09-17-40 City Council Minutes134
Seot. 17, I940
The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Raymond T. Rasko-
Members present- RaskoD, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, `4iison.
Minutes of the last miaeting were read and approved.
A Treasurers report was read and placed on file.
Iotion b;, Tolg seconded by Reiss that ttie dump on the Harold nronerty be
olaced directly tinder t_Frie super-*ision of the Council and cared for by the
Health CoiL;-ilission.
Ra.skop, Frandsen, Tolg, Reiss, ,iison (Yes)
Motion by Tolg seconded by Reiss authorizing the Council• to 'ourch�se a
registration system for voters.
Ra.skop, Frandsen Reiss, Tolg, saiison. (Yes)
;Motion by Reiss seconded by Frandsen that the clerk advertize for bids for
a voters registration system.
Ra.sKoo, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, "Vi. -son (Yes)
A road committee reoort was read find 7ol4ced on file.
A letter from R.G.Parlin was read.
Motion by Tolg seconded by Frandsen that the request for placing of a, culvert
installing a. street marker, and gr -.,ding at the intersection of So. Tyrol
Trail and kaltern Lane be granted.
Rq.skon, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, tii son (Yes)
A letter from tine Highway Deot. referring to the rrna.tter of est?blishm-ent of
speed zones on the sever=)l roads within the Vii --age of Golden Valley was
re +d ,.nd tabled.
.notion by Tolg seconded by Reiss to grant the lvinls. Gen'l Flee. Co. neurit
to erectcooles as requested.
Raskop, Frandsen, Reiss, Toll-, Filson. (Yes)
viotiom by Reiss seconded by Frandsen to grant the V.nls. Gos Light Co. nerrrrit
for the extension of its aiains as re%..nested.
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, v'ilson (yes)
A petition to enlarge the service road to be built on 6th Ave between France
Ave. and Jean Ave. was read -nd tgbled.
A letter from the Cegarette License Supervisor was ordered nloced on file.
.oticn by Reiss seconded. by Frandsen th=at the ooeninF--r of bids for chairs
be nosboned until the next fr�eeting.
Ra,skoo, Frandsen, Reiss, Tolg, vvilson (yes)
Motion by Frandsen seconded by-fj> by-fsto =1dopt to following resolution:
Be it hereby resolved th9t LAVillage of Golden Valley adopt Civil
Service according to l+:inn. Lads for I929,Ch9.nter 299 S.T. No. 817, for
Police Dept. to be effective on and after Nov. I, I940.
Raskon, Frandsen, Reiss, Toll-, -ilson ( es)
The ch2irmgn instructed the Clerk to contest the Vill ge attorney to comply
Sept. I7, 1940 (Con't)
all the Village ordinance for tle next meeting.
Motion by Frandsen seconded by Reiss to adorn was so ordered.
Raskon, Fr ndsen, Reiss, Tolg, Nilson (Ye si
Expenditures / �v
Receipts b 7e fd