Monday, February 6, 1989
5:00 P.M.
Lower Level , Golden Valley Public Safety Department
7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, NA1 55427
1 . Minutes of Last Meeting
2. Election of Officers
3. Police Department Report
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1989 (3DAI.S
1 . We will snphasize the importanee of initial patrol response to criminal
and suspicious activity. '[t�e effectiveness of patrol response is a function
of tharough initial investigation and complete documentation. Gosl
accanplishnent will be measured by these criterie.
2. We will base our traffic enforcement on three primary factors:
i . Areas of high accident potentisl .
2. Areas of high incidence of serious violations .
3. Areas of high camiunity concern.
Officers and supervisors will identify these areas , and document traffic
details and assignments to measure the suceess of this goal .
3. We will contioue to develop and expand our Police Reserve Unit. This deve-
lopment will include:
- Expansion to as many as 16 officers
- Expansion of training with special emphasis on outside experts and
joint sessions with other agencies.
- Strengthening catmand structure and leadership development.
- Establishment of reserve evaluation system.
4. The problem of illegal drugs in the camnunity will be dealt with on two
1 . We will maintain a strong enforcement posture through continued
participation in the Northwest Metro Drug Task Force. We will
encourage officers to generate intelligence information to
identify targets , and to participate as often as possible on
task force operations .
2. We will canplete the development of the elementary school
drug education program, place the pilot progrem at Noble School ,
train three uniformed officers as class facilitators, and make
the program available city wide.
1 . To improve information access for all members of the department through
installation of mobile data terminals in our marked squad cars and
installation of additional computer hardware to operate a new law enforce-
ment software progrem for our department camputer system. .
2. To participate in planning a future 800 NHz trunking system for public
safety comnunications in Hennepin County.
3. To participate in the planning and construction phases of the Capital
Improvements Program building renwdeling in 1989 which includes
additional fire offices and installation of a security camera and monitor
systesn donated by the Golden Valley VFW.
4. To implement the updated City F}nergency Operations Plan which includes
SARA/Title III requirgnents, and coordinate this plan with fire department