5-11-15 GVHSF Agenda[efol q I +FloM: May 11, 2015 MEM .. . 1. Call to Order 2. Agenda Changes or Additions . Approval of the April 6, 2015 minutes 4. By-law Review . Run the Valley Evaluation 6. Upcoming Events a. July 10 - Golf and Lawn Bowling Classic i. Sponsors ii. Door prize solicitation iii. Food/beverages iv. PR/Marketing v. Fees b. Set 2016 Run the Valley date 7 Other Business a. Disc Golf Tournament b. Board and Commission Dinner c. Application packet for 2016 funding d. Election of Chair/Vice-Chair Please call Jeanne if unable to attend 763-512-2340 or e-mail ifackler@llcroldenvall!gymn.gov_ or Andrew at wold0097@gmail.co..___ by May t'', 9 A Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes April 6, 2015 Present: Denise LaMere-Anderson, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heilicher, Alan Ingber, Andrea Mac Arthur, Jennifer Rudolph, Connie Sandler, Toots Vodovoz, and Peggy Watkins. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Craig McDaniels and Andrew Wold. Call to Order: Frommer called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: No changes or additions to the agenda. March 9 Minutes: Sandler moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from March 9. The motion passed unanimously Run the Valley: Participants Update: Fackler reported the registration numbers. 103 for the 10K, 149 for the 5K, 35 for the 5K Walk and 5 for the Kid's Fun Run. Sponsor Update: HCMC-Golden valley Clinic has become a Silver sponsor and will be sending a check. Volunteers: Fackler passed out the volunteer sheet. Vodovoz has contacted funded agencies to provide volunteers. E... mails have been sent to the 2014 volunteers. Duties/Assignments: The volunteer assignments and duties were discussed. Other Business: Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling Event: The date has been set for Friday, July 10 with an 8:00 a.m. shot -gun start. Lawn Bowling will begin at 10:30 a.m. (approximate time). Fackler will work with the golf staff. Promotion of the event will be discussed at the next meeting. Possibly promote at Brit's? Guideline Review: Council has approved an updated "Guidelines for Board and Commissions". The new version was passed out to members. This will be used to review and possible update the GVHSF By-laws. Discussion will take place at the May meeting. Member Roster Update: The newest roster was given to the members. Adjournment: Rudolph moved to adjourn the meeting, Mac Arthur seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn Frommer, GVHSF Vice -Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison BY-LAWS SERVICES I CITY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ADOPTED #—September 1 Article I: Mission Statement The Human Services Fund exists to study human service needs in the community and recommend action to the City Council regarding funding those needs. With these goals in mind, the Fund Board will: 1. Identify the community's needs for human services. 2. Develop guidelines to evaluate funding requests and allocate funds to human service organizations that meet the identified needs of the community. 3. Determine funds needed and strategies to provide funding through charitable gambling proceeds, fundraisers, or community events. 4. Encourage and enlist participation from the greater Golden Valley community. �J 177111 P77=4 A. The Human Services Fund membership shall consist of the following: 1. Seven citizens -at -large 2. Five business or community organization members Emphasis in appointments will be based on knowledge of human service needs in the community through participation in community organizations, experience and knowledge of fundraising, and evidence of personal commitment to the delivery of human service needs. B. Persons involved with agencies or groups that anticipate soliciting funds from the GVHSF should not seek appointment. 1, The GVHSF will hold monthly meetings on the second Monday of the month or as needed. 2. A quorum consists of a majority of the current membership and is necessary to transact the business of the GVHSF. 3. The GVHSF may hold special meetings to complete or initiate business at the call of the chairperson or at the request of three members. 4. Each member shall be notified at least 48 hours in advance of a special meeting regarding the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. 5. All meetings will be open to the public. 3. Attendance Attendance is required at all meetings. Absence from three meetings per calendar year may result in removal from the GVHSF. Members are responsible for notifying the staff liaison or chair if they cannot attend meeting. r 1. Appointments Appointments shall be for terms extending through May 1 and the Council will appoint the appropriate members. 2. Terms Members will serve three year staggered terms, except for the Council Member who will be appointed annually. Terms extend until May 1 or when successor is appointed and confirmed. KmsW r1r. l + - If a vacancy occurs before the end of the term, interim appointments will be made by the Council. 1. Officers The Human Services Fund will have two officers: a chairperson and vice chairperson. City staff shall serve as secretary. 2. Election of Officers The GVHSF will elect officers at the May meeting each year. Officers will serve until the next election. 3. Duties i The GVHSF chairperson will: • develop meeting agendas and give final agenda to staff liaison member ten business days before each meeting • conduct and preside over monthly meetings in a productive, timely manner • monitor and ensure the progress of the GVHSF • report to the City Council • assure that the GVHSF conducts its activities within its mission and by-laws. The GVHSF Vice Chairperson will: • preside over any meeting in the Chairperson's absence Fin, tM rim '= M 1. Annual Allocation Report The GVHSF shall recommend allocations for the upcoming year to the City Council for approval by November. 2. Fundraising Report The GVHSF shall recommend all fundraising events for approval by the City Council. 3. By -Laws Any changes to the GVHSF's by-laws will be approved by the City Council. 4. Special Reports The GVHSF can make special reports to the Council to consider emergency requests or adjustments because of revenue shortfalls, but it must justify the need outside the parameters of the annual allocation report. Article VII: Amendments and Revisions The GVHSF will review these by-laws annually at the .lune meeting with majority of members present, and members will present recommendations for changes and amendments. These by-laws can be altered or amended at any regular quarterly GVHSF meeting, provided that notice of the proposed changes and amendments is mailed to each member at least ten business days before the meeting. Guidelines Advisory Boardsand Councils INTRODUCTION: The City Council wishes to express its appreciation to the many citizens who take time away from their personal and professional lives to serve the community through their membership on the Council's advisory groups. Golden Valley has had a history of extensive citizen involvement. At present approximately 60 advisory commission, board, and committee members participate in providing specialized expertise so that Council decisions can be made with more complete background and knowledge than would otherwise be possible. The Council and the entire community benefit from this invaluable service. Golden Valley is a statutory city. The legislature established it as a city in the early 1970's. The State Statutes provide: "In any such city, there shall be...no administrative board or commission... the Council shall itself perform the duties and exercise the powers and shall govern and administer the functions for which no independent boards are authorized by statute. The Council, may, however, create boards or commissions to advise the Council with respect to any municipal function or activity or to investigate any subject of interest in the City." This Council, and others before it, recognizes the many advantages to be gained from this approach. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the Council's advisory commissions. The Council is directly responsible for the actions of its advisory commissions. It is hoped that through these guidelines the expectations of the Council, with respect to its advisory commissions will be clearly understood and followed. The Mayor and Council Members welcome any request for discussion or clarification of information that is contained or thought appropriate to be contained in these guidelines. The goals of the Council are better communication with its advisory commissions and better service to the citizens of Golden Valley. CURRENT GOLDEN VALLEY STANDING COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS: The Golden Valley City Council currently has five standing advisory commissions. They are: Environmental Commission Human Rights Commission Open Space and Recreation Commission Planning Commission Teen Committee There is one advisory foundation: Golden Valley Human Services Fund. Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils Page 2 The Civil Service Commission is an independent commission that has absolute control and supervision over the employment, promotion, discharge, and suspension of police officers of the Police Department, as stipulated under State Statutes. The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for variances from the City Zoning Code and makes final determination on all requests unless such requests are denied and appealed to the City Council as stipulated under State Statutes. Short term advisory committees are appointed as needed. These Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils apply to each of these groups as appropriate and as permitted by the laws and ordinances which establish them. LEGAL BASIS OF ADVISORY COMMISSIONS As stated above the State Statutes govern the creation of Council advisory groups. These groups are authorized to exercise all duties which the Council has legally assigned to them. They are frequently authorized to conduct research and make recommendations. It should be remembered, however, that advisory commissions may not make decisions on behalf of the Council. In many cities, it is routine practice for the Council to accept an advisory commission recommendation if the commission has done a thorough and competent job. It must be emphasized, however, that it is the Council's final decision on the matter and not simply the commission recommendation which is effective to bind the municipality. No recommendation of any advisory commission takes effect unless it has been adopted by formal action of the Council. These advisory commissions may be organized in any manner deemed appropriate by the Council. The City Council may create and dissolve them, appoint persons to serve on them, and exercise powers of general supervision over them. A Planning Commission, however, must be established by ordinance and, once established may be dissolved only by an ordinance, which passes, by 213 majority vote of the Council. ll, OPEN MEETING LAW All meetings of all public bodies in Bolden Valley must be open to the public. There can be no such thing as a "closed", "private", or "executive" meeting or session. The only exceptions that have been recognized in the past are certain disciplinary actions conducted by the Police Civil Service Commission and some personnel and legal matters before the Council. The Minnesota Statute requiring City Council meetings to be open to the public has been in existence for many years. A 1973 amendment and court decisions and rulings by the Minnesota Attorney General have made commissions, subcommittees, and other public bodies subject to the statute. Any person violating the open meeting requirement is subject to civil penalty. Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils Page Commissions and committees should be careful to observe the requirements of holding all meetings in public places and posting notices of meeting dates and times at the City Hall. Scheduling of meetings with the Manager's Office will help prevent conflict with other groups over meeting times when public participation is particularly desired. Commission, board, and committee meetings will not be held on designated legal holidays or recognized religious holidays. Any questions regarding the meaning or application of the Open Meeting Law should be directed to the City Council. The Council will seek such advice from the City Attorney as may be necessary. III. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES A. Term of Office: Appointments to commissions are made effective May 1 of each year. The length of each appointment is provided in the governing ordinance or resolution and is designated by the Council at the time of the appointment. Each permanent advisory commission should elect officers not later than its second meeting after May 9 in each year. The term of office should be one year, unless otherwise specified by the Council, prior to each election. (Chairpersons of special committees may be appointed by the Council.) Voluntary resignations from a commission should be communicated by letter or email from the person resigning to the Mayor. Chair and Vice -Chair. The Chair and Vice -Chair shall be elected from the Commission membership by its members at its regular Annual Meeting. Terms of office shall be for maximum of two years and shall rotate. The Chair and Vice -Chair shall not serve consecutive terms. B. Attendance: Absences in one year should not exceed three consecutive meetings or more than 25 percent of the total meetings for the year. (25 percent of meetings would be three meetings for groups meeting once a month and six meetings for groups meeting twice a month.) If a member is unable to attend a meeting, that member should contact the staff liaison, who will inform the chair if a quorum cannot be attained and the meeting will be cancelled. A standardized letter of warning will be sent from the respective chair to any member after two consecutive and two total for groups meeting once a month. For those meeting twice a month the letter would be sent from the chair after two consecutive or five total absences. If a member exceeds the allowable number of absences the Mayor will send a standardized letter stating the member must step down because of the importance of regular attendance and the number of citizens interested in serving. If a Commission feels there are extenuating circumstances in a case of a member who has not met the attendance requirements, the Commission may send a letter to the Council explaining the situation and request an exception. Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils Page C. By -Laws or Rules of Procedure: Each commission shall propose By -Laws or Rules of Procedure governing its work. Such proposed By -Laws or Rules of Procedure should be submitted to the Council for review and approval prior to implementation. D. Orientation: It shall be the responsibility of the staff liaison to provide to each new member as soon as possible after that member's appointment, copies of the enabling ordinance for the board or commission and its current By -Laws or Rules of Procedure, minutes of meetings of the last one year, these Guidelines, and any other information necessary to orient of new members. (Note: Council Members who are liaison to a Commission will meet with the Chairperson and new members as part of the orientation) E:. Acting as a private citizen: A commission member testifying before the Council as a private citizen should clearly note before testimony that he/she is testifying as a private citizen. P Expenditures: Each Commission is authorized to incur those specific expenditures included in its final budget, as adopted by the Council. Any other expenditures require specific Council approval prior to the time the obligation is incurred. Council approval is necessary prior to solicitation of funding from outside sources for any purpose. Minutes: A person will be provided by the City to take minutes for the advisory boards and commissions. All such minutes are matters of public record and shall be kept at the City Hall. The unapproved minutes will be circulated to the City Council in a timely manner to allow the Council to be informed on recent actions. The Council will receive and file approved minutes at the next regular Council Meeting following the approval of the minutes by the respective board or commission. Minutes serve the dual function of making an historical record of commission proceedings and of informing the Council regarding the commission's activities. The minutes should, therefore, contain an accurate report of the sequence of events and names of citizens who appear and are heard. in addition to the formal action of the commission, a summary of the reasoning underlying such action should be included in the minutes. H. Staff Liaison: The Council has adopted a policy of providing a staff liaison for each commission. The purpose of this policy is to provide direct information to each commission regarding City policy and practices within its area of interest. The City operates under the "Plan B City Manager' farm of government, in which all employees are hired and supervised by the City Manager, who in turn is responsible to the Council. Neither the Council nor any commission member has the authority to direct staff personnel. Any commission recommendations for modification of City policy and practices should be directed to the Council. The liaison will periodically inform the Chair on the members' attendance, particularly when warnings must be sent as provided in Section 111.13, and copy to the City Manager to forward to the City Council. Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils Page Council Liaison(s): Each year, at its organizational meeting, the Council shall assign one or more liaison to each Board or Commission. The Council Liaison(s) will meet at least annually with the Board or Commission to which he or she is assigned. These meetings can serve as an informal means for the exchange of information between the Council and the Board or Commission, but all formal communication shall follow procedures as outlined in Section 1V. J. Subcommittees: From time to time, the Council may appoint subcommittees of certain commissions in order that special attention be concentrated in specified areas. At the same time, the Council also wants the opinion of the commission regarding each subcommittee's recommendations. Each subcommittee should submit any report or recommendations intended for the Council, first to the Commission for review and comment. Such review and comment should take place at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. If it does not, the report or recommendation of the subcommittee shall be forwarded to the Council without Commission consent. The subcommittee report or recommendation, together with the commission's comments, should be submitted to the Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting, As in the case of commission presentations, a spokesperson for the subcommittee should attend the Council meeting and be prepared to make a presentation and answer questions. The Commission is free to appoint subcommittees of their membership as the commission sees a need. IV. COMMUNICATIONS TO AND FROM COMMISSIONS A. Council Requests to Commissions: From time to time, the Council will refer items to commissions for recommendation. The purpose of such a referral is to assist the Council in gathering all pertinent facts and sharpening the issues. The request will be referred to the commission in writing by the Mayor. The Council would request a written report from each commission with regard to each such referral. The report should set forth all the pertinent facts and detailed recommendations from the commission. The report should be submitted to the Council Administrative Assistant the Wednesday before the Council meeting so that it may be included in the agenda. Any time a commission report comes before the Council, one representative of the commission should be present to make a presentation and answer questions. In the event there is a difference of opinion on the commission, a minority report may be presented in the same manner, Guidelines for Advisory Commissions, Committees, Boards and Councils Page f B. Commission Requests to Council: Any commission request or recommendation for Council action or legal opinion should be communicated by letter from the chairperson to the Mayor, giving a full explanation of the background of the matter. Along with the letter, the commission should submit or refer to the pertinent portion of its minutes on the subject. The letter to the Mayor should be delivered to the Council Administrative Assistant on the Wednesday before the Council meeting. A presentation for the commission should be made by a representative from the commission. A minority report may also be presented. C. Communications with those other than the City Council: Based upon past experience, the Council believes that there is some potential for misunderstanding regarding communications with persons and governmental units or agencies other than the City Council of Golden Valley. It is essential that members of commissions understand and observe appropriate policies and practices in this regard. The essential principle involved is that the Council alone has the responsibility and authority to adopt the decisions, policies, and recommendations of the City of Golden Valley. The Council values the opinions and advice of its commissions and invites the communication of the same to the Council. The Council will take such opinions and advice into account in formulating the City's official position. This method of proceeding does not preclude a commission from gathering such information as may be pertinent to its activities. Commissions are free, without prior Council approval, to make inquiries and to give necessary background for such inquiries, but careful consideration must be given that these communications cannot be reasonably construed as statements of official City policy and opinion. The matter of distribution of information to the public is one that is not capable of specific rules of practice. In general, any such communication which purports to, or has the effect of communicating an official City position or decision, should be submitted to the Council for prior approval. Other types of communications, which are purely informational and do not involve unresolved questions of City policy, may be disseminated without prior Council approval. Adopted by the City Council - August 6, 2001 Amended - September 20, 2005 Amended - September 3, 2013 Amended — March 3, 2015