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Rosenquist, Gillian - 2017-2018 - Dec 8, 2017–Jan 31, 2018 financial report - Final
�x ECEIVE !AN 31 24. b CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT IS :+�,.. �_�• : r- s. 1•�'' �7�llf i�4S R�C�l1r#�' 4mhg* 4Ma MW fmOr 42 MAK4 0-0% —.vk*W *.. t1w pp" 1.1 9~ tW�E l % Oft F►*ar4 icm1r *wm yFr`rj IN 1W44 1* uw 4 60. * 4 IP "AAA .-&1r M40 r.3ral .r b" %W i+;8 0 . 4nes .e 94A' b" JO N,mk IWW UW a azpduk Am kr !ow4d a4 4+MR64th * *w+ f wrww w,* loot V%--d(w-t S 4V L Pt+%- . P-r.,wr r. ry rooft*d Pw mar an Gd& %WW, iL+d-qL .f g$Mpwr w {. r.riEL. it adhftmt AP4 #st tw VR terra rp��a 141fr�.�T *� ��'•i� �G S f{�* !- f #�"1c 'F •;� t` ••+ - sr *►r .f � ,.r-. ice: - c. - - �r ! a I Imo". mT7*i g b I :dW MN,• ►, w C04PORAWthZd%MS ++' OLQti !'ram INA ary -wad D-twe to mce-0V* -4-Aw ;!tvl", gap %van c,�r'I*�ti�-:+'r.7:' V k"rR'6^ *11" 11 f'W"" 11bP0 0401b Iw'',#q- &—jWk !06111v +i" ~11 IFMpp1+1'y Ik44- t MOP 41r dPWPV * Lim, rva 'q' �r�,r*- Yam•-'��s ..rs� #t +�.... psi a+�# w�.•+ +�Ik+++.+*� r • . � E, -L-#(. +. �.�,,:�" i - �' }�..� � Fr �� 711-,.,rJ-97 t-41A v-elk #