09-06-00 CC Minutes Special Meeting Speciai Meeting of the City Council September 6, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was hetd at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on September 6, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Anderson, Bakken, Johnson, LeSuer and Micks. Also present were: Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works and Judy Nally, Administrative Secretary. Laurel/Winnetka Avenue Traffic Study Advisory Committee Presentation Mayor Anderson introduced the agenda item. She announced the names of the persons who served on the Advisory Committee. The members are: Mary Bauer, Charles Bottemiller, Paul Daniels, Les Eck, Caryl Eschweiler, Gregg Hackett, Patricia Jocelyn, Joan Kroehnert, Tom Lieberman, Linda Loomis, Paul IWIcEnroe, James Norkosky, June Sirny, and Debra Wieberdink. Jeannine Clancy and Glen Van Wormer, Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH), reviewed segments of the study and answered questions from the Council. Paul Daniels, Debra Wieberdink, Charles Bottemiller, and Gregg Hackett presented a summary of segments of the proposal. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Peggy Leppik, 7500 Western Avenue, stated that Western Avenue right now is quite a wide street, and doesn't know what the width wowld have to be to make it too narrow to allow for parking on the street; they have a long narrow driveway and if people can not park in front of their house they would have to park quite a distance away from the house and have to walk down the hill and up a winding driveway; asked if the street could be a tad wider to allow for parking on the street and yet be narrower than it is now. Lois Clift, 36 Winnetka Avenue South, asked if it is proposed to narrow Winnetka Avenue South, between Ewald Terrace and Ridgeway Road; stated that it is difficult right now for guests to park and when the street is narrowed, parking will be next to impossible, and wanted to know what options are available. Gail Thompson, 840 Pennsylvania Avenue South, Weavewood, wanted to know what is the impact of the recommended design on the properties on the curve, how far into the properties will the curve come and wanted to know the details from the design and its impact on the properties. Special Meeting of the City Council September 6, 2000 Page 2 Laurel/Winnetka Avenue Traffic Study Advisorv Committee Presentation - Continued David Lenzen, Liberty Diversified Industries (LDI), 870 Louisiana Avenue South; asked if the Laurel Avenue/Pennsylvania Avenue South curve needs to be a 30-mile per hour curve, is that requirement also for the curve proposed near Wayzata Boulevard or is a different speed proposed; stated that they are concerned about the 30-mile per hour speed limit in the curve from Laurel Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue South as it is too close to the LDI driveway, concerned for the safety in the neighborhood as many trucks and semi- trailers enter and leave the LDI property and is concerned about having the trailers pulling out onto Pennsylvania Avenue which slows down traffic; the drivers can't pull the trucks out of the parking lot very fast and is concerned about cars coming around the curve at 30 miles per hour with limited sight lines to see the driveway; doesn't want to be responsible for a car hitting the trailers; currently we have inst�ucted our trucks to not go down Laurel Avenue and route our traffic away from the neighborhood; expressed concern about new traffic patterns beginning when traffic is not allow�d to go on Laurel Avenue to Winnetka Avenue South; feels traffic will go through the re�idential neighborhoods north of Laurel Avenue that are not geared to handle the traffic; and feels that the businesses and residents in the area have to work together. Rick McKrell, 700 Winnetka Avenue South, submitted a letter and petition signed by residents in the area against the recommendation of curving the traffic from Laurel Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue South and disbursing it on Winnetka Avenue. Ilo Leppik, 7500 Western Avenue, expressed conc�rn about the plans for Western Avenue, suggested narrowing the street but providing for an indentation for about five to six cars to park there. Jim Robin, Anderson Cadillac, 7400 Wayzata Boul�evard, asked what MnDOT's position is on the curves and intersections that exist now on the southern portion of Pennsylvania Avenue South and the intersection of Laurel Avenue and Pennsylvania; wants to know about the details about the plans for the Laurel/Pennsylvania intersection; and Laurel/Pennsylvania curve; asked about what private property would be taken; stated he understands that detailed plans are not available until you get to the design stage but hopes the Council will take into account from the business owners perspective that you can't respond in a very intelligent manner until the details are provided; requested the Council direct staff and the consultant to provide details in the contentious area of the Laurel/Pennsylvania/Winnetka main traffic diversion area; stated without that detail he doesn't think the businesses can respond intelligently and doesn't think the Council can make much of a decision without that information and the businesses response to that information. Special Meeting of the City Council September 6, 2000 Page 3 Laurel/Winnetka Avenue Traffic Studv Advisory Committee Presentation - Continued The Mayor closed the public hearing. The Mayor and Council expressed their appreciation and thanked the Committee for their hard work. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Mary E. nderson, Mayor ATTEST: � J d Nally, dministrative cretary