GVHSF Minutes 5-11-15
Golden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting
May 11, 2015
Present: Denise LaMere-Anderson, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heilicher, Alan Ingber, Andrea Mac Arthur,
Jennifer Rudolph, Toots Vodovoz, Peggy Watkins and Andrew Wold. Also present: Joanie Clausen, City Council member
and Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison.
Not Attending: Craig McDaniels and Connie Sandler.
Call to Order: Wold called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m.
Agenda Changes or Additions: No changes or additions to the agenda.
April 6 Minutes: Rudolph moved and LaMere-Anderson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from April 6. The
motion passed unanimously
By-law Review: Members reviewed the by-laws. La Mere-Anderson moved and Rudolph seconded the following change:
article IV, number 2: The GVHSF will elect officers at the May meeting each year. Officers will serve until the next
election. Terms of office shall be for a maximum of two years and shall rotate. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall not serve
consecutive terms. The motion passed unanimously.
Run the Valley Evaluation: Members evaluated the event. The moisture-wick shirts were well received. Order more
small shirts. Discussion centered on making the walk a bigger part of the event. Ask the funded agencies to promote the
event on their website or through their board members. Approach more medical offices to sponsor the event. It was
suggested to have the walkers pay a lower fee since chip timing is not part of the walk. Members will discuss the fee at
the June meeting.
Upcoming Events:
Golf Classic and Lawn Bowling Event: The date has been set for Friday, July 10 with an 8:00 a.m. shot-gun start. Lawn
Bowling will begin at 10:30 a.m. (approximate time). Fackler will work with the golf staff.
Sponsors: The brochure has been sent to Communications for updating. Fackler will send the letter to last year’s
sponsors with the updated brochure.
Door prize solicitation: Members volunteered to contact businesses for prizes for the tournaments.
Food/Beverages: Als’ Coffee has donated water for the event. Fackler will contact Davanni’s for the lunch.
PR/Marketing: Fackler asked for assistance in promoting the event.
Fees: The fee for golf sponsorships and golfers will remain the same ($1,000-corporate sponsor, $500-hole sponsor, and
$300 for a foursome). A fee of $20 per lawn bowler was discussed. The fee will include lunch, soft drinks, and prizes.
Lawn Bowling: Possible sponsors for Lawn Bowling were discussed. Would a fee of $500 cover the cost of the event?
Fackler will talk to golf staff about the fees.
Run the Valley date: Easter is March 27, Passover is April 22-30. Saturday dates in April are: April 2, April 9 or April 16.
Members will set the date at the June meeting.
Other Business:
Disc Golf Tournament: Wold discussed options for the disc golf tournament. Fackler reported Crystal Recreation would
charge $60 for use of the facility. Wold will contact “Gotta Go Gotta Throw” for information on running the event.
The Board and Commission Dinner is set for Wednesday, June 10 at Brookview. Members and significant others are
invited to attend. An invitation will be mailed at the end of May.
Application packet: Wold passed out the application and asked members to review. Suggestions/changes should be sent
to Fackler.
Elections: Inger moved to elect Wold as Chair and Frommer as Vice-Chair for the 2015-2016 year. Watkins seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Member Update: Craig McDaniels has submitted and the Council has accepted his resignation from the Commission.
Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, Vodovoz seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at
7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrew Wold, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison