03-15-38 City Council Minutesi
March 15. I938.
Meeting called to order by the chairman (paul A. Seeman),
Members present: Frandsen, Seeman, Engelbretson, Reiss, and Johnson..
Minutes of the previous meeting read. and declared accepted ad read
with the provision that they show the conditions under which the
plat of West Tyrol Hills was accepted.
Mot ion by Johnson seco nled by Engelbretean to adopt the following
Where as, a majority of the owners of land. abutting on Anna AvenIte
in the Village of Golden Vallay.Minnesota , as laid out in the plat
of Masolt Gardena, according to the map or plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the register of deed's, of Hennepin
County, Minnesota, having petitioned for the vaoatian of said street,
Whereas, the granting of said petition appears to. be in the publio
interest, and,
Whereas, it appears that one weeks published notice of the hearing
to be had on said petition has been given and posted notice has also
been giver.,
Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village
of Golden Valley Minnesota that Annan Avenue in the Village of Golden
Valley Minnesota be and the same is hereby vacated.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Engelbretson and Jchrson, (yea-) .
;lotion by Frandsen seconded by Johnsen that Oil Station permits be
granted to T.J. Woodfill, Carl Wuist, E. Frandsen,& D.L."atten.
Frandsen, -Seeman, Reiss, Engejbretson and Johnson (yea).
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to Grant soft drink license
to T.J. Wloodfill and Mae Quiet.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Engelbretson and Johnson (yes.).
Moticn by Engelbretson seconded by Reisa to grant SIB) ::pin ball
machine licenses to the Automatic Piano Co.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Engelbretson and Johnson (yes).
Motion be Engelbretson seconded by Reiaa to grant Tavern licenses
to. Pete Faber, Hub Schuller, Peter -.Doran C. .Florida,Leo:nard A.
Anderson, and Martin Christensen.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, E'ngelbretean and Johnso- (ies).
Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Frandsen to grant 3.2 beer license
to T.J. Wccdfill and Leonard Blocmquist.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Ebgelbretson and Johnson (yea).
'lotion byr�Rei.es t aeconded by Jr,_4x�ao4,-_ to suspend the rules
pertaining to building pericits so applic.tione for building permits
by W.P.Dobbs and Pau' Anderson can be acted on.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Engelbtetsc n and Jchmso n (yes).
Notion By Johnson seconded by Frandsen to ;rant building permits
to 1-. P.Dobbs and Paul Anderson.
Frandsen,Seeiran, Reiss, Engelbretson and Johnson (ye3).
Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Frandsen to suspend the rules
to acneider aprlication for Tavern license by Edw.F.Dols.
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Enelbretgon and Johnson (yes).
Motion by Reiss Seconded by Frandsen that Tavern license be ,ranted
to Edw. F. Dols..
Frandsen, Seeman, Reiss, Engelbretaon and Johnson (yW al
Moticr by J hnscn aeocnded by Engelbretson to have the Village piano
tuned by Y �Jet arson.
Frandsen, Reiss, Engelbretson and Johnson,(yea).
Seeman (no) ..
Motion by Engelbretson se�cnded by Johnson to apptint Leonard Bies
weed inskector for the year of I938.
Seeman, Reiss, Engelbretson and Kohnscn (yes).
Frandsen (no).
'Motion by Frandsen seconded by johnso7r to ;rant oil filling station
permit tc Carl Dressell.
Frandsen, Ceema,n, Reiss, Engelbretson and Johnson (yes).
?Mot icn by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson to hold public he -wring
on amendment to the acnin r ordinance to include:
All of that part of the West One'Half of the gest Gne-Half of
section aiohteen, Township: Twnety-Mine, Range Twenty -Four West,
lying North of the Watertown P.oad;
All of that cart of Sect ion Twenty-eight, Township One Hundred
Eiahteen,Rango Twenty-one, lying North of the Watertown Road,
all in Hennepin County.
Seeman, Peisi, Engelbretson and Johnson (yea).
:dot icn to adjourn was so ordered.
Receipts ----------------------------_-----ti_-_------_.
Fxpendit'dres------------------------------------- _-w