11-23-15 (Joint with Env Comm)
Joint Meeting Minutes
November 23, 2015
Open Space and Recreation Commissioners:
Andy Bukowski, John Cornelius, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Gillian Rosenquist,
and Dawn Speltz.
Environmental Commissioners:
Tonia Galonska, Lynn Gitelis, Dawn Hill, and Larry Johnson, Jim Stremel, and Debra Yahle.
Bottineau Project Office Staff:
Caroline Miller, Kathryn O’Brien, Dan Pfeiffer, Scott Reed, and Jim Toulouse.
Three Rivers Park District:
Jonathan Vlaming.
City Staff:
Larry Fonnest, City Council; Rick Birno, Director of Park and Recreation; Ben Disch, Brookview
Golf Course Manager; Eric Eckman, Public Works Specialist; Marc Nevinski, Physical Development
Director; and Administrative Assistant, Sheila Van Sloun.
1.Call to Order
Mattison called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm.
2. Sochacki Park Metro Blue Line Presentation
O’Brien shared project background, scope, and timeline. She added that two stations will be located in
Golden Valley, located at Golden Valley Road and Plymouth Avenue.
Discussion then focused on the construction staging area, the impact of the staging area on trees,
plants, and wildlife, and construction parking. Pfeiffer added that parameters can be set in the
contract specifications for contractors to follow for parking in the area.
Numerous commission members expressed concern regarding the impact of the project and trail
connections in the Golden Valley area of Sochacki Park. They would like to see specific details
regarding trail connections, staging, and project construction access. Bottineau project staff agreed
more detailed information should be provided.
Gitelis asked about the air quality at the proposed park and ride. Reed said there is no threat in that
area, as there needs to be very high traffic for a threat to be present.
Mattison asked about visual and noise impact in the area. O’Brien said they are looking at information
from their noise consultant. She said if there are issues, they can look at installing noise walls or
different audible warning devices.
Minutes for joint meeting of the Open Space and Recreation and Environmental Commissions
November 23, 2016
Page 2
Gitelis asked about vibration impact. O’Brien said there are four locations where they plan to do
vibration mitigation on the Blue Line.
Mattison expressed concerns with visual impact. Reed said the design team is conducting a detailed
survey of all the trees that will be impacted by the project so they can look at mitigation options for
those trees affected.
3. Adjournment
Moved by Cornelius and seconded by Stremel to adjourn at 9:15 pm. Motion carried
ATTEST: Bob Mattison, Chair
Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant