01-27-15 BZA Minutes Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
Goiden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27, 2015
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday,
January 27, 2015, at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair
Maxwell called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Members Maxwell, Nelson, Orenstein, Perich and Planning
Commission Representative Baker. Also present were Associate Planner/Grant Writer Emily
Goellner, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman.
I. Approval of Minutes — November 25, 2014 Regular Meeting
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Orenstein and motion carried unanimously to approve
the November 25, 2014, minutes as submitted.
II. The Petition(s) are:
221 Westwood Drive North
Curt Olson, Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(1) FrontYard Setback Requirements
• 4.67 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 30.33 ft. at its closest point to
the front yard (north) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of additional living space.
Goellner referred to a site plan of the property and explained the Applicant's proposal to
build a 2-story addition on the north end of the existing house.
Maxwell asked about the plans for the existing garage. Goellner stated that the
Applicant is proposing to convert the existing garage into living space and build a new
two-stall garage in front of that.
Maxwell asked if it is just the northwest corner of the proposed new garage that would
be in the setback area. Goellner said yes.
Curt 41son, Applicant, showed the Board plans of his proposed addition. He stated that
the lower level of the addition will be garage space and that the existing garage will be
used for a new stairway, mechanical room, and laundry/mudroom.
Maxwell asked about the depth of the proposed new garage. Bill Brugerman,
representing the Applicant, said the dimensions of the garage will be 24 ft. deep x 36 ft.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
January 27, 2015
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Olson handed out renderings of the proposed new additions and said his trying to
preserve the neighborhood character. He said he doesn't want someone to tear the
house down and build something else.
Orenstein asked Olson if he intends to sell the house. Olson said yes. He said this is
the second house in the area that he's renovated and that the neighbors call him a
preservationist, not a flipper.
Nelson said she has sympathy for corner lots and asked Olson if he has thought of
ways to build the proposed addition without variances. Olson said he could build on the
back of the house, but the backyard is already shallow and the neighbors to the west
wouldn't be happy if he did that. He added that building on the back of the house would
change the look of the block because the houses are linear so making an "L" shaped
house wouldn't fit in, and would look bigger than the other houses. Nelson asked if the
proposed addition could be smaller so the setback requirements could be met. Olson
said he would still need a variance even if he made the addition smaller. Brugerman,
stated that all the other properties along Loring Lane are closer to the street and that
this this house would still be the furthest away from the street. Olson added that the
block doesn't have a consistent line.
Maxwell stated that the Board tries to give the minimum amount needed in order to
build a normal sized garage. He questioned if the extra four feet is necessary or if
something smaller could be built. Brugerman stated that the length of a Suburban is
21 ft. so if the garage is only 23 ft, deep, people won't be able to walk behind the cars
without opening the garage door. He added that 24 ft. in depth is not excessive
because space is needed for garbage cans, storage, etc.
Nelsan stated the Board is sensitive to front yard setback areas. She discussed the
criteria that must be met when considering variances. She said she thinks the proposal
is in harmony with the intent of the ordinances, it's consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan, and it's reasonable, she just wonders if the addition could be built without
Maxwell asked Olson to address any other unique circumstances. Olson said the shape
of the property and the location of the house on the property are unique. He added that
the front of the house faces the large part of the yard which he thinks is backwards. He
would like to have the living spaces at the front of the house and the bedrooms at the
back of the house.
Nelson asked how many bedrooms and bathrooms are in the house. Olson said there
are 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and he wants to put another bedroom in the
basement. He said his intent is to bring the house into the modern era.
Maxwell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment,
Maxwell closed the public hearing.
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January 27, 2015
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Nelson said she is sympathetic with corner lots. She noted that if this weren't a corner
lot the setback would be 15 ft. and that other houses along Loring Lane are closer to
the front property line than this one would be.
Baker said he is sympathetic to avoiding teardowns and preserving and re-building
instead. Nelson agreed and added that construction of the proposed addition on the
back of the house would have a bigger impact on the neighborhood.
Perich said he agrees that the corner in this case is unique, however he struggles with
this request not being caused by the landowner since there are other options. Maxwell
stated that the landowner didn't position the existing house where it is. Nelson said that
shortening one corner of the proposed new garage by 4 ft. in order to meet setback
requirements won't make much of a difference. Perich agreed that a 20 foot deep
garage isn't a good idea.
MOVED by Nelson seconded by Baker and motion carried 4 to 1 to approve the
variance request for 4.67 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 30.33 ft. at its
closest point to the front yard (north) property line to allow for the construction of
additional living space. Perich voted no.
6461 Westchester Circle
Daniel Rvbeck and Kathleen Searls, Applicants
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd.
11(A)(1) FrontYard Setback Requirements
• 4,8 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 30.2 ft. at its closest point to
the front yard (north) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of additional living space.
Goellner referred to a site plan and explained the Applicants' proposal to construct a
screened porch addition and a deck. The proposed deck meets the setback
requirements, however the screened porch would require a variance from the front yard
setback requirements.
Maxwell asked about the size of the proposed porch addition without the deck. Nelson
noted that the plans submitted say the porch is 15 ft. x 29 ft. Goellner showed the
Board a plan submitted by the Applicant showing a porch addition built within the
setback area. Baker noted that those plans are really a different design, and didn't just
propose a smaller porch.
Maxwell asked if the existing trees would remain. Kate Searls, Applicant, said the trees
would remain.
Nelson asked about the setback requirements regarding stairs. Goellner stated that
stairs can be located in a setback area.
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January 27, 2015
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Maxwell asked if the porch were re-oriented to meet the setback requirements, how
close it would be to the tree shown in the photos. Goellner said the tree wasn't shown
on the survey, so she is not sure. John Drucker, Architect for the proposal, stated that
the screened porch would be approximately 6 ft. from the tree. Maxwell asked how
close to the tree the proposed porch would be if a variance were granted for the porch
addition. Drucker said approximately 12 ft. Maxwell asked what kind of tree it is. Searls
said it is an oak tree. Drucker stated that rotating the proposed screened porch to meet
the setback requirements would place the porch closer to the tree, however that is not
the main reason for the way they are propasing the porch. He stated that the main
reason they would like to build the screened porch the way they've proposed is to
create a garden area, and to create a balanced gable with the other gables on the
Nelson asked if the screened porch could be made smaller. Drucker stated that the
Applicant's want an eating area with a table and a sitting area in the porch so making it
smaller would compromise that. Searls added that they are a family of seven so they
want a space to gather. Drucker stated that the house will look better with the porch
built the way they are proposing it. He added that if they build the porch within the
setback area it will be more impactful and visible to the neighboring property.
Maxwell stated that the size and shape of the lot are unique, there are two front yard
setback areas, and the potential alternative might endanger an existing oak tree.
Drucker reiterated that a conforming structure won't fit in as well with the neighborhood
and that he doesn't think the oak tree will be in danger with either configuration. He
added that the property was platted in an odd shape and the buildable area is restricted
because of that.
Maxwell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment,
Maxwell clased the public hearing.
Orenstein stated that the orientation of the screened porch and the symmetry of the
design make sense and he has no objection to the proposed screened porch.
Baker said he understands the applicant's vision of a sitting area and an eating area in
the porch, but questioned if that vision is what is driving the need for a variance. He
said the Board is supposed to help solve a problem, not accommodate a vision. Perich
agreed and referred to the previous agenda item. He said in that case, the Applicant
had other options, in this case he doesn't think there are other options.
Maxwell said the Board is allowed to take into account the endangering of significant
trees. He said he is sympathetic because the Applicants have two front yards, but the
area in question is really more of a side yard than a front yard. Baker asked if the
tendency of the Board is to be more careful with front yards than with side yards.
Maxwell said yes.
Orenstein noted that the proposed screened porch will be consistent with the front
plane of the existing garage and that it wan't be intrusive. Maxwell added that there is
49 ft. from the house to the street and that this property has 14 ft. of right-of-way.
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January 27, 2015
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MOVED by Orenstein, seconded by Perich and motion carried unanimously to approve
the variance request for 4.8 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 30.2 ft. at its
closest point to the front yard (north) property line to allow for the construction of
screened porch.
III. Other Business
Nelson asked the Board if they would like Staff to make a recommendation for approval or
denial in their staff reports. The Board discussed whether or not they would like
recommendations made and the consensus was that they would like recommendations.
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Orenstein and motion carried 4 to 1 to have staff provide
a recommendation when writing a staff report for variance requests. Perich voted na.
IV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.
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rge Maxwell, Chair Lisa Wittman, Administrative Assistant