12-08-38 City Council MinutesDed. 811938
Meeting called to carder by the chairman (Paul A. Seeman)'.'
Members present:Seeman.Frandsen,Reiss, and Engelbretson,
Members absent:Johnson7,
Hotion:by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that Engelbretsom act as
clerk prop -tem,
Seeman#Frandsen,Resies and Engelbretson (yes),
Minutes of the previous meet irg read.There being ner obj est ions
or corrections minutes declared accepted as read,
Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Reiss that the council meei2*
as canvassing board declares results as appears from -the canvas
as followit.
Eight hundred ten votes cast,
Paul A. Seeman, Elected President of Cou=il for (One) Year,
Hans Reisa: " Trustee " (Three) ",
Gail D. Wilson " Recorder " (Two) �►
W;H.Hart " Justice of Peace " (Two) "
Geo.A.Homberger " Constable " (Two)
Jchn Gaffney " Assessor (Two)
Seeman.,Frandeen,Reiss,and Engelbretson (yes),
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss that permit be issued to the
Minneapolis General Electric 80. for the erection of certain poles
in the village.
Seeman,Frandsen,Reiss and Engelbretson
The following resolution was offered by.Frandsen who moved We
adoption -,seconded by Reiss,
"Whereas the State Auditor has no tified the County luditor of
Hennepin County to add to the tax levy of the Village of Golden
Valley for I939,the sum of $ I060,00 to cover interest to come due
oix July I, I939,on the $25000,00 refundifg bonds no held by the
State Board of Investment,Includ&ng a 507o reserve,and whereas
there is now in the Natermain Special Assessment Fund sufficient
to pay the interest in advance thereby eliminating the cecessity
for a levy on the real estate of the village of §olden Valley,
"Now therefore, be it resolved by the village Council of the Villain
of Golden Valley that the village Treasures be directed and
authorized ta pair to C.A.Halvorson,State Treasurer the sum of
$686.30, being interest due July I,1939 on the $25000,00
refunding bonds held by the State Board of Investment of the State
of Minnesota,Said sum shall. be paid out of the Watermain Special
Assessment fund,the State and County Auditor shall be notified -
to eliminate interest item from the I939 levy.
Seeman.Framdsen,Reiss and Engelbretson (yes),
Reiss offered the following resolution and moved it:s adoption,
seconded by Frandsen,
"Resolved that Wm.Engelbretson be appointed acting recorder for
meeting of the village council of the village of Go;den 'galley
held on Dec.8,I938 be authorized to.exeeute warrents of the
Village of Golden Vaalley,drawn on Dec.8,1938 upon the Northwestern
National Banit and Trust Co.,(North American Gff,ice)and the said
bank is authorized and directed toy honor said signature on said
warrents,and to pay the s%me,as though said warrents were
executed by the regular recorder.
Seeman,Frandsen,Reiss, and Engelbretson (yes):
Potion by Reiss seconded by Engelbretson to adopt the following
RESOLVED, That we request the Rural Hennepin County Surplus
Commodity Committee to give us Surplus Commodity service, it being
understood and agreed that we will conform to all uniform and
reasonable demands and regulations; that we will pay for such
service at cost on a Served Case basis; that actual cost of such
service will be deducted from any State Relief Aid monies due us;
t:�a.t when and if we have no or insufficient State Aid monies due
us that we will pay for such service promptly and currently;
that we will make a guarantee deposit not to exceed Twenty -Five
Dollars ($25.00) when and if the Surplus Commodity Committee makes
a demand for such deposit.
The question was on the adoption of the resolution, and the roll
being called there were:
4 YEAS and No NAYS, as follows:
Englelbretson, Reiss, Frandsen, Seeman (Yes)
No further_buisness meeting declared adjounned:.
Receipts --------------------------------------------
--------------- --- ---- ----------j ,,/-1
Expenditure s--------------------------------
,7m. Engelbret son
Ole rk.