02-09-15 GVHF Agenda GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FUND February 9, 2015 6:45 pm Brookview Community Center Evergeen (Senior) Room 1.Call to Order 2.Agenda Changes or Additions 3.Run the Valley Planning-April 11, 2015 a.T-shirt design/quote b.Solicitation for sponsors c.Volunteers d.Marketing/Publicity list 4.Calendar Review-Upcoming Meetings and Events a. Approve meeting dates b. April 11 - Run the Valley c July ?? - Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling 5.Other Business a.December 2 Council meeting b.Solicitation Letter c.Michael Herring resignation d.Review Member Roster 6.Adjournment Please call Jeanne if unable to attend at 763-512-2340 or e-mail th jfackler@goldenvalleymn.gov by January 12, 2 PM