Minutes- 980209 Golden Valley Police Civil Service Commission
Annual Meeting
February 9, 1998
Golden Valley Public Safety Building
7800 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley, NIN 55427
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairperson Peterson. Present at the
meeting were Bill Hobbs, Bruce Peterson, Dean Mooney, Roger Johnson, Robert
Shellum and Judy Smith.
Peterson read a letter of resignation from Carol Johnson, effective 2/1/98. The
resignation was regretfully accepted. _
The minutes of the February 11, 1997 meeting were unanimously approved.
The agenda for the February 9, 1998 meeting was unanimously approved.
Proposed Police Officer Test
Mooney gave a brief overview of the MPRS lawsuit and why a new testing process is
necessary. He advised that Golden Valley has now joined the appeal process for the
lawsuit. This appeal has been partially successful and it appears the cities involved will
no longer have to report quarterly to the court on their recruitment and hiring of minority
Shelium provided information on the Law Enforcement Applicant Profile (LEAP) test
developed by Personnel Decisions, Inc. (P.D.I.) The police department is recommending
this test be used to make the first cut of applicants and will be administered by P.D.I. of
Minneapolis. This test has been regularly used by several local agencies for the last two
years. As a result, it may be possible to utilize prior certified test scores.
Another written test, the Accomplishment Record Index (ARI), will be used to further
evaluate and screen candidates. This test, also developed by P.D.I, has been used
successfully by this department for several years.
Applicants will also be given a mini-interview. This is a pass/fail format that also has
been used successfully by this agency. At the conclusion of these tests, the number of
candidates should be reduced to around 12.
The finalists may then participate in a leaderless group discussion. They will be rated by
raters present during the process. This process has also been developed by PDI. In
addition, the finalists will be given a structured interview before a three member internal
panel made up of senior staff and/or supervisors.
At the conclusion of this process, the successful candidates will be rank ordered, and the
list will be submitted to the Civil Service Commission for certification.
The process described above is based on projections of numbers and quality of suitable
candidates. Given the u�certainty associated with such processes, the police department
requests that flexibility be built into the process. This may mean the inclusion of only
some of the modules in the process, depending upon volume and quality of candidates.
There will be a need to establish a new list this year, so it is important to get this entry
level selection process test approved now so we can move forward.
PDI is an established testing facility and this test has been given to thousands of people.
A motion was made to approve the testing process dated January 13, 1998 as submitted
by Captain Robert Shellum. The motion was unanimously approved. A copy of the
proposed process accompanies these minutes.
SerQeant Promotional Test
Mooney stated that Sergeant Dwight Wells will retire about July ls`. He said the Council
will likely approve an additional sergeant position and the department will phase out the
corporal position through attrition/promotion, etc. over time. This will allow for more
balanced supervision of the shifts.
Two sergeants will be selected in the process. Shellum stated that 15 officers meet the
departmental criteria for the position of sergeant.
The test will consist of four parts: 1) In-basket; 2) Promotability Index; 3) Behavioral
Personal Assessment Device; and 4) Oral Interview with three interviewers from outside
the department. PDI will administer the testing process.
Hobbs moved to approved the suggested sergeant promotional process dated 1/13/97 as
submitted by police administration through Captain Robert Shellum. Motion carried. A
copy of the proposed process accompanies these minutes.
Director's Report
Mooney asked that a date be set for another Civil Service Commission meeting to
approve the sergeant eligibility list and also introduce a new commissioner who will be
replacing Carol Johnson. The date was set for Apri16, 1998.
Johnson gave a review of the department's police operations 1997 goals and an overview
of the 1998 goals. A general discussion of these items followed. One important new
mandate from the Legislature is Community Oriented Policing training for all officers
trained prior to 7/1/97. We will be providing this training in 1998.
She(lum provided the review of the department's administrative and investigative goals
for 1997 and an overview of the 1998 goals. Another general discussion of these issues
followed. Shellum highlighted the Northwest Metro Drug Task Force as one of the three
most productive drug task forces in the State of Minnesota. This task force has been
eXtremely successful for the past 10 years and has funding for 1998 and tentative
approval for 1999.
Shellum advised that the department is making great strides in the technology area,
including the intended purchase of a digitized mug shot system from Hennepin County.
We are also archiving data electronically and have E-mail capable pagers. He also
highlighted the 7uvenile Tobacco Project and the Alarm Monitoring program.
Election of Officers
Peterson and Hobbs both agreed to continue in their cunent roles as Chairperson and
Secretary, respectively.
Chair Peterson congratulated Detective 1im Roberts on his Golden Valley Police �fficer
of the Year for I 997 award, which he received for his good work and service to the
Peterson and Hobbs both indicated their appreciation for the police department and its
service to this community, stating that Golden Valley has a wonderful reputation in this
The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
William Hobbs, Secretary
Golden �'alley Police Department
1997 GO�LS
Police Administrative Di�•ision
Submitted by: Captain Robert Shellum
December 5,1996
Technolow Trainina
Conduct traininy on thz chanQin� and developin� technologies within the
department. This incl�ides the mobile computers, the records system, the uses
of e-mail and the Internet, and the va�ious commiinications systems.
Personnel Selection
Research options for the screening and selection of police officer.
Community Notification
lmplement new polic�� in response to the state mandate regarding sex offender
re�istration , and community notification when those of�'enders are released
into tl�e community.
Juvenile Tobacco Project
Follo�v-up on tobacco compliance checks to comply with appropriate City
ordinances, �vith continued emphasis on vendor responsibilities through
educational fonims.
Alarm i�Ionitorin�
Continue to expand alann monitoring services with particular emphasis on
soliciting accounts from new business and residential dev��oprn�n�s i� the
1997 GOALS
To identify properties subject to repeated citizen complaints and apply law enforceme�t,
inspections department,and prosecution resources to bear on the circumstances causing
neighborhood concern for peace, safety, sanitation, and aesthetic issues.
To continue to improve the integration and communication of the po(ice with citizens of
the community through expansion of neighborhood watch, apartment managers'
association, neighborhood and park bicycle patrol, safety camp and other juvenile
To conduct enhanced traffic enforcement efforts in areas of community concern including
school zones, pedestrian crosswalks, and streets adjacent to city pazks.
When personnel resources are available, to participate with surrounding police agencies in
multijurisdictional traffic enforcement projects.
To revise and update the city emergency plan to conform with county and state Division
of Emergency Management requirements and to conduct annual emergency preparedness
training exercises for staff.