04-02-40 City Council Minutes1
April 2,1940
The meeting was called to order by the chairman Raymond T.Raskop.
Members present : Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, and -Xilson
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
A Treasures report was read and placed on file.
I by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to grant 3.2 off sale liscenses to
Martin Christensen, Max Feld, and I.S.Rasnick.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss Tolg Ailson (YES)
otion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to grant soft drink liscenses to
Flax Feld, I.S.Rasnick, and E.� .Ba.rbero.
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg. Wilson (YES)
.otion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to grant filling station lwscenses
to John Horsager, C-qrl Dressel, Everett Frandsen, J. Gatten and Joe
Raskon, Fr-.i.dsen, Reiss Toig, v iison (Yes)
An annlication from E.Y. Barbero for a license to ooerate the Superior
Gun Club was read.
The Chairman inquired if anyone in the mall opposed a Gun Club on
4a.yzat� Blvd. zvo one apneared ag?inst it.
Ioti _n by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to gra-nt E.1%Barbero a, liscense
to operate the Suoerior Gun Range.
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Toig, Wilson (res)
Motion cy Reiss s,--conded by Tolg to grant Battig and thour one nin ball
Ras,&op, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, JViison (Yes)
A report from the liscense co i�,,ittee was read '-na placed on fiie.
kotion Oy Fr�nds<n seconded by Reiss t, -at a first receding be given before
granting a soft drink liscense to Dean Keller.
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Toig, riison, (Yes)
Motion by Tolg,seconded by Fra.nds�n to grant a 3.2 liscense to Dols &
Ra,skop, Frandsen, REiss, Toig, Eidson (Yes)
A report from the Viliage attorney in regard to acouireing c-rta_in -orop—
=rties for munici-oal purposes wa; given.
The chairaan r-ferred this re-oort to the road conitaittee and instructed
them to keen in touch .lith these properties.
A let .er from Paul Lngha.user in regard to wash ruts on ro=ads in Tyrol
Hiils was �ead. This letter was referred to the ro-d committee.
kotion by Frandsen seconded by Tolg th- t the ch!�.irm—;n be .authorized to
co :-municate with the Higr.way Dent. to construct a culvert in Sunset
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Toig ',iison (Yes)
April 2,1940
Motion by Fr--ndsen seconded by 'Reiss to grant the Mpis. Gen'l Elect. Co.
-3 permit to erect poles tis requested.
Raskopy Frandsen, Reiss Tolg, "Xiison (Yes)
A letter fro the Kpls. Gen'l Elect. Co. accepting the ordinance grantirg
them a Fr=nchise was read and placed on file.
Reports from t -,Ie Road commit'.ee -nd the W.P.A. foryrig,n were read and Dlacd
on file.
The road committee asked that tae council estab-,ish a rate for the snow—
piawoing of driveways.
Motion ty Tolg seconded by Reiss that a minimum rate of fifty cents for
any one trip and five cents per minute over and above the minimum and
that the clerk bill these charges.
Raskon,# Frandsen) Reiss; Tolg) Nilson (Yes)
Motion by Fr ndsen seconded by Tolg tht the Viil,3.(--;e plow school driveway
without charge.
Raskop) Frandsen; Reiss, Tolg, Wiison (Yes)
Motion by Frandsen to adjorn was so ordered.
Receipts -- I; 3 /.O