08-26-14 Community Center Task Force minutes Archftectuwe � Engineering � Plann€ng
M e e t i n g M i n u t e s
� PROJECT: Golden Valley Community Center
I�IGA Commission Number 2065-004-00
FKOM: Jessica Hoxstkotte Wxrri�.x°s t�nii�;cr t�i.��,�1z-�sa-4zz�
Dr1TE: August 27, 2014
Purpose: Task I�oxce Meeting#4
Date: August 26, 2014 Time: 5:30pm- 8:OOpm
Locauon: Brookview Community Center
PRF.SEN'I': Task Force Members Facilitation Team
John Cornelius City of Golden Valley
Pat Dale Carrie Anderson
I,ynn Gitelis Rick Birno
Brad Kadue Ben Disch
John Kluchka Eric Eckman
Dean Penk Brian Erickson
Karla Rose Jeanne Fackler
Mexton Suckerman Greg Spencer
� Chervl Weiler
� )ason 7immerman
� Nancy I�lankfard
Jessica HoYstkotte
Victor Pechary
Glenn Waguespack
Gill Design
Kari I�aug
COPIF.S: Those Not Present
Garxet Gill, Gill Design
� Task Force Meering#4 was the fifth of seven meetings scheduled for the Golden Valley
Community Center Task Force to review and pYovide community input foY the Feasibility
Study and Predesign for a new Communit}� �=enter.
� Meeting#4 included an overview of the Brookview golf course and terminology; a
presentation of five building,parking, site amenity configuration options on three sites;
and golf course programming implications/options for each site.
I�i�mrnei, Creen and Abr�a9�airrisni7, lr�c q20 5lh'7 Street NortPt • Suitc 1�30 • Mli�t�2dpoii5, Mirtne5tltr� USA SSA(11��233$
hiGA Arr.hitec.ts and Engi�7eer5, !.LC�
� tiC,r1 m��ch�tects and [np�necr�: l LY> Ttlr^�7hanc� E�12."758.4p00 Facsi�r7iPe 612.75$.4198
fiGf1 AYchiteCtur� �nd E�ag;r7�erir'iq, PC
HG,A Mid-A�lant�lc, lPic. Visit our We��sit�: hrga.Gt�mi
rlugust 27, 2014
I'age 2
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I. Golf 101
Ben Disch, Golf Operations Ivlanager at Brookview Golf Course,provided an overview of
the golf course to orient the task force to the facilities,history, currene operations, and
challenges of course.
A. Brookview Golf Course has two primary funcrions: stormwater management Eor the
Basset Creek watershed, and golf programming.
B. '1'he course has some issues with holes being inundated with water,including hole 14
and part of the Par 3 course.
C. The Par 3 course use has dropped over the years, even as the course has inexeased�in
use. Brookview is in the top 5 courses with the heaviest play in Minnesota, having
approximately 100,000 golfers use the clubhouse annually.
D. "1'he driving range is "irons-only" (no drivers), due to its short range and pro�mity to
highway 394, While the range is profitable (approximately$100K/yr), a fully
Eunctional r.ange would likely be more profitable by 1.5X to 2X. �� full driving range
� would r.equire 30(l yard length, and could be ovcrlaid ovct the currenr Par 3 course.
II. Site Options Overview Presentation
A. HGA presented five options For building, paxking, and site amenities on three sites.
1. SiCe 01 � 13uilding Oprion A
a. All the desired program is located at the current Brookview Clubhouse
b. Structured parking is shown to minimize impact on the golf course.
2. Site 01 � Building Oprion B.
a. This option locates all the desired program at the cuxrent Brookview
Clubhause location,
b. Surface parking is sh�wn and would have significant impact on thc
current dtiving range.
3. Site 02 � Building Opaon 1�
a. "1'his option locates aU the desired program at the corner of F�ighway 55
� &Winnetka 1�vcnuc.
b. On site structured parking is required.
4. Site 02 � Building Option 13
a. This option splits the progxam between thc current Brookview
Clubhouse location and the corner of Highway 55 8c Winnetka r�venue
i. The Bxookview site would include a golf clubhouse and
� operations, banquet faciliries,and community bistso.
ii. The corner site would include classrooms and senior
programming, white box theatex,Parks and Rec administration,
and kids play facilities.
b. All parking presented in this option iss surface parking.
5. Site 03 � Building Option
a. The program is split between the current Brookview Clubhouse
locarion and the current Ciry Hall location.
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i. 'The I3rookview site would include a golf clubhouse and
c�perations,banquet facilities, communiCy bisCro, and kids play.
ii. I'he Ciry Hall location would include a new city hall faciliry,
white box theater, classYooms and senior programming, as well
as Parks and Rec administration.
b. This option would require structured parking at the City Hall locaTion.
B. Gill Design presented associated options for golf course adjustments.
� 1. Site 01 � Golf Oprion A
a. This option demonstrates the possibility of moving the driving range to
where the Par 3 couYse is curxently located. 7'his would allow for 300-+�
yard range in a preferenrial orientarion.
b. Possibilities for re-working the current 1" and 9``' holes are shown if a
new building located at current Bxookview clubhousc location
eneroached on current course.
� � 2. Site 01 � Golf Option B
a. '!'his option demonstrates the possibiliry of moving the driving range
fuYther west of current location and extending it to 300 yards.
� b. Shifring the driving range west would require reworking other parts of the golf
� course to maintain 18 holes.
3. Site Ol ( G�olf OpCion C
a. Similar to Sire 01 � Golf Option A this option shows the possit�iliry° c�f
moving the driving range to the current Par 3 location,
� b. If the building footprint is small enough, there would be no effect on
the 18 hole golf course.
4. Site 02 � Uolf Option r�
� a. 'I'his option shows the xequired adjustments if Site 01 � Building
Option A were pursued. The course would have to be reconfigured so
holes 1 and 10 started near the new clubhouse location on the corner
of Highway 55 and Winnetka Avenue. Similarly, holes 9 and 18 would
need to end at the new clubhouse location.
� � b. The driving range would need to be relocated to be closer to the club
� house and is shown overlaid on top of the current 1'ar 3 course.
c. '17ze 18 hole course could be expanded to the south if the driving range
wexe relocated.
5. Site 02 � U�lf Qption B
a. '1'his option is similar to Site 01 � Golf C�ption A and C.
III. Site Options Discussion
Questions, concexns and priorities expressed during the presentations following discussion
are outlined below.
A. The group was in agr.eement that relocating the driving range Co the current Par 3 �
course in order to make land available for building, parking and new site amenities
seemed preferable.
1. They would still like to see an operations repoxt for e�sting use of Par 3 course
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and potential expansion of driving range before making a final
� recommendation.
2. Brookview staff to provide report.
3. r1 suggestion was made to install family tees on the 18 hole course to make up
for loss of Par 3 course. 'I'his would alter the pace of play on 18 hole course.
B. Brad Kadue encouraged the group to consider options that would fix the water and
flopding challenges of the gold course. This would be a prioriry over future course
1. Victor Pechaty noCed that a civil analysis would likely be regliired to fully
understand the storm water management and other soil issues. This analysis is
� not currently within the scope of the project.
� 2. Eric F.ckman suggested the City could provide informarion on the flood plain
in the area to incorporate into the gYaphic infoxmation.
C. Lynn asked if there was any discussic�n of considexing the current location of the
� maintenance building as a building site.
� 1. This was noC considered due location challenges including limited space for
D. The presented building options were discussed and the group came to a consensus as
to which two options Chey would like HG�� to develc�p further.
� � 1. Site 01 � Building Option r1
a. ��d�-antages
� � i. 1'he whole program remains together in a single location.
ii. `l'he clul�house remains at its current location which limits the
amount of course modifications.
b. Concerns/Questions
� � i. 1"he parking structure. Task force members were concerned
about� the willingness of residents to build a parking ramp.
� 2. Site 01 � Building Option B
a. Advantages
� i. The whole program remains together in a single location.
ii. The clubhouse remains at iCs current location which limits the
amount of course modifications.
iii. Surface parking is preferred.
b. Concerns/Questions
i. Can the sports dome fit on the current driving range along with
the required surface parking?
ii. Is there an �pportuniry tc> do a partial tray of parking at strcet
level and surface parking below as a hybrid parking option. "I'his
would minimize parking profile and potentially free up room
for the sports dome.
a. IIGr1 will explore these questions further,
c. '1"his was identified as one of two preferred schemes for further
l�ugust 27, 2014
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� development by HG�.
3. Site 02 � Building Oprion �
a, Advantages
i. The whole program Yemains together in a single locarion.
b. Concerns/Questions
i. Mulrilevel structured parking required. This would not only be
costly but it would attxact a lot of attenrion visually.
a. A question was raised whether the parking structure
could be dug inro the north edge of the corner site.
ii. Relocaring thc golf clubhouse to the corner site would require
�� reconfiguring the course to start and end at the new building
� 4. Site 02 � I3uilding Opuon B
a. Advantagcs
i. Splitting the building program allows required parking to be less
concentrated and the nUmbers can be reached through surface
ii. Separating the banquet program and the rec programs, such as
kids play, might be advantageous to users.
iii. The clubhouse remains at its current location which limits the
amount of course modifications.
iv. Potenrial for enhanced pedestrian connection.
b. Concerns/Questions
i. Two buildings means increased operaring costs.
ii. Building on such a prominent cotner site limits potential future
c. This was idenrified as one of two preferred schemes for further
develo�ment by F�IGA.
5. Site 03 � I3uilding Oprion
a. Site 03 was reviewed but the group agreed that further analysis was not
b. 'i"he City Hall location presents significant spatial challenges.
IV. Next Steps
�. HGA will furthex develop the two preferred schemes for the next meeting:
Site 1/BUilding Option B and Site 2/Building Option B.
I3. HGA and Gill Design will coordinate to suggest appropriate golf couYse modifications
for each building option based on the prcferences expressed at the meeting.
C. HGA and City staff will coordinate to develop cost estimate for tearing down
� Brookview and replacing at existing capaciry.
� D. Rick Birno will gather informarion on the cost to taxpayexs for potential referenda that
� would need to be passed to finance the project.
I_�. Brookview sCaff to develop an operarions report for e�sting Par 3 course and potential
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expansion of driving xange.
� The next meering is scheduled for Tuesday, September 23, at 5:30pm at Brookview Communiry
The fore�oing represents HGA's understanding of the discussions and decisions made during this
meeting. If anyone has any changes or comments,please notify the author within seven days of
the date of this document.
� Sign-in sheet
Pxesentation slideshow