2016-07-25 EC Minutes GOLDEN VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Regular Meeting, Minutes July 25, 2016 Commissioners Present: Lynn Gitelis, Dawn Hill, Tonia Galonska (arrived at 6:49), Larry Johnson, Jim Stremel, Debra Yahle and Tracy Anderson Staff Present: Eric Eckman, Public Works Specialist and Claire Huisman, Administrative Assistant Also Present: Council Member Larry Fonnest Absent: None Call to Order Lynn Gitelis called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Approval of Reqular Meetinq Minutes MOVED by Stremel, SECONDED by Yahle, and the motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 27, 2016 regular meeting. Resilience Plan — Communication Strateqies and Information In preparation for the Comprehensive Plan kick-off meeting scheduled for September 19, 2016, commission members brought their ideas on what information should be presented to the public. The following items to present included: 1. Basic Information such as: a. What is Resilience? (use language that the public can understand and relate to) b. What is the City's response following a severe storm event? How do we communicate? c. What does the City do for its residents following a storm event? (consider past efforts regarding cleanup, brush pickup) d. Who can residents call to clean up private property or pick up and haul trees and brush? e. Where is the nearest drop off area for storm debris? f. Where can residents go during power outage? Where are locations of possible cell phone charging stations? g. Who should be targeted through Outreach Programs? (seniors, children, rental properties, national night out, neighborhood watch) 2. Emergency preparedness survey questionnaire. The Commission agreed that a short survey questionnaire should be prepared for testing at the September 19 meeting. The survey will be available online and in print (Have a separate questionnaire or questions specifically directed at renters) 3. Emergency Preparedness Kit information for homeowners and renters. Possible example of kit on table. (Encourage landlords to have emergency preparedness kits and information available to their tenants). 4. Boards with basic information (bulleted) and photos/graphics showing trends and impacts of storms. 5. DNR Climate trends handout 6. Presence of Fire Chief, Public Works Maintenance Manager and other staff 7. GV Emergency subscription cards G:1Environmental Commission\Minutes�2016\7-July\072516 Minutes.doc Minutes of the Environmental Commission July 25, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Commission members, Lynn Gitelis and Larry Johnson, volunteered to be at the resilience table at the kick-off meeting to listen, answer questions, and hand out information. GreenStep Cities MOVED by Stremel, SECONDED by Hill and the motion carried unanimously to approve the prepared summary, as amended at the meeting, for the GreenStep Cities website which documents the City's completion of the requirements for Best Practice Item #29, Action #1, Star Rating #1 relating to emergency response and hazard mitigation. The final summary will be sent to Commissioners when completed. The Commission and Staff will begin working on Best Practice item #29, Action #2: Prepare to maintain public health and safety during extreme weather and climate- change related events, while also taking a preventive approach to reduce risk for community members. A draft summary for Star Rating #1 — Identify vulnerab/e populations and populations likely to need targeted emergency communication strategies—will be included for review in the August agenda packet. In addition to the identification of critical facilities and vulnerable populations, the Commission would like communication methods and strategies to be a major component of this item. Proqram/Proiect Updates The complete program/project update is on file. Further discussion ensued on: City solar array projects; DeCola Ponds long term flood damage reduction plan and the status of the Liberty Crossing Development and Public Flood Mitigation Project; and the Metro Blue Line Final EIS. The Commission also requested that staff provide a status report on the volunteer acquisition of a home prone to repeat flood damage located in the northwest part of the City. Adiourn MOVED by Johnson, SECONDED by Stremel, and the motion carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 pm. .�� :��� '_.�'���2C' � ��J���.� Claire Huisman Administrative Assistant G:\Environmental Commission\Minutes�2016V-July\072516 Minutes.doc