05-29-20 City Council Special Minutes am SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES In light of the recently declared COVID-19 health pandemic, the Acting Mayor of the City of Golden Valley declared a local emergency under Minnesota Statute, section 12.37. In accordance with that declaration, beginning on March 16, 2020, all meetings of the City Council held during the emergency were conducted by telephone or other electronic means. The City used WebEx to conduct this meeting electronically. Members of the public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it on CCXmedia.org, and by dialing in to the public call-in line. The public was able to participate in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum, by dialing in to the public call-in line. 1. Call to Order Mayor Harris called the meeting to order at 9 am. 1A. Pledge of Allegiance 1B. Roll Call Present: Mayor Shep Harris, Council Members Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank, City Attorney Cisneros and City Clerk Luedke In memory of Mr. George Floyd, Mayor Harris asked of a moment of silence. 2. Additions and Corrections to Agenda MOTION made by Council Member Harris, seconded by Council Member Sanberg to approve the agenda of May 29, 2020, as submitted. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. 3. New Business 3A. Adopt Resolution Creating Outdoor Service during Local Emergency for COVID-19 Planning Manager Zimmerman presented the staff report and answered questions from Council. City Attorney Cisneros and City Clerk Luedke answered questions from Council. Council thanked city staff for their work on the process to create temporary outdoor service areas for the local establishments to be used during the local emergency. MOTION made by Council Member Rosenquist, seconded by Council Member Sanberg to adopt Resolution 20-31, creating an Outdoor Service during Declared Local Emergency for COVID-19. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. May 29, 2020 – 9 am            City of Golden Valley City Council Special Meeting Minutes May 29, 2020 – 9 am 2 4. Adjourn MOTION made by Council Member Rosenquist, seconded by Council Member Harris to adjourn the meeting at 9:26 am. Upon a vote being taken, the following voted in favor of: Larry Fonnest, Maurice Harris, Shep Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg, the following voted against: none and the motion carried. ________________________________ Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Kristine A. Luedke, City Clerk