12-20-38 City Council MinutesDec�aO,1938
Meeting called to order by the chairman (Paul A. Seeman) .
Members preeent:Seeman,Frandsen,Enge bretson and Johnson.
Meipbers absent`rReiss.
Minutes of the previous meeting read.There being na corrections
or objections,minutes declared accepted as read.
A petition was presented to the council requesting thqt steps
be taken to have the streets in Tyrol Hills paved.
Motion by Engelbretson seconded by Johnson that a preliminary
survey of the ownership of all parcels of land in the district
to be benifited by paving be made.
Seeman,Frandsen,Englebretson and Johnson (yes),`
Motion by Johnson seconded by Engelbretson that the attorney
be instructed to draw resolution. for the prelirdnary survey
an the ownership of the different parcels of propertyz..
Tyrol Hills*
Seeman,Frandsen,Engelbretson and Johnson (yes).
No -further buisness meeting declared adjourned'.
V_ 3
expenditures ---i---•----- --- --__-
Receipt$`------______________--- ,. ., ow*