04-13-17 Council/Manager Minutes OFFICIAL MINUTES COUNCIL/MANAGER MEETING GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA April 13, 2017 The meeting began at 6:30 pm in the Council Conference Room. Present: Mayor Harris and Council Members: Clausen, Fonnest, Schmidgall and Snope. Also present were: City Manager Cruikshank, Physical Development Director Nevinski, Finance Director Virnig, Communications Manager Weiler, Parks and Recreation Director Birno, Police Chief Sturgis, Planning Manager Zimmerman and Planning Associate/Grant Writer Goellner. 1. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update - Land Use - continued Planning Manager Zimmerman updated Council on the second Comp Plan Conversation discussion regarding land use which focused on the areas in the Downtown West Planning District and around the planned Golden Valley Road Light Station Area. The Council discussed the land use areas of downtown and around the proposed light rail station. Mr. Zimmerman said the Planning Department planned to come back in the future with an initial draft of the Golden Valley General Land Use Plan map. 2. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update - Housing Planning Associate/Grant Writer Goellner provided feedback received from the Comp Plan Conversation's open house and discussion regarding housing which included reactions to the draft goals and objectives and the initial recommendations from the Comprehensive Housing Study conducted in late 2016. The Council discussed affordable housing, future redevelopment areas, programs that may be available for residents looking for housing and the housing study. The consensus of Council was to have staff prepare preliminary recommendations on an affordable housing policy and to bring it back to Council for review at future meeting. 3. 2016 Positive Performance - General Fund Transfer and Assignment of Fund Balance Finance Director Virnig reviewed the General Fund Balance policy approved in 2011 which included information regarding positive performance. Ms. Virnig stated staff is recommending $1,000,000 to be transferred out of the General Fund with $300,000 going into the Park Improvement Fund and $700,000 to the Storm Water Utility Fund. Parks and Recreation Director Birno provided information in regards to where the park improvement funds would be used and answered Council questions. City Manager Cruikshank answered questions regarding the Storm Water Utility Fund. The Council discussed the proposed general fund transfers and the consensus was to move forward with the recommendations. Ms. Virnig indicated that the resolution would be added to the next regular Council meeting for formal consideration by the Council. Official Council/Manager Minutes -2- April 13, 2017 4. Public Art Policy City Manager Cruikshank provided background information on the proposed Public Art Policy. The information included the role and responsibly of the Golden Valley Foundation Art Council and the City. Mr. Cruikshank said basically the policy would state that the Foundation/Art Council would be responsible for fundraising and maintenance and the authority of the placement and art selection would reside with the City. The Council discussed the proposed Public Art Policy, the background and the possible committee member makeup of the Art Council. The general consensus was to move forward with the Public Art Policy and to have a staff liaison assigned to the Art Council. 5. Presentation on Results of Brookview Branding Focus Group City Manager Cruikshank introduced the item and stated staff had conducted two community input meetings to review the proposed Brookview branding information. Communications Manager Weiler reviewed the results gathered at the focus groups regarding the Brookview building names and other amenities. After Council discussion, the consensus was to call the new facility Brookview. Council thanked staff for conducting the community focus groups. 6. Presentation on Proposed Crisis Communications Plan City Manager Cruikshank introduced the item and stated due to several high-profile incident in the metro that many cities, including Golden Valley, are reviewing their current communications section of their emergency response plan. Communications Manager Weiler said the review indicated a need for a more thorough plan with improved staff training and on-call support crisis communicators. She presented a four-step proposal for implementing an updated plan that would meet the City's needs for an amount not to exceed $20,000. Ms. Virnig answered questions regarding where the budget for the item would come from. The Council discussed where the budget for the item would come from, how the training would work, and the consensus was to have staff submit a proposal not to exceed $20,000 and to bring the item back to Council at a future meeting for formal consideration. 7. Campus Security Police Chief Sturgis discussed the current campus security program which included the current improvements and reviewed further recommendation for campus security. He stated the improvements can be accomplished for less than the CIP allotted amount of $50,000. The Council consensus was to go forward with the campus security recommendations. The meeting adjourned to a further discussion on campus security at 9:15 pm. She and M. Harris, ayor ATTEST: Kristine A. Luedke, City Clerk