07-02-40 City Council MinutesJuly 211940
The meeting was called to order by the chairman Raymond T.Raskop.
Members present Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and aporoved.
Motion by Tolg seconded by Frandsen that we dispense with the reading
of the minutes of the special meeting held June 28,1940
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YES)
A Treasurers report was read and placed on file.
Bids for the resurfacing of roads in Tyrol Hills and 4est Tyrol Hills
were opened and read.
A road committee from Tyrol Hills and oedt Tyrol "dills consisting of
Nor. Furun, -�Lr Erickson, and :ter. 4ittgraf,proposed to the council that
the bid from Ulland Foster Co. be accepted.
Motion by Tolg seconded by Reiss to adopt the following
WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids duly pub-
lished in the of, icial nes spaper and in the Improvement 3ulletin,
bids were duly received, opened, and tabulated according to law
on June 28, 1940, and
e liEREAS, said bids were referred to the Village.,ineer,
Village Cleric, and representatives of the interested property owners
for their examination andreport, and:
wHEREAS, the Engineer recommends that the bid of Ulland
Foster Co. be accespted$
1,ToW, THEREFORE, BE IT Rrt=LV D by the Village council of
the Village of Golden Valley that th id of tF�Z� oeof the Pillage of 1J?^ ,
construction of a wearing course and seal coat on certain streets in
Tyrol Bills and 'fest 'Tyrol hills, heretofore designated as Street
Improvement Bo. 1 of the Village of Golden Valley, at a price of$.38
,per square yard For 11 --inch wearing course and $.29 per square
yard for 1, -,inch gearing course, be and the same hereby is deemed to
be the lowest and best bid submitted by a responsible bidder, and is
hereby accepted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and Clark small
sign a contract with the successful bidder in form satisfactory to
the Village Attorney.
BE IT FURT R *,'ESOLWFID that the Village Clerk be authorized
and directed to return to all bidders the deposits made with their
bids, except the deposit of the successful bidder shall be retained
until a contract has beep executed and a bond .For the performance of
the work has been given and accepted.
Raskop,Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, -Filson (YES)
July 2; 1940
Mr. Foster was called by the President and kr. Foster advised the
Council that he realized that the street Improvement contract was
' let to him subject to and contingent upon the sale of the street
improvement warrants.
The chairman instructed the village attorney to form a resolution in
regard to the destroying of cutters,street and load limits in Tyrol
Hills and Nest Tyrol Hills and report back at the next regular meeting
A report from Frandsen,chairman of the road committee , in regard to
a village dump on the property of �r.Harold was given. This report
was referred to the Village Attorneys
zids for Police ca.r and radio were opened and read.
Motion by Tolg seconded by vuilson that the purchasing of a police car
be indefinitely posponed.
Reiss, Tolg, uuilson (YLS)
Raskop, Frandsen (NO)
Wilson offered the following resolution seconded by Reiss
Resolved) That to conform with the provisions of Laws of 1939
Chapter 328,Section 1, the Village Council of the Village of Golden
Valley, hereby approves the change if the classification of the attache-;
list of forfeited lands tbn said village from Non -Agricultural to
Non- conservation.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss,Tolg Silson (YES)
The Planning Commisiinn presented a sign ordanneeto the Council
Motion by Tolg seconded by Frandsen that the prosposed sign ordanaace
be referred to the village attorney to be nut into legal form.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, Wilson (YESJ
A report from the raod Committee was read. The chairman moved that the
report of the road committee be placed on file.
The chairman tabled.the Dephian Hieghts proposition.
The Chairman moved that the Justice reports be placed on file.
Mr. Noona) attorney representing Mr Nhite in regard to the
of a road , was present at the cuoncil meeting.
;Motion by Tolg to adjourn was so ordered.
Expenditures ------=
Receipts ----------