costs. e. There is potanrial ro tap into cxeative funding options to reduce the cost of the project for Che city. � i. Public-private partnerships ii. Grants iii. Individual or corporate sponsors IV. Next Steps :�. HU�� will develop concept level drawings and images for Option 03. B. Task Force meeting 7 will focus on reviewing conceptual drawings as well as � developing a strategy for presenting to City Council. '1'he next meeting is scheduled for 1�7onday, Noveinber 17, at 5:30pm at Brookview Communiry � C;entex. 'I'he foregoing represents I-ICUA's undcrstanding of the discussions and decisions made during this meeting, If anyone has any changes or comments,please notify the author within seven days �f � the date of this document. F?nclosure Sign-in Sheet Compiled Ranking Fxercise Ranking Exercise scans u:A2000\2065\00400\7.general communicapons\meeringminutes\20741030 ta,k force meetin�G\20141030-task force mtg 6,docx