10-25-16 BZA Minutes Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 25, 2016
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday,
October 25, 2016, at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair
Perich called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Members Maxwell, Nelson, Orenstein, Perich, and Planning
Commission Representative Baker. Also present were Associate Planner/Grant Writer
Emily Goellner, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman.
I. Approval of Minutes— September 27, 2016, Regular Meeting
MOVED by Nelson, seconded by Orenstein and motion carried 4 to 1 to approve the
September 27, 2016, minutes as submitted. Commissioner Baker abstained.
II. The Petition(s) are:
1350 Boone Avenue North
Adrian Mov, Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. 11
(A)(1) FrontYard Setback Requirements
• 0.8ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 34.2 ft. at its closest point to the
front yard (west) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a second story addition.
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. 11
(D) Side Wall Articulation
• Any wall longer than 32 feet in length must be articulated, with a shift of at least
2 feet in depth for at least 8 feet in length. The applicant is requesting a variance
from this regulation to build a second story addition with side walls 38'-1" in
length with no articulation.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a second story addition.
Goellner explained the applicant's request to build a second story addition on the
existing home. The proposal requires variances from the front yard setback
requirements and the articulation requirements. Goellner referred to a survey of the
property and explained that the existing footprint of the house won't change. The
existing house is located 34.2 feet from the front property line at its closest point which
is also the requested variance for the proposed second story. She discussed the
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 25, 2016
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articulation requirements of the side walls and stated that the applicant would like to
build the second story addition without any articulation.
Goellner noted that the applicant stated that the unique circumstances include the lack
of living space, the desire to grow their family but stay in the same home and
neighborhood, and that it is a reasonable request that will increase their property value.
Goellner stated that staff is recommending approval of the variance from the front yard
setback requirement because the location of the existing home was not caused by the
landowner and that the minimal amount requested would not alter the character of the
locality. She stated that staff is recommending denial of request for no articulation
because there is not a unique circumstance, nor a practical difficulty, the situation is
caused by the landowner, and it will alter the character of the locality.
Baker asked if the fireplace chimney would constitute articulation. Goellner said it would
if it jogged out 2 feet for a distance of 8 feet. Baker asked if a bay window could also
constitute articulation. Goellner said yes.
Nefson asked if installing bay windows would then require variances from the side yard
setback requirements. Goellner stated that bay windows and chimneys are allowed in
the setback area. Maxwell noted that the drawings submitted are from a variance
request 20 years ago and that there were no requirements for articulation back then.
Perich asked when the house was built. Adrian Moy, Applicant, said it was built in 1963.
Moy showed the Board a model of the house with the proposed second story addition
and stated that he appreciates the bay window suggestion. He said their family is
growing and they love the neighborhood and don't want to move. He stated that the
plans submitted are from when his father-in-law received approval to build a second
story addition but didn't end up doing it. He clarified that they are not proposing to build
the fireplace or stair addition shown on the plans and that a "bump in" doesn't feel
natural. Maxvvell stated that the articulation can go in or out. Moy said he didn't realize
the 2 feet of articulation could bump out. He added that he thinks a square house with
no articulation would be more aesthetically appealing so he would rather not articulate
the side walls.
Maxwell questioned the unique circumstance in this case that is not caused by the
landowner. Moy stated that the existing house is already 38 feet long and he feels that
is the unique circumstance and that articulation would be outside of what is natural.
Nelson explained that the Board tries to be consistent with the variances they grant.
Maxwell stated that a variance for 1 foot or 1.5 feet of articulation might be an option
instead of no articulation. Baker reiterated that a bay window would not need a
variance. Moy asked if the articulation could be a combined 8 feet. Baker said he thinks
that would be a different variance request. Maxwell agreed and said they'd have to see
a proposed design.
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October 25, 2016
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Moy asked the Board if any of them are against square walls. Baker stated that the
Board is not for or against the proposed design, the Board's job is to enforce the
requirements in the Z�ning Code.
Perich opened the public hearing.
Gary Box, former resident of 1350 Boone Avenue North, said he received a variance in
1987 for a second story addition, but he never built it. He said he is disturbed by the
requirement for articulation because the impression of the language in the Zoning Code
is that the articulation can only go inward. Baker stated that a cantilevered space would
count as articulation as well.
Shannon Moy, 1350 Boone Avenue North, asked if there has to be articulation on both
side walls. Maxwell said yes. Mrs. Moy said she is worried about resale because she
thinks articulation would look ridiculous and will hurt the value of their home. Nelson
said she doesn't think adding articulation would hurt the value of their home.
Baker asked if the applicants came back with a variance request of 6 feet of articulation
instead of the required 8 feet, if that is something the Board would consider. Maxwell
said yes. Mrs. Moy said they would have to completely re-do their plans in order to have
a random bump-out. Goellner noted that small side yard variances have also been
granted in order to meet the articulation requirement.
Theresa Reina, 1330 Boone Avenue North, said she would not like her neighbor to put
in a bay window on the side of their house because she would then be looking directly
into their window. She said right now the space between the houses is small and she
thinks it is incorrect to say articulation won't hurt their home's resale value. She
questioned why the Board would want the applicants to have such a large window
looking right at the neighbor. She said she would like to keep the house square
because it wouldn't take away space between the homes that are already close
together. She questioned if the required bump-out could be in the front instead. Nelson
stated that there are no articulation requirements for front walls.
Michelle Trafas, 1619 Aquila Avenue North, said she used to live in southwest
Minneapolis where the houses were similar to this area and one of the reasons they
moved to Golden Valley is because people in her former neighborhood were expanding
their houses upward and the variances they received to do that made them odd and
aesthetically unpleasing. Also, a chimney bump out or a bay window bump out looks
odd. She stated that a square house amongst others is aesthetically pleasing.
Goellner referred to the plans submitted and noted that they show a staircase bump out
and a chimney bump out, which if made wider would meet the articulation requirements.
She said there appears to be enough room on the lot to add something that will meet
the articulation requirement without the need for a variance from the side yard setback
Mr. Box asked if articulation in the middle of the side walls would work. Goellner
explained that in order to not require a variance the articulation would have to be 8 feet
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 25, 2016
in leiigth. Box asked if the bump out could include a closet or a bathroom. Maxwell said
ye�, and added that a different proposal could be submitted asking for a smaller
articulation as well.
Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment, Perich closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Orenstein, seconded by Maxwell and motion carried unanimously to
approve the variance request for 0.8 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance af 34.2 ft.
at its closest point to the front yard (west) property line to allow for the construction of a
second story addition.
Perich said he looks at the existing house as a square that was not caused by the
current landowner. He said he thinks it is weird to bump out the second floor and not
the first floor. He added that there are a lot of options the applicant could explore, but
he thinks the requested variances meet the criteria the Board uses when considering
variance proposals.
Nelson said she is struggling with the criteria regarding the need for a variance not
being caused by the landowner. She said she feels that the applicants need to explore
other options and explained that this is a large variance request and that the Board
needs to be consistent with what th� Zoning Code says. Perich asked if the Board has
been consistent with second floor variances. Maxwell said yes. He said they have
granted smaller variances in the past, but agreed that this a large variance request
without submitting plans to review. He stated that applicants usually try to explain why
they can't meet the Zoning Code requirements or they show other options they've
Baker said he understands the articulation requirements because there are a lot of
situations in the City that have the opportunity for long, straight walls that are not
aesthetically pleasing. He added that when done right, it can be aesthetically pleasing
to have articulation and he thinks it's a good rule to adhere to.
Maxwell explained to the applicant that they could table their request in order to explore
other options. Mr. Moy said he would like to table their request. Mrs. Moy stated that
their original plans had bump-outs for the stairs and the chimney but they were told by
the City that they could not have them because they would be too close to the side yard
property lines. Goellner stated that if the bump-outs were too close the side yard
property lines then they would probably need variances from the side yard setback
requirement. Mrs. Moy said she was confused as to why she wasn't told any of this.
MOVED by Maxwell, seconded by Perich and motion carried unanimously to table the
variance request regarding articulation to the November 22, 2016, Board of Zoning
Appeals meeting.
Minutes of th� (�olden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 25, 2016
Page 5
III. Other Business
No other business was discussed.
IV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
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David Perich, Chair Lisa Wittman, Administrative Assistant