GVHSF Agenda 10-12-151. Dinner . Call to Order . Agenda Changes or Additions 4. Approval of the September 14, 2015 minutes 5. Other Business a. Solicitation Letter b. Website update c. 2016 Meeting Dates 6. Applications for Funding a. Review of Requests for 2016 b. Agency Presentations i. 6:30 pm - TreeHouse ii. 6:50 pm — Crisis Nursery iii. 7:10 pm - PRISM c. Funding discussion/recommendations Adjournment Please call Jeanne if unable to attend 763-512-2340 or e-mail °fackler of envllen. ov y October 12th, 3 P Golden «. (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes September 14, 2015 Present: Denise La Mere -Anderson, Hilmer Erickson, Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heilicher, Andrea Mac Arthur, Peggy Watkins and Andrew Wold. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Excused Absence: Alan Ingber, Toots Vodovoz. Call to Order: Wold called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: No changes or additions to the agenda. September 14 Minutes: Heilicher moved and Erickson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from September 14. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business: Run the Valley Fees/T-shirts: Members decided to keep the fees and t -shirt the same as Zo15 and to ask the Communications Department to design the shirt. Participants will be able to register online through the city's RecTrac option. Golden Valley Arts and Music Festival: The annual event will be held on Saturday, September 26. The GVHSF will share the booth with Park and Recreation. Members were encouraged to man the booth, along with city staff, between the hours of 10 am -3 pm. Solicitation Letter: Fackler has talked with Communications about the 2015-2016 letter. GVHSF members discussed a theme for the letter. It was decided that "crisis management" would be the theme and highlight suicide prevention, runaways, families in crisis, etc. Fackler will ask funded agencies to assist with the letter by sending in a quote about the services the GVHSF funds. The goal is to have the letter In the mail by mid-November. Disc Golf Tournament: Wold contacted "Gotta Go Gotta Throw" for information on running the event. It was decided to table the event until 2016. Applications for Funding: Members discussed the applications and felt all agencies are worthy of funding. Three agencies will be invited to meet with the GVHSF members at the October 12 meeting. Fackler will send invitations to Tree House, Crisis Nursery and PRISM. Discussion followed on how do residents know about the agencies we fund and how can they contact the agencies for services? It was suggested to add the contact phone numbers for the agencies to the website and all publicity. Fackler will meet with Communications. Wold announced the next meeting will be held on Monday, October 12 and will start at 6 pm with dinner. A short meeting will be held and agencies will present at 6:30 pm, 6:50 pm and 7:10 pm. Adjournment: Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, La Mere -Anderson seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Andrew Wold, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison Golden Valley Human Services Fund 2016 ■ Dates Monday, January 11 6:45 p.m. Brookview Monday, February 8 6:45 p.m. Brookview Monday, March 14 6:45 p.m. Brookview Monday, April 11 6:45 p. m. Brookview Saturday, April 16 7:45a.m. Run the Valley Set up 6:30 AM Monday, May 9 6:45p.m. Brookview Monday, June 13 6:45 p.m. Brookview Monday, July p.m. Brookview Friday, July 8:00 a.m. GV Golf Classic Monday, August 8 6:45 p.m. Brookview Monday, Brookview Monday, October 10 p. m. Brookview Monday, November 14 6:45 p.m. Brookview No meeting in December The following agencies have applied for funding from the GVH5F for 2016: Agency Request Previous grant/year Crisis Nursery $5,000 $3,000/2014 Dinner At Your Door $8,000 $8,000/2015 Canvas Health/Crisis Connection $2,200 $2,000/2015 PRISM $12,000 $7,000/2015 Senior Services HOME $5,000 $5,000/2015 Senior Services Outreach $3,500 $2,000/2015 Sojourner Project $5,000 $5,000/2015 The Bridge for Youth $5,000 $4,000/2015 TreeHouse $5,000 $3,000/2015 YMCA — New Hope $5,000 $5,000/2015 TOTAL $55,700 TOTAL AMOUNT ALLOCATED IN 2015 $44,000 TOTAL AMOUNT ALLOCATED IN 2014 $40,500 TOTAL AMOUNT ALLOCATED IN 2013 $42,500 NOTE: Original amount allocated in 2013 was $45,000. Home Free was removed from the allocation list after the contract with the City of Golden Valley was not renewed. 2015 approved agencies that did not apply: Second Harvest Heartland $3,000/2015 The 2016 budget is being discussed by the City Council. At this time, the GVHSF could allocate up to $45,000 based on current working capital (current assets minus current liabilities).