6-22-15 GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Meeting Minutes June 22, 2015 Call to Order Mattison called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Roll Call: Present: Open Space and Recreation Commissioners: Roger Bergman, John Cornelius, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Gillian Rosenquist, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler, Dawn Speltz, and Dan Steinberg. Environmental Commissioners: Tracy Anderson, Tonia Galonska, Lynn Gitelis, Dawn Hill, Larry Johnson, Jim Stremel, and Debra Yahle. Bassett Creek Watershed Representative, Linda Loomis. Director of Parks and Recreation, Rick Birno; Public Works Specialist, Eric Eckman; and Administrative Assistant, Sheila Van Sloun. 1. LRT Station Planning Final Report Eckman shared the final report and answered questions. He said the information will be used to inform the Comprehensive Plan in the future. He said the final report is currently being shared with the Environmental, Planning, and Open Space and Recreation Commissions for review and feedback. In July, it will be submitted to the City Council to be received and filed. A few Commissioners expressed concern on the environmental impact of the proposed project. Gitelis said if the issues are not addressed, they will need to be taken to a higher level. Speltz added that we should not forget about the positive impact of less cars on our roads, including less emissions. Mattison said nowhere in the report is parking addressed. He expressed concern about parking at the proposed stations. The Commissioners agreed that their main concerns are: 1)Reconstruction of Golden Valley Road 2)Connections to Three Rivers Park District 3)Parking 4)A larger percentage of Golden Valley residents are not within a ½ mile of either station Eckman concluded by saying other comments and concerns can be submitted to David Davies, Outreach Coordinator for Golden Valley with Metro Transit. 2. Bassett Creek Watershed Plan Presentation Loomis said state law requires the Bassett Creek Watershed Plan be updated every ten years. She then presented an overview of the proposed and updated plan, including the addition of impact design standards and buffer standards. 3. Trails and Sidewalk Discussion Mattison proposed the Sidewalk Committee be reestablished to dive into sidewalk and trail issues. He said the committee needs to stay alive and dedicated to action. Eckman displayed a city map illustrating existing and proposed sidewalks and trails. Commissioners then discussed problem areas and issues, which are documented in the Open Space and Parcels Discussion. Minutes of the Open Space and Recreation and Environmental Commissions June 22, 2015 Page 2 Direction to staff is to reconvene the Sidewalk Committee or Task Force. Staff will review options and present recommendations at a future meeting. 4. Open Space Parcels Discussion Commissioners viewed a map and discussed open space parcels in the city, and listed those that have the potential for park land use, which are: #7 (Tree Farm), #35, #36, #37, #38, #62, #63, #67 (access areas), #78, #80 (Sochacki access points), #82, #83 (trail connections), #117, and #130 (sidewalk connections). 5. Commission Member Jerry Sandler Final Meeting Mattison gave a farewell to commission member Sandler recognizing his accomplishments and thanking him for his service to the community. Mr. Sandler has served on the Open Space and Recreation Commission since 1999. 6. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Steinberg and seconded by Bergman to adjourn at 9:03 pm. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Bob Mattison, Chair Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant