GVHSF Agenda 11-9-15Id*1 1014l t- 4 IVA: LIVIVI '' Brookview Community Center 1. Call to Order 2. Agenda Changes or Additions . Approval of the October 12, 2015 minutes 4. Other Business a. Solicitation Letter b. 2016 Meeting Dates c. Run the Valley T -Shirt selection Team Fee? Publicity . Applications for Funding a. Review of Requests for 2016 b. Funding discussion/recommendations c. Council Meeting 6. Adjournment Please call Jeanne if unable to attend 763-512-2340 or e-mail jfackler@goldenvalleymn.gov by November 91h, 3 PM Golden « (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes October 12, 2015 Present: Denise La Mere -Anderson, Hilmer Erickson, Alan Ingber, Andrea Mac Arthur, Toots Vodovoz, and Andrew Wold. Also present: Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison. Excused Absence: Kathryn Frommer, Elissa Heilicher and Peggy Watkins. Tim Cruikshank, City Manager, introduced himself to the GVHSF members. Call to Order: Wold called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Agenda Changes or Additions: Agency presentations were moved to the fourth item on the agenda. Run the valley was added to the agenda. Agency Presentations: TreeHouse. Andy Swanda, VP of Advancement, presented the mission of TreeHouse. Started in 1984 by a Robbinsdale teacher, the program has grown to nine locations. The mission is to bring living hope to youth and families leading to life transformation through three programs: support groups, going deeper and mentoring one-to-one. Funds would be used for transportation and programming for Golden Valley residents. Crisis Nursery. Joel Bergstrom, Development and Communications Director, presented the mission of Crisis Nursery. The mission of the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery is to end child abuse and neglect and create strong, healthy families. Twenty seven children from twenty families in Golden valley accesses the Crisis Nursery services in 2015. Funds would be used to support programming including the 24-hour crisis line, overnight shelter and the home visiting program. PRISM. Eleanor Trenary, Volunteer and Thrift Shop Manager, presented the mission of PRISM. Started as a grassroots effort in 1972 to walk alongside families, offering support -based programs that encourage self-sufficiency, PRISM was incorporated as a 501c 3 in 1973. PRISM's programs and services offer dignity with accountability as the families, volunteers, and staff work together toward solutions. PRISM collaborates with area helping agencies to avoid duplication of services and our programs serve specific geographic areas. The increase in requested funding is due to the increased number of people asking for services. Over 900 Golden Valley residents have accessed PRISM services on an average of three times over the year. Funds would be used to support the program expenses, including Golden valley residents. GVHSF members thanked the agency representatives for presenting to the members. September 14 Minutes: Erickson moved and Mac Arthur seconded the motion to approve the minutes from September 14. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business: Solicitation Letter: Fackler has talked with Communications about the 2015-2016 letter. Canvas Health/Crisis Connection, Dinner At Your Door, Sojourner and The Bridge for Youth have sent quotes from participants about the services received from the agencies. The goal is to have the letter in the mail by mid-November. Website Update: The Golden Valley website has been updated to include the phone numbers of the agencies funded by the GVHSF per the members' request. 2016 meeting dates: The proposed 2016 meeting dates were distributed. Meeting dates will be discussed at the November meeting. Applications for Funding: Members discussed the applications and felt all agencies are worthy of funding. After discussion the following allocations will be recommended to the Council after approval by the GVHSF in November: Agency Request Recommended allocation Canvas Health/Crisis Connection $2,200 $2,000 Crisis Nursery $5,000 $2,500 Dinner At Your Door $8,000 $8,000 PRISM $12,000 $12,000 Senior Services HOME $5,000 $5,000 Senior Services Outreach $3,500 $2,000 Sojourner Project $5,000 $5,000 The Bridge for Youth $5,000 $4,000 TreeHouse $5,000 $4,500 YMCA — New Hope $5,000 $5,000 TTL $55,700 $50,000 Agencies will be directed to use the funds for program costs for Golden Valley residents, when possible. Run the Valley: Fackler announced that Bassett Creek Dental has committed to sponsoring the Kid's Fun Run, will supply bags for all run/walk/fun run participants plus be a sponsor of the Run event. After reviewing the evaluation of the 2015 event, the walk fee will be $25, including "day of registration. Run the Valley will be added to RecTrac, the Golden Valley on-line registration program. Registrations taken through the GV website will not charge the credit card processing fee to the participant. It was suggested to approach Armstrong, Cooper, Benilde-St. Margaret's track teams and Meadowbrook, SEA and Breck administration and offer a team price. This will be discussed at the November meeting. Wold announced the next meeting will be held on Monday, November 9 at 6:45 .pm. Adjournment. Erickson moved to adjourn the meeting, La Mere -Anderson seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Respectfully submitted, Andrew Wold, GVHSF Chair Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison