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Schmidgal, Steve - 2015 - Aug 28–Oct 22 financial reportt; C a m rg m u 9 W E m a EC E IVE CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL REPORT OCT 2 3 2015 (All of the !nf ommdon in this report is publk 1m n=tion) 1 Name of candidate, committee or corporation Sehmidgell for Golden Valley's Future Office sought or ballot question City Council, Golden Valley District Type of Candidate report Period of time covered by report: report x Campaign committee report Association or corporation report from 8/2812015 to 10/22/2015 Final report CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Give the total for all contributions received during the period of time covered by this report. Contributions should be listed by type (money or In -kind) rather than contributor. See note on contribution limits on the back of this form. Use a separate sheet to itemize all contributions from a single source that exceeded $100 during the calendar year. This itemization must include name, address, employer or occupation if self-employed, amount and date for these contributions. CASH IN -KIND TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 TOTAL CASH -ON -HAND $ 1,131,88 DISBURSEMENTS Include the amount, date and purpose for all disbursements made during the period of time covered by report. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Date Purpose Amount Please we attached document TOTAL $3.111.83 CORPORATE PROJECT EXPENDITURES Corporations must list any media project or corporate message project for which contribution(s) or expenditure(s) total more than $200. Submit a separate report for each project. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Project title or description Dote Purpose Name and Address of Recipient Expenditure or Contribution Amount TOTAL i certify that this is a full and true statement. Printed Name one 763-544-5403 Email (if available) Address 1229 Hampshire Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN 65427 Donations Exceeding $100 in 201S Type Date Name Address Employer Amount Cash Donation 8/13/2015 Christopher Gise 1485 Island Drive, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Retired $600.00 Cash Donation 8/13/2015 Priscilla Gise 4737 Highway 101 North #302, Minnetonka, MN 553,f Retired $600.00 Cash Donation 8/13/2015 Harry Kampert 4650 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55407 Self Empl - Designer $600.00 Cash Donation 8/25/2015 John & Karen Griffiths 229 Hampshire Avenue North, Golden Valley, MN 554 Nilfisk Inc. $200.00 Cash Donation 9/10/2015 Sheet Metal Workers 1681 Cope Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55109 $200.00 PAC 10 Cash Donation 9/30/2015 IBEW Local 292 312 Central Ave SE Suite 292, Minneapolis, MN SS414 $250.00 Cash Donation 9/30/2015 North Central States 700 Olive Street, St Paul, MN 55130 $250.00 Regional Council of Carpenters Cash Donation 9/30/2015 Minneapolis Building 312 Central Avenue Suite 556, Minneapolis, MN 55414 $300.00 and Construction Trades Council 10/22/2015 Expenses 10-22-15 Date Purpose Amount 8/28/2015 Fundraiser food expenses $ 141.40 8/24/2015 Voter lists $ 60.00 9/3/2015 Printing $ 774.90 9/16/2015 Meals -campaign meeting $ 29.35 9/20/2015 Meals - campaign meeting $ 28.00 10/10/2015 Meals - campaign meeting $ 28.50 10/21/2015 Advertising $ 1,043.50 10/2112015 Postage $ 1,006.18 Total $ 3,111.83 10/22/2015