12-09-37 City Council MinutesDec. 9, 1937.
Meeting called to order by the Chairman,(Paul A. Seeman).
Members present: Seeman, Engelbretson, and Johnson.
Members absent : Frandsen, and Reiss-.
Minutes of the previous meeting read. There being no corrections
or brbkections, minutes seclared accepted as read.
Minutes of special m6eting held Nov. Stith were read. There being no
objections.or carreotions minutes declared accepted as read.
Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson that the council meeting
as canvassing board declares results as appears from the canvass
as follows:
Paul a. Seeman; Elected President of Council for (ONE) year
Wm. Engelbretson: " Trustee " (THREE) years.
Otto Wickstrom: " Treasurer " (TWO) years.
Carl Quist: " Justice of Peace " (TITO) years.
Winslow Fretzen: " Constable " (TYPO) years.
Seeman, Engelbretson and Johnson (yes).
Notice was received from the W.P.A. office that the survey project
started operating in the village an December 6th. I937.
Notice was received from the Minnesota League of MAnicipalities
to the effect that Chairman Paul A. Seeman had been appointed to'.the
Committee on Planning and Zoning for the League.
Motion by Johnson seconded by Engelbretson to grant Northern States
Power Co. permit to erect five poles on Medecine Lake Road -west of
"D" Street.
Seeman, Engelbretson, and Johnson (yes).
Motion by Johnson seconded by Engelbretson to suspend rules pertaining
to building permits to allow action on permits for S.O.Nelson.
Seeman, Engelbretse n and Johnson (yes.).
Motion by Johnson seconded by Engelbretson to grant building permits
to S.O. Nelson.
Seeman, Engelbretson and Johnson (yes).
Motion .by Engelbretson seconded bjt Johnson to adjourn was so ordered.
Expenditures --------- ---------------------- ------------