02-08-00 CC Minutes Special Meeting Special Meet�ing of the City Counc�l February 8, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on February 8, 2000 at 7:35 p.m. The following members were present: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, LeSuer and Micks. Housing Task Force members present: Kevin 'McAleese and Paula Pentel (Planning Commission); Housing Task Force members absent: Giles Kobilka and Barbara Meyers (Human Rights Commissioners). Staff Present: William Joynes, City Manager; Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development; annd Jeanne Andre, Assistant to the City Manager. Housinp Task Force Report• Presentation of the Report by Mayor and Task Force Mayor Anderson reviewed key elements of the Task Force activities including the Housing Program Table, a survey of apartment units and a memorandum from Mark Grimes regarding housing values. Staff discussed the cormments in the report regarding impact of recent housing developments on the City's perforrnance under the Metropolitan CounciPs Livable Communities Program. Discussion of Priorities by Council and Task Force The group then moved on to discuss the priorities suggested by the Task Force including whether the Council agreed with the main points and how they could be accomplished. The group chose to group some of the priorities and suggested follow up. ♦ The City should meet with owners of subsidized developments that could leave the subsidy program, to learn about any plans they may have and to discuss any options available for encouraging owners to remain in the program. The Counci! is already pursuing this approach and wants to make it a continued priority. ♦ The City should discuss subsidy vouch�ers with market-rate rental property managers, to learn what might be done to increase voucher system participation. The Council discussed some approaches such as conducting a survey to ask why apartment owners are or are nof involved in the program, or educating them about the program. This is not as much of a priority and Council decided to defer proceeding with this goal, depending on other priorities. Special Meeting of the City Council February 8, 2000 Page 2 Discussion of Priorities by Council and Task Force - Continued ♦ The City should develop a computerized housing database that includes information on measures of housing quality. The City is in the process of developing its geographica/ information system (GIS) including information regarding the housing stock. It is realistical/y 1-2 years until the system could provide useful information. Council determined that they need to consider how they �rish to use the database in order to help staff identify key aspects to include �s they build the database. This should be done in the nexf year. ♦ The City should establish a program for early citizen involvement in any siting process. A process was not discussed, but the Council determined that the Hennepin County sheriff's site could serve as an example of this approach. ♦ The City should consider "focus group" sessions to identify exactly what neighborhood qualities are most important and what concerns residents have about the future, for guidance on policies or objectives to protect and maintain neighborhoods. Identifying neighborhood qualities wa� identified as a good approach to use in the proposed neighborhood meetings Jeading up to a town meeting. ♦ The City should consider establishing a specific structure for citizen participation within various approval processes; at minimum, this structure should identify the most appropriate point within the process where augmented input can be provided. ♦ The City should establish an ongoing program of public education and awareness of housing needs and of housing goals, objectives and policies, perhaps using the Human Rights Commission. ♦ The City, perhaps through its Human Rights Commission, should identify and meet with such groups, to promote awareness of housing goals, objectives, and policies as well as support for specific housing efforts. ♦ The City Council should re-evaluate the roles of each of the identified bodies and take steps as necessary to ensure that duties are adequately delineated within city code or other applicable policy statements such as those contained in the comprehensive plan. Special Meeting of the City Council February 8, 2000 Page 3 Discussion of Priorities by Council and Task Force - Continued ♦ The City Council should direct each body fio evaluate its role and recommend any tools that may be necessary or desirable in order to adequately perform assigned duties. The group brainstormed on some possible approaches to accomplish these goals. The Mayor suggested that she meet with staff to refocus these ideas into a more understandable request to the commissions. She will bring the revised directive back for Council cansideration, with a goal of involving the commissions in a review process. ♦ Each year the City Council should do an annual report of activities and accomplishments related to housing and reprioritize efforts for the upcoming year. The Mayor requested staff to bring back a proposed format for an annual report for Council consideration. The Council thanked the Task Force and complimented the staff on their good work. Adjournment The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. � � ������ Mary E. A erson, Mayor ATTEST: - ��,.1��� eanne Andre, Assistant to the Manager