02-26-19 BZA Minutes ,, l� � _. �:.
7800 Golden Valley Road�Golden Valley,MN 55427 �"� Jj t1�
763-593-3992�TTY 763-593-3968�763-593-8109(fax)�www.goldenvalleymn.gov ���lder�
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Board of Zoning Appeals �
Feb 26,2019—7 pm
Golden Valley City Hall
7800 Golden Valley Road
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Chair Nelson.
Roll Call
Board Members present: Nancy Nelson, Richard Orenstein, David Perich and Planning Commissioners
Rich Baker and Andy Johnson
Board Members absent: Andy Snope
Staff present: Senior Planner/Grant Writer Emily Goellner and Administrative Assistant Lisa
Approval of Minutes
MOTION made by Perich, seconded by Orenstein to approve the minutes of January 22, 2019, as
submitted and the motion carried. Member Nelson and Commissioner Baker abstained.
Agenda Item
106 France Avenue South
Scott Hagg and Tessa Gunther, Applicants
Request: Waiver from Section 113-88, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. (f)(1)(c)(2) Side Yard
Setback Requirements
• 1.3 ft. off of the required 12.5 ft.to a distance of 11.2 ft. at its closest point to the side yard (north)
property line to allow for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
Request: Waiver from Section 113-88, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. (f)(1)(a) Front Yard Setback
• 22 ft. off of the required 35 ft.to a distance of 13 ft. at its closest point to the front yard (east)
property line to allow for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
Request: Waiver from Section 113-88, Single Family Zoning District, Subd. (f)(4) Side Wall Articulation
• The resulting side wall (north) would be longer than 32 ft. without articulation as required to
allow for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
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City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting Minutes 2
Feb 26, 2019—7 pm
Goellner referred to a location map and photos of the property and explained the applicant's proposal to
construct an addition that would include a new screened porch above the existing garage and storage
space that would replace an existing non-conforming shed.
Goellner referred to the side yard variance request and explained that the existing garage is located 11.2
feet, rather than the required 12.5 feet, from the north side yard property line.The proposed addition
would also be 11.2 feet from the north side yard property line.
Goellner referred to the front yard variance request and stated that the property has two front yards
(east and west) and that the existing house and garage were built 13 feet from the east front yard
property line due to the topography of the lot. She stated that the proposed addition would be located
on top of the existing flat roof garage and would also be 13 feet, rather than the required 35 feet, away
from the east front yard property line.
Goellner referred to the articulation variance request and explained that this variance is required
because the north wall of the house is longer than 32 feet with no articulation. However, the fa�ade is
broken up with varying structure heights, roof heights, openings and a chimney.
Orenstein asked if the entire addition will be located above the existing garage structure and if the
existing home is already longer than 32 feet. Goellner said yes.
Baker asked about the length of the north side wall. Goellner said it is approximately 69 feet long.
Goellner stated that the applicant has said the unique circumstances in this case include the fact that the
home was built on a hill on the far east side of the lot, a previous variance was granted which brought
the property into conformance, the proposed addition utilizes the existing footprint of the garage, steep
slopes limit the buildable area,the property will be enhanced with a front porch overlooking the park,
neighboring properties won't be impacted because they are separated by steep slopes, and the proposal
removes a non-conforming shed.
Goellner stated that staff is recommending approval of the requested variances with a condition added
that the existing shed be removed. She explained that staff feels additional living space and storage are
reasonable uses of the property, the buildable area to the rear of the home is limited by the topography,
the existing home was built in a non-conforming location, it would be difficult if not impossible to build
an addition without a variance,the proposed addition won't be any closer to the front and side yard
property lines than the existing garage already is, it is a modestly sized addition that fits with the
surrounding architecture and character of the neighborhood, removal of the shed improves the
character of the area, and there is no obvious way to reduce the size of the variance requests in a
practical way.
Baker referred to the 1986 variance materials and noted that the variance granted at that time was for
an addition. He asked if there was ever a variance granted for the garage. Goellner said her
City of Golden Vafley BZA Regular Meeting Minutes 3 �
Feb 26, 2019— 7 pm
understanding is that the garage was a part of the 1986 variance request because it was already there
and that the house is now conforming.
Mike Sharratt, Architect representing the applicant, stated that they considered many other ideas. He
said the primary issue is that a pre-cast garage roof is leaking and that putting a porch above the garage
is a way to spend time outside enjoying the view of the park. He noted that the applicants didn't create
the existing setbacks and they will remove the shed currently on the property. He added that the
addition is essentially a wood deck built on top of the garage and that they tried to keep in low in scale.
Orenstein asked if the proposed new storage space is attached. Sharratt said yes and that there will be
no new foundation.
Johnson asked why the storage space isn't considered an accessory structure. Goellner said because it is
Baker said he likes that the proposed addition doesn't impose on the view from the park. He asked if the
pitched roof is being used because of the leaking issue. Sharratt stated that a pitched roof was part of
the solution, but it is an open porch so the new roof will have to be waterproof.
Nelson opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment, Nelson closed the
public hearing.
Orenstein said he has no problem with the proposal and that the requested variances have been well
supported. Perich agreed and added that in regard to the articulation variance he feels that the intent
and spirit of the articulation requirement have been met. Nelson also agreed and said the proposed
addition doesn't affect the character of the locality and removing the existing shed will improve the
MOTION made by Baker, seconded by Perich to approve the variance requests listed below with the
condition that the existing shed be removed and the motion carried.
• 1.3 ft. off of the required 12.5 ft. to a distance of 11.2 ft. at its closest point to the side yard (north)
property line to allow for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
• 22 ft. off of the required 35 ft. to a distance of 13 ft. at its closest point to the front yard (east)
property line to allow for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
• The resulting side wall (north) would be longer than 32 ft. without articulation as required to allow
for the construction of a screened porch and storage space addition.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 pm.
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting Minutes 4
Feb 26, 2019—7 pm
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Nancy Nelson, hair
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' a Wittman, Administrative Assistant