11/07/78 Meeting Minutes Golden il�leg Police Civi1 Service �mnissian _
bieeting held Tuesday, November 7, 1978. 5:00 �>xn.
Me�ers in attendancea
Cyordon Sar�aken
John Tabc�rn
Arm Gallagher
Otl�ers in attpsldal�ce:
_ James Crawford
Gl� Olson
'Ihe proposaY from PDI or� �'ne evalua,�ion prc�ess ta develop a Sergeants' 13�ster
was of£icially intsnduced tr� the Cb�ission. We have a great need for th2
type of objecti.ve evaluation. the PDI �roposa_t �,�uld provide, and the Department
does n�t Yiave the staf� available to prepare a s�.milar package in the near
futu��. P.lthough we have no cuYrerbt openings; it has been generally agreed
that a r.nst�x �houtd }� available e
Z'here catas a genera}. revieur of the provisions of the proposal, with everyon2
in agreem�nt that i� was one which was well-�trx�ugY�t aut, and x�esponsive to
our needse 7here was some uncertainty about tl:e provision for video-taping
of portions of the prca�ess, and what ot� altemataves �uld be sYxauld this
cause an� problems o
I� was decided Yl°�a� Pete MeyP.� woul.ca be �inv-itttl ta app�...ar' beft�re the Carmi�sion
to discuss further the PDI proposale A �2ting will be schedulecl far ei`.her
.kbnday6 Nciven� 1� at 4e30 pomo or 7.'uesday, NavemY�er 14 at 4:30 p.me
1� brief discussion was theri k�eld oz� 'che i.ngortance caf the persons selected Tor
training, and it was �gre� that tklis subject deserveci further discussion at
an appropriate timea
Dre Tabo�n iroveci �o apprave i.n concept a prorra1aan assessment centsr approach.
Ms. Gallaghe� seconded t1-ae zmtion, and it passed unanim�usly.
A m7tion f�a adjourn P,aas seconded and approved�
Respectfully submitt,ed�
r • v----�
` �jvvy ,
Secretary ,