minutes-osrc-regular-may-18-20City of Golden Valley Open Space & Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 3 May 18, 2020 -6:30 pm Kuebelbeck asked if the patio at the Three One Six Bar+ Grill will open with social distancing parameters in place. Disch said they will need to wait until May 20 when Governor Walz addresses the issue. Mattison asked about goose mitigation. Disch said they would revisit options and the entire situation in the near future. Currently, they are still using the Denier light system installed a few years back to try and scatter the geese. Dami asked if the Three One Six Bar+ Grill is delivering. Disch said they are offering carry out only at this time. Hyberger suggested partnering with Uber Eats. Disch said business is pretty slow with a limited menu at the moment, but they could have a conversation in the future about the possibility. Sanders asked if kids' golf camps and lessons would be taking place. Disch said due to the executive order in place, these programs are currently on hold. He also said that junior play on the course has skyrocketed. Speltz encouraged Disch to find a way to offer the junior programs this summer. Kuebelbeck agreed. Disch shared a comparison between last year when they opened on April 4, 2019 and this year opening April 18, 2020, that their rounds are ahead of last year with the two week delayed opening and multiple restrictions. He shared that's the upside of all that's going on right now. 9.Elect Chair John Cornelius and Vice Chair Bob Mattison (Terms begin June 22, 2020} Birno thanked Mattison and Speltz for their time and service as Chair and Vice Chair. Bergman nominated Cornelius as Chair and Mattison as Vice Chair beginning June 22, 2020 for one year terms. Upon a vote being taken, vote was 9-0 in favor; vote approved. 10.Commission and Staff Update •Staff and Commission Updates Mattison announced Hyberger's resignation due to moving, and thanked him for his service. Commissioners also shared well wishes to Hyberger. Mattison said he recently walked Bassett Creek Trail and suggests adding a crosswalk signal on the trail where is crosses Duluth Street so pedestrians have a safer crossing. Birno said with Three Rivers extending the trail along Golden Valley Road to Douglas Drive, it's a good time to open up the discussion with city staff, Three Rivers, and Hennepin County. Birno also said he would talk to Golden Valley Engineering staff about discussing issues with the OSRC. •Fee Based Virtual Recreation Programs Birno said virtual options for some of the recreation programs is going well. He said the department will continue exploring this option and do as many programs virtually when needed.