GVHSF Minutes 4-6-15Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes April s 2025 Present: Denise LaMere-Anderson, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heiiicher, Alan Ingber, Andrea Mac Arthur, Jennifer Rudolph, Connie Sandler, Toots Vodovoz, and Peggy Watkins. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Craig McDaniels and Andrew Wold. Call to Order: Frommer called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: No changes or additions to the agenda. March 9 Minutes: Sandler moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from March 9. The motion passed unanimously Run the Valley: Participants Update: Fackler reported the registration numbers. 103 for the 10K, 149 for the 5K, 35 for the 5K Walk and 5 for the Kid's Fun Run. Sponsor Update: HCMC-Golden valley Clinic has become a Silver sponsor and will be sending a check. Volunteers: Fackler passed out the volunteer sheet. Vodovoz has contacted funded agencies to provide volunteers. E- mails have been sent to the 2014 volunteers. Duties/Assignments: The volunteer assignments and duties were discussed. Other Business: Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling Event: The date has been set for Friday, July 10 with an 8:00 a.m. shot -gun start. Lawn Bowling will begin at 10:30 a.m. (approximate time). Fackler will work with the golf staff. Promotion of the event will be discussed at the next meeting. Possibly promote at Brit's? Guideline Review: Council has approved an updated "Guidelines for Board and Commissions". The new version was passed out to members. This will be used to review and possible update the GVHSF By-laws. Discussion will take place at the May meeting. Member Roster Update: The newest roster was given to the members. Adjournment: Rudolph moved to adjourn the meeting, Mac Arthur seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 00. "0. i Kathryn Frommer, GVHSF Vice -Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison