04/18/78 CSC Minutes•
Olden Valley Police Civil Service Oomnission
Golden Valley, Minnesota
Meeting of April 18, 1978
Commissioners Present Others Present
Cordon Sandbaken, Chairperson Jams Crawford
Ann Gallagher, Secretary Gle.. Olson
John Taborn Jim Zelinsky
Roxie Kiefer
Robert Hernz
Chairperson Sandbaken opened the meeting Tuesday, April 18 zit 4:40 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
There was no old business to be brought before the Comnissfon.
There were several items of new business:
John Taborn was introduced to those present. Dr. Taborn has
• been appointed to a three year term on the Cbmmission, the term
expiring in December, 1980. We welcome his participation.
• Director Crawford introduced Dispatcher Hernz to the Commission,
indicating his desire to present a proposal to the C ounu.ssion.
When the Police/Public Safety officer Eligibility Roster was
finalized on October 20, 1977, Dispatcher Hernz had not completed
the necessary 1,000 hours as a Community Service officer to
qualify for an additional five points on his weighted score as
allowed 111 t't"1e LOI1hi11.JJ?oiler s .ruIles tuna iw-y.zLuuvits. u=4Y' state,
as revised on April 25, 1977, "...a Oomnunit-y Service Officer...
for at least 1,000 hours shall be entitled to five points added
to their final weighted scores—may elect in writing to the
Connission to have his/her score augmented at any tune before the
establishment of the official register..."
Dispatcher Hernz has now completed 1,000 hours and requested the
Commission to approve adding the five points to his score at this
There is no precedent for revising an existing Register. Chairperson
Sandbaken will contact the City Manager and the City Attorney for
an opinion. It was agreed that at the next meeting following receipt
of the opinion, a decision would be reached and Dispatcher Hernz
• The Chairperson informed the commissioners of a training meeting
for Golden Valley Commissioners on April 27, to which they would
receive invitations.
• Dean Kettner, a Dispatcher with the Edina Public Safety Department,
has been hired effective April 24, to fill the Public Safety Officer
• The current Sergeant's Register expires June 22, 1978.
There was discussion about the need to create a Register.
Other Departments have not developed a Register until there
was a need for it. It was agreed by all present 07,at in
Golden Valley we would establish a Register.
Deputy Olson discussed the possibility of contracting with
Personnel Decisions, Inc., to administer the necessary tests
and perform the evaluations necessary in developing a Register.
PDI has worked successfully with the Golden Valley OJimnission
in the past, and is respected in other areas of the country
for their knowledge of the law enforcement field.
Deputy Olson agreed to contact Pete Meyer to obtain cost
figures. 'Ihe next meeting of the Commission will be called
following the contact and receipt of a formal proposal. City
• Council approval of any expenditures would be required, and we
plan to have a proposal ready to present to the Council at their
meeting the first Monday in June.
There being no further business to bring before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully -Submitted,
"i ?.
Ann M. Gallagher
copies to: t/Commission members
J. Crawford
G. Olson
J. Zeli.nsky
J. Sweet
R. Kiefer