2020-06-22 EC Minutes7800 Golden Valley Road I Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-593-8027 1 TTY 763-593-3968 1 763-593-8198 (fax) I www.goldenvalleymn.gov Environmental Commission REGULAR MEETING MINUTES city of goldenl01 June 22, 2020 — 6:30 pm This meeting will be held via Cisco Webex in accordance with the local emergency declaration made by the City under Minn. Stat. § 12.37. The public may monitor this meeting by calling 1-415-655- 0001 and entering the meeting code 133 664 8518. For technical assistance, please contact support staff at 763-593-8007 or webexsupport@goldenvalleymn.gov. If you incur costs to call into the meeting, you may submit the costs to the City for reimbursement consideration. Additional information about for monitoring electronic meetings is available on the City website. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Seys at 6:30. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Scott Seys, Debra Yahle, Tonia Galonska, Dawn Hill, Jim Stremmel, Wendy Weirich, Shannon Hansen Commissioners absent: None Council Members present: None Staff present: Eric Eckman, Environmental Resources Supervisor; Drew Chirpich, Environmental Specialist Emma Pierson, MN GreenCorps Member; Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant 3. Approval of Agenda MOTION by Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Yahle to approve the agenda of June 22, 2020 and the motion carried. 4. Approval of May 18, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION by Commissioner Galonska, seconded by Commissioner Weirich to approve the minutes of May 18, 2020 as submitted and the motion carried. 5. Old Business A. Update on Commission Bylaws i. At its last meeting City Council approved the changes to the bylaws proposed by the Commission in 2019. The Commission reviewed its bylaws in 2020 and had no changes. The Commission is set to review its bylaws again in 2023. This document is available in alternate formats upon a 72-hour request. Please call 763-593-8006 (TTY: 763-593-3968) to make a request. Examples of alternate formats may include large print, electronic, Braille, audiocassette, etc. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 2 April 27, 2019 — 6:30 pm B. Partners in Energy Update (PIE) i. 2-year Cooperative Program with Xcel Energy. ii. City is working on developing an Energy Action Plan. 1. 6 months of planning. 2. 18 months of implementation. iii. Currently in the recruitment phase of a 12-14 member team. Recruitment has begun. 1. It is an open process. 2. The fillable form application is ready to go. 3. Council Member Larry Fonnest will oversee/chair the selection committee along with some staff members. 4. The recommendation for the planning action team members will be forwarded to the council for approval hopefully by the second council meeting in July. 5. Webpage will be live soon —The landing page will have a description of what the members duties and responsibilities will be, what PIE is, and the application. 6. Communications will be posting a news feed on the website, as well as Facebook and Twitter posts. iv. There will be 3-5 workshops between July and December to create the Energy Action Plan. C. Curbside Organics Collection Update i. Commission's recommendation and report went before the Council/Manager Meeting on June 9. Council acknowledged the Commission's good work and directed staff to carry out the recommendation to implement an All -In Everyone Pays city contract for curbside organics collection. ii. Next will be to iron out the details of a city contract and request for proposal (RFP). iii. Next steps: 1. Letting the community know about the program. Continue to provide information and education about what's going to happen. 2. Promote the program. 3. Staff will look at the more technical details: a. Continue to work with haulers, Hennepin County, and other cities around Golden Valley. b. Will use contracts and RFP's from other cities as a guide for our contract. c. Will look into costs to run program and how to run it. d. Will talk about it again in a couple of months at an EC meeting when there is more information to share then bring it to another Council/Manager meeting before issuing the RFP. City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 3 April 27, 2019 — 6:30 pm 4. We're looking to issue the RFP late this year and award the contract by early next year. 5. In 2021 we'll work with the Communications staff and Hennepin County to promote the program to make sure people know how to participate and what they can recycle. 6. Still shooting for January 1, 2022. 7. This will go before the Council at one or more televised meetings to award the contract, approve the budget, and change the ordinance as needed. 6. New Business A. Environmental Justice Collaboration i. Proposed collaboration between the EC Commission and the Human Rights Commission to look at equity and environmental and climate justice in Golden Valley. ii. Possible joint commission meeting in future. iii. Three -Prong Approach: 1. Educational Seminar with a focus on climate change and climate equity. a. In person seminar may not be possible due to the pandemic. b. Would be open to the general public in Golden Valley. 2. Technical/mapping analysis to identify areas of the City that may have inequities in green space and green amenities, trees and vegetation, access to parks and trails. 3. Community Service event that mayor may not be paired with 1 & 2 above. a. Is there an area or property in the City where we can partner and plant trees, rain garden, or community garden? b. How would that work with the COVID-19 pandemic? c. Other commissioner ideas included: i. Local food and pollinator gardens with edible plant options. ii. Transportation — ped, bike, transit, etc. iv. Staff reviewed statistics and mapping from the US Census and local sources: a. Majority of homes were built between 1951 and 1970. b. Staff reviewed average home value by census block to view the wide range of values. c. Staff reviewed percent renter -occupied households by census block. d. Demographic make-up in City: White 85% (compared with 79% in MN), Black 8%, Asian 5%, Latinx 2%, Indigenous 1 %. e. There are 10 NOAH (Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing) properties in Golden Valley. f. Staff reviewed percent age 65 and older by census block group. g. Impervious surface area - staff reviewed maps of percent impervious cover by census block. There are several areas that are City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 4 April 27, 2019 — 6:30 pm over 50% impervious surface coverage, many with multi -family housing present. h. The City has about 40% overall tree canopy coverage (30%-40% is considered good and the City's goal is to maintain over 40%): i. Studies show a person's quality of life, physical health, and mental health are better with more trees and natural vegetation. ii. There are several pockets in the City where there is inadequate tree cover (under 40%). iii. Public trees have been inventoried within public Rights of Way, parks, Brookview golf course, city campuses, and many nature areas and open spaces. v. Golden Valley is hiring an Equity Manager to work on diversity and inclusion, and address inequities in the organization and the larger community. vi. Where do we have vulnerable populations that are more susceptible to the impacts of climate change? vii. Where can we invest in the community that has been historically lacking and that would benefit traditionally underrepresented groups? More information and maps, including a mashup of all layers above, will be shown to the commission in July to see if there are areas of the City to target for partnership and investment in green amenities. B. Downtown Study i. June 9 — Council gave direction to staff at the council manager meeting to go forward with phase 3. Phase 1 & 2 studies are completed. Focuses of Phase 2 — Live, Work, Play. 1. Walkable, bikeable. A lot of new trails, sidewalks and connections to transit. 2. Highlight Bassett Creek corridor better. iii. Phase 3 will focus more on design guidelines and small area plans. Areas (or quadrants) are divided by the Winnetka Ave and Golden Valley Rd intersection. 1. Will work first on the NE Quadrant (City Hall/Library) and SW Quadrant areas. a. NE Quadrant: Possibly move the Public Works buildings elsewhere in the community. Move City Hall, Police and Fire closer to where the library is located in a consolidated campus near the creek, and build a mix of residential, commercial, retail and office space with more green space and ped connections. b. SW Quadrant: Staff showed the concept plans for this area form the phase 2 study. 2. The Commission brainstormed ideas for environmental considerations and discussed potential design guidelines to forward to the City's planning City of Golden Valley Environmental Commission Regular Meeting April 27, 2019 — 6:30 pm consultant for the phase 3 study. The list of ideas will be refined for review and approval at the commission's July meeting. C. Pollinators i. Inventory of Chemicals — staff presented a list of chemicals used on city properties, which may be posted on the City's pollinator webpage for informational purposes. A list of the City's best practices and procedures for applying chemicals will be presented and discussed at the July meeting. i. Developing New Plots and Habitats — staff discussed ideas for including edible plants in the pollinator plots being developed throughout the City. The commission was supportive of the idea. D. Program/Project Updates Question on Narrow Lots and what exactly this means: 1. Single-family residential properties in Golden Valley come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A vast majority of residential lots were created under regulations that require at least 80 feet of width and at least 10,000 square feet of area per lot. However, pockets of the city were planned (platted) before those rules were in place, resulting in blocks of properties that are only 60, 50, or even 40 feet wide and that may be as small as 5,000 square feet. 2. Recent development pressures on these narrower lots concerned some neighbors and prompted the City Council to take action. The City is studying potential issues regarding narrow lots so the Council can consider whether to make zoning code changes by spring 2020. E. Council Updates i. None F. Other Business i. No update on a new student member. 7. Adjournment MOTION by Commissioner Yahle, seconded by Commissioner Stremmel to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 pm and the motion carried. r_rIt*716 Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant Scott Seys, Chair