10-08-18 Huamn Service Commission MinutesGolden Valley Human Services Commission (GVHSC) Meeting Minutes October 8, 2018 Brookview, Rice Lake Conference Room Present: Denise La Mere -Anderson, Aaron Black, Katie Hart, Stephanie Devitt, Hilmer Erickson, Jonas Courneya, Peder Hanson, Sophia Vento and Toots Vodovoz. Also present: Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison, and Nicole Eller-Peploe, Recording Secretary Absent: Elissa Helilcher and Jason Kapel Call to Order: Black called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. Agenda Changes or Additions: Next meeting date has been changed to November 12th at 6.00pm. Minutes Approved for July 16, 2018: Erickson moved, Hart seconded the motion. Budget Update: Black reviewed the most recent budget information. La Mere -Anderson clarified that 10% of pull tab revenue is given to the city. Applications for Funding: La Mere -Anderson handed out GVHSF 2019 Allocation Requests and Commissioner Rating Recap Sheet and discussed that all but two commissioners agreed unanimously that all requests should be funded, but not how much each would receive. The two requests in question were HUG and Crisis Nursery. La Mere -Anderson called for a vote on funding for Crisis Nursery, in some degree: La Mere -Anderson, Black, Hart, Devitt, Courneya, Hanson, Vodovoz, and Vento — voted in favor. Erickson - abstained. Majority— Fund something. La Mere -Anderson called for a vote on funding for HUG in some degree: La Mere -Anderson, Black, Hart, Devitt, Courneya, Hanson, Vodovoz, and Vento — voted in favor. Erickson - abstained. Majority— Fund something. Black, Hilmer and La Mere -Anderson expressed concern about Prism and wanted more information. Hanson and Devitt suggested we fund everyone in the amount of the average recommended funding and bring Prism's request down to achieve the $60,000 budget amount. It was requested that PRISM should be asked to present at the Nov 12th meeting. It was agreed that after the presentation, funding recommendation would be developed for council. Staff Liaison, Erickson, informed the commission that spending down the reserve will impact what we can allocate in the years to come. La Mere -Anderson expanded on this and stated that reserves can be spent down. Although, by 2021, it may begin to impact what can be funded. Black called for a vote on amount to tap into the reserves. Unanimously agreed to a ceiling of up to $15,000. Collectively agree that Staff Liaison, Erickson, will go back to the Golden Valley Finance Department and request models of reserve spenddown scenarios. The discussion on spending down the reserves has been tabled until after the meetings with Prism, the Crisis Nursery and seeing the budget models. Le Mere -Anderson reminded the commission that the council makes the ultimate funding decision and the commission only makes recommendations. Those recommendation will be made in December. Golf & Lawn Bowling Classic Review: Rained out — Brookview Golf Course gave rainchecks to golf and lawn bowling participants. Slightly more net revenue was generated, due higher participation and change in event date. With more time between Run the Valley and the Golf and Lawn Bowling Classic, it attributed to more time to plan, use city social media and marketing resources, being included in Brookview Golf email letter, and having more time to find sponsors. Run the Valley: a. Fees for 2019: Proposed -- until March 15th $35.00, after $40.00. Race Day - $45.00. b. Registration: The use of ChronoTrack for 2019 was recommended Other business a. 2019 Meeting Dates: Tabled Adjourned: Black motioned for the meeting to adjourn, Toots seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Aaron Black, GVHSF Chair Nicole Ellei A -Peel cording Secretary Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison