05-28-19 Human Rights Commission Minutes7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 goll·iat,,v eo.fn. �763-593-3989 I TTY 763 593-3968 I 763-593-8198 (fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.gov Human Rights Commission� valley REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by Chair Harris. Roll Call May 28, 2019 -6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff present: Council present: Approval of Agenda Maurice Harris, Carrie Yeager, Jonathan Burris, Teresa Martin, Eve Clarkson, Chris Mitchell, Kyle Scott, Gloria Peck Lauren Barry Kirsten Santelices, Human Resources Director Joanie Clausen, City Council Liaison MOTION by Scott to approve agenda. Seconded by Peck. Motion carried. Approval of March Regular Me eting Minutes Commission suggested two minor amendments to the April minutes. MOTION by Burris to approve the April 23, 2019 regular meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by Scott. Motion carried. Special Presentation Council Member Clausen provided the Commission with a history of the Human Rights Commission and her conversation with one of the Commission's founding members Sylvia Kaplan. Clausen shared that Sylvia wanted to visit the Golden Valley History Museum, and suggested that she visit at the same time the HRC members visit the museum on June 25, 2019 (June HRC meeting location). The Commission MOTION by Burris to invite Sylvia Kaplan to the June meeting and present her with a certificate of appreciation for her work on the Commission. Seconded by Yeager. Motion carried. Staff Liaison Santelices will email the official invitation to Sylvia Kaplan and create the certificate of appreciation to present to her at the June meeting. Commissioner Martin shared that Crystal Boyd and Don Anderson will also be in attendance of the June meeting. Council Member Clausen shared a variety of historical documents related to the HRC, which Staff Liaison Santelices will include in the packet, and send out to the Commissioners. Promotional Materials Update Staff shared the final product of the stickers that the Commission created. Staff will work with Communications to print bookmarks, and print 200 copies of the brochures for the Pride festival. The Commission reviewed the brochure to ensure no changes needed to be made. Commission also shared This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request. Pleas e call 763-593-8006 (TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formatsmay include large print, electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc. IJ City of Golden Valley May 28, 2019 -6:30 pm Human Rights Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 3 going to research and bring suggestions for both volunteering opportunities and organizations to support with collections. Elections of Chair and Vice Chair Nomination of Commissioner Yeager for Vice Chair, seconded, accepted, no other nominations. Nomination of Commissioner Mitchell for Chair, seconded, accepted, no other nominations. Commissioner Yeager voted in at Vice Chair and Commissioner Mitchell voted in as Chair. June Meeting Reminder Meeting will be at the Historical Society. Commission will confirm time of the tour and the meeting. Adjourn MOTION by Scott to adjourn at 8:07 pm. Seconded by Burris. Motion carried. ATTEST: �-L -ia-i -so_n ___ _ Respectfully submitted, Kirsten Santelices, Staff Liaison 'Maurice Har�s, Chair