02/07/94 Meeting Minutes GOLDEN VALLEY POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANNUAL MEETING FEBRUARY 7, 1994 M I N U T E S Members Present: Gordon Sandbaken, Rosemary Thorsen, Carol Johnson Also Present: Dean Mooney, Roger Johnson, Judy Smith The meeting was called to order at 5: 09 P.M. by Chairperson Sandbaken. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the December 20, 1993 meeting were unanimously approved. DIRECTOR�S REPORT Mooney asked Johnson to give a status report on the newly hired police officer candidate, Mark Persons, who started 1/24/94 . Johnson advised that Persons FTO training program was progressing on schedule. Mooney advised on the status of filling vacancies in the department. He reported on activities the department participated in during 1993 , such as Safety Camp and youth education programs. He explained the department' s 1994 goals, including C.O. P. S. (community oriented policing) . A general report was given by Mooney on personnel transitions within the department during 1993 and he advised on the proposed building expansion, explaining the department's needs for additional space for its personnel and equipment. Mooney advised that Michael Jordan, MN Public 5afety Commissioner, has asked him to be a member of a task force which will work on minority hiring practices. All Golden Valley commissioners offered their support on this issue. Johnson advised on 1994 Operations Division goals. I The Director's Report was unanimously accepted, with the thanks of all commissioners for the ongoing efforts of the public safety department to provide quality policing to the City of Golden Valley. -2- ELECTION OF OFFICERS Sandbaken advised that he asked not to be re-appointed for another three year term. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to elect Carol Johnson as Chairperson. Unanimously approved. After discussion, it was moved and seconded to elect Rosemary Thorsen as Secretary. Unanimously approved. OTHER BUSINESS Mooney presented Sandbaken with a plaque in honor of his many years of dedicated service to the Golden Valley Police Department and the Police Civil Service Commission. Johnson and Thorsen also thanked Sandbaken for his dedicated service to the community. The meeting was adjourned at 6: 15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Judith A. Smith, Recorder