2019-05-20 EC Minutes REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chair Hill. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Tracy Anderson, Tonia Galonska, Dawn Hill, Joseph Ramlet (arrived at 6:50pm), Scott Seys and Debra Yahle Commissioners absent: Lynn Gitelis and Jim Stremel Staff present: Drew Chirpich, Environmental Specialist and Claire Huisman, Administrative Assistant 3. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Commissioner Galonska, seconded by Commissioner Yahle to approve the agenda of May 20, 2019 as submitted and the motion carried. 4. Approval of Minutes MOTION by Commissioner Seys, seconded by Commissioner Anderson to approve the minutes of April 22, 2019 as submitted and the motion carried. 5A. Solid Waste/Organics Tour Summary Drew Chirpich gave a brief summary of the tour held on May 15, 2019 of Randy’s Sanitation center in Delano, MN that was attended by City Staff, Commission Members and Members of the League of Women Voters. The main attraction was Randy’s Blue Bag Organics Program and watching the process of how the facility uses a robotic arm to identify and remove the blue bags, filled with household organic waste, from the rest of the solid waste that is traveling along a conveyor belt. 5B. GreenStep Cities – Step 5 Prioritization In order for the City to reach and complete Step 5 of the GreenStep Cities Program, the City must show improvement in certain areas of the metrics of Step 4. These metrics have been prioritized as follows: 1. Metric 3.2, MPG of Gasoline Fleet 2. Metric 3.4, MPG of Diesel Fleet 3. Metric 5.1, Number of EV Charging Stations 4. Metric 6.1, Vehicle miles driven per person per day (by residents) 5. Metric 6.2, City Employee single vehicle miles driven per day 6. Metric 1.4, Percent of LED Streetlights in the City 7. Metric 8.6, Net number of new trees planted 8. Metric 11.5, Ratio of Inflow and Infiltration volume to total volume entering the wastewater collection system May 20, 2019 – 6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes May 20, 2019 – 6:30 pm 2 9. Metric 14.1, Number of city-owned and private renewable energy generation sites 10. Metric 14.2, Generation capacity of city-owned and private renewable energy sites 11. Metric 7.6, New Affordable housing Units (General Welfare component) 12. Metric 1.1, kBTU used per sq ft, per year (Natural Gas) 13. Metric 2.1, City-Owned Green Buildings 14. Metric 2.5, Green Certified Private Buildings 15. Metric 12.3, DNR Public Waters Not Impaired for Recreational Use 16. Metric 14.4, Annual renewable energy purchases by the city MOTION by Commissioner Galonska, seconded by Commissioner Yahle to approve the prioritization of Step 5 metrics as submitted and the motion carried. 6A. Stormwater Management Report Chirpich gave a power point presentation on the Cities Stormwater Management Program. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requires municipalities to obtain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit which allows its permit holders to discharge stormwater to lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands. This permit agreement is for a 5 year period. The current cycle will be up for renewal in 2020. A question was asked if the City does any testing of the water from the ponds, streams, etc. and specifically testing of Bassett Creek before it enters the City and then when it exits the City. It was noted that the watershed and other partner agencies perform monitoring and sampling of the waters, especially for phosphorus, sediment/clarity, chlorides and oxygen levels. There is a continuously operating watershed monitoring station on Bassett Creek just downstream of the Golden Valley-Minneapolis border. Most of the data about the creek comes from that station. 6B. Program/Projects Update The complete Program/Project Update is on file. Topics briefly discussed included:  WasteZero Simple Recycling Program will start May 31st. The bags have been mailed to the residents and will be picked up on their scheduled recycling pick up days.  The City will be receiving a GreenCorp Member for the 2019-2020 service term who will be starting in September 2019.  The City is investigating surrounding communities’ organics, recycling and waste hauling programs to better understand new emerging opportunities.  DeCola Ponds B and C Project held a public hearing on the temporary dewat ering plan where comments were received and will be used to help the final design and permitting process.  The Flood Mitigation Cost Share Reimbursement Program provides up to $50,000 to help eligible residents with flood proofing costs. 6C. Council Updates - None 6D. Other Business Chair Hill gave a brief summary of her presentation given during the Council/Manager’s meeting of the Environmental Commissions 2018 Annual Report and the 2019 Work Plan.