03-13-17 - Human Services Fund MinutesGolden Valley Human Services Fund (GVHSF) Meeting Minutes March 13, 2017 Present: Denise La Mere -Anderson, Kathryn Frommer, Peder Hanson, Elissa Heilicher, Andrea Mac Arthur, Scott Charlesworth -Seiler, Joanie Clausen and Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison. Not Attending: Aaron Black, Hilmer Erickson, Alan Ingber, Sarah Meyerring, Toots Vodovoz Call to Order: La Mere -Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Agenda Changes or Additions: None February 8 Minutes: Charles -Seiler moved and Hanson seconded the motion to approve the minutes from February 14. The motion passed unanimously Run the Valley: Runner Update: Erickson reported that there are 73 registered for the 5K Run, 76 registered for the 10K Run, and 26 registered for the 5K Walk. This is slightly more than last year at this time. Sponsor Update: Sponsor list was reviewed and it was noted that we are close to the 5K fundraising goal. Discussion on contacting businesses that have not committed. Volunteers: Erickson passed out the volunteer sheet. Members reviewed or added themselves to the sheet. Erickson noted that more volunteers are needed and he would reach out to schools. La Mere -Anderson suggested reaching out to funded agencies to ask them to volunteer. A letter will be drafted and sent. Marketing/Publicity: Information will be or has been sent to the SunPost, Channel 12, Golden Valley City newsletter and the Park and Recreation brochure. Other Business: Bylaws Review: Bylaws were reviewed and were agreed to be acceptable. Non 501c3 Agency Funding: Mac Arthur had questions about the funding for non 510c3 organizations. Erickson stated that he would gather information to answer her question. Adjournment: Mac Arthur moved to adjourn the meeting, Hanson seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, v &a;�' e W� Denise La Mere -Anderson, GVHSF Chair Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison