GVHSF draft minutes 02-09-15 Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes February 9, 2015 Present: Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Jennifer Rudolph, Connie Sandler, Toots Vodovoz, Peggy Watkins, and Andrew Wold. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Elissa Heilicher, Alan Ingber, Craig McDaniels, Call to Order: Wold called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: No additions or changes to the agenda. Run the Valley: T-Shirt design/quote: Fackler received quotes from three companies. Premier Specialties submitted the lowest quote. Members decided Premier Specialties should print the shirts. Sponsor Update: Fackler reported checks have been received from Park Nicollet Clinic for $1,000 and LDI/Liberty Carton for $525. Bassett Creek Dental will be sending a check for $550 and will sponsor the Kids Fun Run with “goodie bags” for 50 participants. Park Nicollet will also supply bags for the runners packets. Members suggested contacting Gurstel Chargo and Herring Legal PLLP. Volunteers: Fackler will be working with the GVHSF to find volunteers for this event. The sign-up sheet for GVHSF members will be e-mailed. Vodovoz offered to assist Fackler with contacting funded agencies to provide volunteers. Marketing/Publicity: Fackler reported that the race information is on active.com, zapevent.com, raceberryjam. com, Race Guide 365, and the MDRA website. A blast e-mail was sent to last year’s participants. Information will also be sent to the SunPost, Channel 12, LIVE events, Golden Valley City newsletter and the Park and Recreation brochure. Wold will approach Snap Fitness to see if flyers can be left at their facility. Fackler will take brochures to Park Nicollet and Bassett Creek Dental. Registration: Fackler reported that there are 11 registered for the 5K Run, 16 registered for the 10K Run, and 5 registered for the 5K Walk. This is slightly lower than last year at this time. Calendar Review: The 2015 meeting dates were distributed. th April 11 - Run the Valley. The Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling Tournament date will be set in March. Other Business: December 2 Council Meeting: Wold reported on the Council meeting. A question about the allocation process was asked by Mayor Harris which Wold answered. No other questions were asked and Council approved the recommended allocations. Solicitation Letter: A letter was sent to residents using the water bill addresses. Approximately 6,500 letters were sent. As of today, $11,221 has been received from the current campaign. Herring resignation: Wold announced that Herring resigned due to his election to the Robbinsdale School Board which meets on the same evenings. Member Roster: Fackler passed out the roster and asked for corrections as needed. Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Sandler seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Andrew Wold, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison