Members Present: Bruce Peterson, Carol Johnson
Also Present: Dean Mooney, Roger Johnson, Judy Smith
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 P.M. by Chairperson Johnson.
The minutes of the February 7, 1994 meeting were approved.
A letter of resignation from the Civil Service Commission was received
, from Commissioner Rosemary Thorsen. Carol Johnson expressed thanks to
Thorsen on behalf of the Commission for her many years of service to
the Commission and to the City of Golden Valley. A letter of thanks
will be sent to Thorsen by Johnson.
Mooney gave an overview and background on the Minnesota Police
Recruitment System (MPRS) testing process lawsuit. The suit went to
trial and the judge found in favor of the plaintiffs and has put the
test process on hold. Judge Solum has verbally stated that it was not
his intention to create a hiring freeze among the MPRS cities, but our
attorneys are advising that we not use an MPRS derived eligibility .
list until the judge gives written authorization to do so. Mooney
believes we will have to abandon the MPRS system for hiring police
officers in Golden Valley. Our current civil service rules allow us a
two-tiered system of hiring so that we can hire non-MPRS candidates.
We are doing a background investigation on a candidate from our
currently established eligibility register. If this person is cleared
for hiring, he will replace the officer who retired in 1993 .
We are presently looking at alternatives to the current MPRS selection
process. Personnel Decisions, Inc. (PDI) has a testing process that
is currently being used by non-MPRS communities. Golden Valley has
used a PDI test in the past to further screen MPRS candidates and for
internal promotions.
Mooney recommended to the Civil Service Commission using the PDI test
(Police Career Index and Accompishment Record Index) for all new
candidates as our initial testing process. A general discussion of
Golden Valley's requirements for hiring, where we can find minar.ities
to apply, etc. was held. Peterson advised on the Minneapolis Police
' �
Department's Cadet Program and suqgested it might be helpful for us to
recruit these cadets for hiring in Golden Valley. Mooney advised that
the Public Safety Commissioner is working hard at the legislature to
get funding for recruit training.
Mooney explained that the police departments must "take what the
colleges qive them" for candidates, because of the degree requirements
for licensing. Unfortunately, this pool of candidates from which we
must choose, does not include very many minorities. We must increase
the minority pool at an earlier age than college, getting more
minority youngsters interested in police work before they make their
career decisions.
Mooney recommnded the CSC approve using the PDI testing system in lieu
of the MPRS system. After discussion, the fallowing was decided:
1. Peterson favors, and Johnson concurs, the PDI approach
to testing at this point in time as it will bring in a
larger pool of candidates for each position. Cost will
probably be a wash, even if we used a resume driven
process. Johnson voiced some concern about compilation
of interview questions.
2 . Johnson would like the Civil Service Commission to
continue to explore ways that may increase minority
candidate participation in our process.
3 . Peterson wants the CSC to make a commitment to having
a clear understanding of how we can complement the
other parts of our process so that we have a complete
package to present to City officials if we do eventually
go with PDI as the testing process.
Chairperson Johnson appointed Peterson as secretary of the Civil
Service Commission, to serve until elections at the next annual
meeting in February of 1995.
The next meeting was scheduled for February 6, 1995 at 5: 30 P.M. in
the City Council Conference Room, Golden Valley City Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 7: 00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith A. Smith, Recorder
PHONE (612) 337-5222
Nnvember 23, 1994
:11EM0 TO: 11�embers of the A�PRS Board of Directors
City Managers/City Administrators
in MPRS Communities
FROM: Larry Thompson, Executive Director
SUBJECT: Update on Continued Testing and Hiring
Through the System
On Tuesday, November 22nd, Judge Richard Solum issued a written order
authorizing the MPRS to continue testing in accordance with procedures proposed
by the System. Enclosed is a copy of his order.
You will note that in paragraph 1 of tus Conclusions of Law, Judge Solum sates that
the proposed selection procedures "are sufficiently different from those which were
the subject of the courk's October Sth order and accompanying findings, that they
cannot be considered unla�.l by reason of such order and findings." (underlining
added) The essence of our proposed selection procedures aze outlined in
' paragraphs 3a, 3b and 6 of the Judge's Findings of Fact.
In paragaph 3a, Judge Sotum notes our discontinuation of a cognitive test
containing "racially offensive questions". This specific test has not been used by the
System since November, 1992. In paragraph 3b, the Judge notes discontinuation of
one of the three nerfnrmance D��ictors �n thr MPRS scoring formula. This soecific
predictor does not enter into a candidate`s overali score, so discontinuance of this
predictor will not affect anyone's score on the MPRS eligibility roster. Those
candidates who failed only this predictor easily can be assigned an overall score, and
in the case of minority candidates they immediatety will be added to the roster.
We will work on an individual basis with communities currently in the process of
hiring poGce officers, so that they may integrate into their selection processes
candidates who are added to the MPRS eligibility roster. Those communities which
request applications from the System in th� future automatically will have such
candidates included in the applications which are sent to them. As always, please
feel free to contact me if I can further clarify this matter.
28 NovemUer 1994
Mr. Dean Mooney
Director of Public Safety
City of Golden Valley, Mi�uiesofa
Dear Director Mooney,
In reviewing the recently dish-ibuted Golden Valley City News - issue
of November / December 1994, I was E�leased to discover that the residents of
Golden Valley are remarl<ably satisfied with services provided by the Ciry per
professional survey findings conducted Uy Decision Resoui�ces, Ltd.
Of specific interest and note was the high resident satisfaction rating
concerning the category of Police Protection. This substantiated level of positive
feedback is rarely received by the law enforcement community, and my sineere
Congratulations is extended to all sworn and civilian police memUers of the
Golden Valley Departinent of P�.il�lic Safety.
lt is my hope that such positive reco���ition for exemplaiy perfoi�rnance
will encourage each of us in a spirit of continuous improvement. May each
member of the Golden Valley Depa�-hnent of Public Safery have a blessed
Cln�istmas and a safe, productive Ne�w Year !
Best Regai�ds,
� aruce K. P rerson
Golden Valley Civil Service Cominission
� ce Mayor Blair Tremere � �