12/11/72 CSC Minutes0
Mloaday,,, December 11, 197Z
rl1� 41
�yzabers present: John Mitchell, Ed Glasa, and Pierre Meyer
Guests,present.- Allan Barnard (Attorney)', David Gorski, and
Tom Morgan
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm.
!�.inutes of the Nov. 299, 1972 meeting wcro approved as, read.
Th(- co:Lmiss,ion discussed the relationship of the Come; unity
Scrvice,01"'ficers to,the: Police Division of the Department of
u-! is Safety. Various alternatives to emphasizes the value
. L)_
of CAO service were suggested, especially as a consideration
In establishing a new Patrolman register. I was; suggested by Mr.
Barnard that Minn., Statute 4119.06 would probably require that
a -q clnitrY position as a CSO be a, part of civil service. He also
suggested that is this were to be done., veterans' preference
would be applicable.,
Tho Co::zn-issioza discussed minimum qualification requirements, for
SQrgeant and Patrolman.. It was agreed that the draft of the
ziri=Lm requirements, for Sergeant would be revised and presented
at the ne=xt meeting.. The draft is, to read as; follows:
"The minimunm requirements- are:
(1) Graduation frora =i accredited four-year college
or university with abaccalaureata degree. This
educational requirement will be wa=ived Police ived for any
Patrolman whd, is a member of the Golden Valley
Department of Public. Safety as of Dacember 119 1,972
axcept, that as of January 19, 1.978 and thereafter
k, U
such Police Patrol== must have completed ninety "k)O)
colle� edits credts ifororder to be eligible fo
to Sergeant.
it is the- intent of the Commission that any Pol-1. c
Patrolman who, may be pro -rooted to, Serge= -1k; under -'U-.*-Lo
waiver of this basic educational requirement will
be expected to agree t.o complete~ at- leasit ninety (90)
college credits prior to January 19 1978. This intent
is to be; indicated j --i writing to, him with a copy to
be -.made a part of his official personnel record.
(2) At least two. years. police experience.
Golden Valley Civil
Service- Commission
December 11, 1972
Page 2
(3) Physically capable -of performing all.
police functions,.
(4) Satisfactory character references.
(5) United States: citizenship."'
Final action postponed to next meeting.
equirements. for Police Patrolman (Police Officer) wore discussed.
The co=-nission requested that the Dir(a.ctor confer with the. Village
Manager about the appropriate, title to use for, this: position. It
wassuggested that ,police officer" might be satisfactory.
IL motion was. made to, accept t1le minimi requireeats as, follows:
Mot"o-a 6/1/72 -
Section 25 - Specifications, for ,position Of Police
Delete current Ill'-Lijaimum a -o
.L plication requirements:
1, (All deleted)
2. (All deleted)
3. (All deleted)
Table.. of height weight, and Chest
measurements: (All deleted)
Specialized knowledge abilities:j, and
skills, (All deleted'�"
Add. new 111,11ini=um application requirements#*.
The minimi= recjuirement5 ares -
(1) Graduation from an accredited collezz-e Or
university with an Associate of Arta dogroo
-, ov- L
ozcquivalcnt5 0:,-' coj,_p; -1- .on o-," n-"nety
qua,rt--° IF'rom an accredited coll.rgk.
or vniveraity7 and
(2) physically capable of performing all
police functibns� and
(3) Satisfactory character-reforences.2 and
(4) United States:citizenship.11
(.'VE2-*L*,4chfqllr Meyer)
Mation passed 3? --0..
Golden Valley Civil
Service Commission
December 1.1 2, 1972
Page 3
The current Police Patrolman Register expires on February 1� 1972.
A=angemeats� were made to, begin application procedures: for the
now register.
Application procedure and'calendar:
Sunday - Tuesday,,, Dec.. 17 - 19 Advertisementsin
local newspapers
Wednesday, Dec. 20 Applications, open
Friday, Jan. 12 Applications close
Thursday, Jan 25 Commission nzeets� to.,
review applications
Friday, Jan 26 Notification to, candidatcs
eligible for written 0-%=
Saturday, Feb. 10 Written exam
Moeting adjourned at 1,04:30 PM
Next Meeting - Executive aession: to, re -view applications for Police
Patrolman Thursday,, Jan. 257, 1.973