minutes-hsc-regular-april-12-2021 April 12, 2021–6:45pm Webex REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:49pm by Chair La Mere-Anderson. 2. Roll Call Commissioners present: Aaron Black, Esther Black,Elizabeth Burwell, Stephanie Devitt, Hilmer Erickson, Denise La Mere-Anderson, Caitlin Peick, and Toots Vodovoz Commissioners absent: Kevion Ellis and Jake Rudeen Staff present: Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison; and Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant 3. Approval of Agenda La Mere-Anderson added Commissioner Resignation to New Business. MOTION made by Aaron Black and seconded by Hilmer Erickson to approve the April 12, 2021 regular meeting agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Approval of March 8, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes MOTION made by Aaron Black and seconded by Hilmer Erickson to approve the March 8, 2021 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Old Business A. Budget La Mere-Anderson shared a brief overview of the budget to date. Vodovoz shared a potential fundraising idea that would include an online silent auction. La Mere-Anderson suggested discussing the item at a future meeting. B. Run the Valley 2021 i. Sponsorship Brian Erickson said he will be working with the city Communications department to promote the event. La Mere-Anderson then asked Commissioners to share the status of their sponsorship outreach. City of Golden ValleyHuman Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes 2 April 12, 2021 C. Green Classic i.Sponsorship Brian Erickson said he will be working with the city Communications department on branding the event. He then shared the 2020 sponsorship list. Discussion then focused on outreach for 2021. 6. New Business A. Commissioner Resignation La Mere-Anderson shared Commissioner Devitt’s resignation. She thanked Devitt for her service and looks forward to seeing her and her family at future community events. B. Election of New Chair and Vice-Chair at May Meeting La Mere-Anderson said Chair and Vice –Chair elections will take place at the May meeting. She encouraged those interested to reach out to her or Brian Erickson. Commissioner Erickson shared his appreciation for La Mere-Anderson and the entire Commission. C. City of Golden Valley Email Addresses Brian Erickson said all Commissioners will be receiving information on their new city email address, if they haven’t already. He said then new email addresses will go into effect with the May meeting notice, and this is how all communication will be shared going forward. 7. Adjournment MOTION moved by La Mere-Anderson and seconded by Vodovoz to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Motion carried unanimously. ________________________________ Denise La Mere-Anderson, Chair ________________________________ Brian Erickson, Staff Liaison